sweat cooling

[swɛt ˈkulɪŋ][swet ˈku:lɪŋ]


  • Sweat is a great cooling system but if you 're sweating a lot on a hot day you could be losing too much water .

    出汗是很好的 降温系统。但是,如果你在天热的时候出了很多汗,你就可能流失过多的水分。

  • Ablation-Resistance Behavior of Sweat Cooling TiB_2-Cu Matrix Interpenetrating Phase Composites

    双连续TiB 2-Cu发汗陶瓷复合材料抗烧蚀行为

  • For cooling through evaporation the main function of sweating this is inefficient because the back is less exposed to airflow when walking or running and more sweat will simply drip off the body without cooling it .

    这对于流汗的主要功能通过蒸发带走热量是低效的,因为在行走和奔跑中,背部接触的气流更少, 汗液更多地只是顺着身体流下来,而没有起到带走 热量的作用。

  • The body 's ability to cool down is impaired by damp air since sweat drips off the skin rather than evaporates resulting in dehydration without the cooling .

    潮湿的空气会削弱人体的降温能力,因为 汗水会从皮肤上滴下来,而不是蒸发掉,这样不但没 降温,还会导致人体脱水。

  • Warm and hot tea can help relax sweat glands and allow body surface temperature to decrease by1 to2 ℃ which is more cooling than cold tea .

    但喝冷饮不宜过多。温热的茶饮能舒张 汗腺将体表温度降低1~2℃, 消暑效果远优于冷茶。