sweat pore

[swɛt pɔr][swet pɔ:]


  • Sweat oozed from or out of every pore .

    汗珠从每一个 毛孔渗出。

  • Theory and Clinical Discussion on Opening Sweat Pore ( OSP ) and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion ( CRVO ) and Neovascular Glaucoma ( NVG ) Different surgical methods in treatment of secondary glaucoma due to intumescent cataract

    视网膜中央静脉阻塞及继发青光眼与 府闭塞关系之初探不同手术方式治疗膨胀期白内障继发青光眼的临床观察

  • Results : 1 . The sweat pore occlusion ( SPO ) which exists universally may be regarded as a key pathogenesis in the patients with CRVO .

    结果:1. 闭塞在视网膜中央静脉阻塞病人中具有普遍性,是本病的病机关键;

  • Objective : To investigate the theory of opening sweat pore ( OSP ) and its value in treatment of central retinal vein occlusion ( CRVO ) and hi prevention of neovascular glaucoma ( NVG ) .

    目的:研究开 府法治疗视网膜中央静脉阻塞及其预防新生血管性青光眼的理论和临床价值。

  • Dredging sweat pore is the basic treatment principle in traditional Chinese medicine .

    开通 是中医学最基本的治疗原则。