


  • And I hope that my experiences may help you in developing and maintaining your own supportive relationship with soul .

    我也希望我的经历可以帮助你发展和保持你与灵魂之间的 支持 关系。

  • No supportive words could ever compensate for the pain of being separated from her children for 10 years .

    任何 表示 支持的言语都无法弥补与孩子们分开10年带给她的痛苦。

  • My sense is that Californians are pretty supportive of both a strong agricultural economy and a healthy environment .

    我的感觉是,加州人对强劲的农业经济和健康的环境都是非常 支持的。

  • The headmaster and his deputy have also been very supportive and I hope they will continue to support me .

    校长和他的同仁们也很 爱护我,我希望他们能继续支持我。

  • Yes and she 's very supportive . & Okay that 's great .

    了解,而且她非常 支持。&这太好了。

  • A great way for you being remembered as a committed and highly supportive team member .

    这是一个让你作为尽责和高度 支持团队的成员被记住的很好的方法。

  • I think it 's effective because Americans have been supportive of that policy .

    我认为之所以有效是因为美国大众一直都在 支持这项政策。

  • I wish to work with people who are often fun and supportive .

    我希望与有趣和 相互 支持的人一起工作。

  • Thank you for being here that 's very supportive for me .

    谢谢你在这里陪我,对我来说这是莫大的 支持

  • I am flattered that they should be so supportive

    他们这么 帮忙,我深感荣幸。

  • A supportive house for eight to ten older people each with his or her own room provides privacy and a sense of community

    一幢 扶助 住宅可供8至10位老人居住,每个人都有自己单独的房间,在这里,他们既能独处,又有社区归属感。

  • And I went to Swarthmore as an associate dean and director of supportive services at Swarthmore Colleges .

    然后我就去了斯沃斯莫尔,当了副院长和主任,负责 斯沃斯莫尔学院的教学 辅助工作。

  • They 're both tough taskmasters but Stephen is much more supportive .

    他们俩都是严厉的工头,不过斯蒂芬更喜欢 帮助他人。

  • Her boss was very supportive and gave her time off work to see her mum .

    她的老板非常 热心 帮助她,并准许她请假去看望母亲。

  • The silent majority of supportive parents and teachers should make their views known .

    表示 支持的父母和老师是沉默的大多数,他们应该公开表达他们的观点。

  • You have not been supportive of us getting married at all !

    我一点也不 支持你结婚!

  • And ever since the beginning they have been very very supportive and helpful to us in our growth .

    从一开始他们就对我们的发展给予了很大的 支持和帮助。

  • She was always supportive and dedicated and I suppose she has influenced my life most .

    她总是不断地 鼓励我,为我付出。我想她是对我的人生影响最深的人。

  • I have been plenty supportive .

    我已经够 支持的了。

  • They were always supportive of each other

    他们一直互相 帮助

  • To all sorts of study resource and the demand that use and study supportive service differ .

    对各种学习资源和利用和学习 支持服务的需求不同。

  • The project created a supportive policy environment and invested in institutional strengthening to improve case finding and treatment effectiveness .

    该项目创造了 支持 的政策环境,为旨在提高病人发现率和治疗效果的制度建设提供了投资。

  • My husband and kids are very supportive of my crazy schedule .

    我的丈夫和孩子对我疯狂的日程安排都非常 支持

  • I believe I provide them the manner that in the way of polite respectful and supportive .

    我相信,我以有礼貌,尊重和 支持的态度对待他们。

  • She had a strong and supportive sister who urged her on

    她有一个坚强而 支持她的姐姐在鼓励她。

  • I was forunate enough to have a very supportive family .

    我很幸运有一个对我非常 支持的家庭。

  • Governments have to design and implement supportive incentives and funding policies more efficiently .

    政府必须更有效地设计和实施 支持 的激励措施和资助政策。

  • Decent economic growth and continued merger and acquisition activity will be supportive .

    像样的经济增长和持续的并购活动将为其 提供 支撑

  • You 've been so supportive of me and my dream for music .

    你总是 支持我和我的音乐梦想。