He spent three years in a sweatshop before he found a decent job .
他在一 家 血汗 工厂 做了三年才找到一份像样的工作。
A high proportion will be from ethnic minorities many being employed illegally at low wage levels and under sweatshop conditions .
少数民族占很大比例,很多人非法受雇,工资很低,且 工作条件 极差。
But while Foxconn is clearly not running a sweatshop there is still little time and energy left for recreation .
但尽管富士康无疑并非在运营一家 血汗 工厂, 工人 们还是几乎没有时间和精力用于娱乐放松。
It is no wander that the term electronic sweatshop is used to describe such conditions where information and customers are processed in an assembly line fashion .
难怪 人们用电子 血汗 工厂这个词来描述这种处理信息和顾客的流水作业的 工作环境。
They need China to stop being sweatshop to the world .
他们需要中国停止继续成为世界的 血汗 工厂。
It is also hoping that the advertising surrounding the games will help it achieve one of its top economic priorities for the next decade : to replace corporate China 's image as sweatshop to the world with a reputation for high - quality high-valued-added and high-technology production .
同时,它也希望奥运相关广告会帮助实现其未来10年的最高经济目标之一:用高质量、高附加值及高技术生产的声誉,替换中国企业 血汗 工厂的世界形象。
While a factory job might not be great he said it was no sweatshop .
他说,工厂里的工作并不怎么样,但 那里 也 并非 血汗 工厂。
I work my ass off in that stinking sweatshop all day long .
我在那臭味 薰天的 血汗 工厂中整天工作。
Mr Freeman believes attitudes began to change in the mid-1990s when sweatshop labour exploitation by US companies made headlines .
弗里曼认为,态度是从20世纪90年代中期开始转变的,当时,美国公司 血汗 工厂剥削劳动力 正 是 热门新闻。
Consumers are insisting that the products they buy do not destroy the planet or come from sweatshop factories .
消费者们坚称,自己购买的产品既不损害地球,也不产自 血汗工厂。
Phillips told me : My mother when she came was like a lot of Caribbean women : rather lonely because she worked in a sweatshop .
菲利普斯告诉我:我母亲刚到伦敦的时候,和许多来自加勒比海国家的妇女一样,很孤单,因为她在一 家 血汗 工厂 做工。
We 're all over this he said adding that the facility is not a sweatshop but a complex with pools restaurants and movie theatres .
乔布斯说:我们正全力关注此事。他补充说, 富士康 并非 血汗 工厂,而是一个拥有泳池、餐厅和电影院的厂区。