


  • It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach .

    它具有易于使用的 表格的测试数据的语法和使用关键字驱动的测试方法。

  • You can also create simple tabular reports using report builder .

    还可以使用报表生成器创建简单的 表格报表。

  • Output : Tabular and graphical analysis of logs

    输出:日志的 表格和图形分析

  • This paper puts stress on the layout of tabular presentation in the papers of scientific and technological journals .

    本文主要论述了科技期刊 的合理设计、编排 技巧 矛盾的处理。

  • Grid elements are configured in tabular format .

    网格元素被配置为 表格格式。

  • If the Summary field is not selected you can select it to enable the tabular summary .

    如果未选择Summary字段,则可以选择该字段来启用 格式的摘要。

  • The ore has the pelitic and microscale pelitic texture and the micro-bedded tabular and dense massive structure .

    矿石结构主要为泥质结构和显微鳞片泥质结构,构造主要为微层状、 和致密块状;

  • Outputs cover a12 month period and are presented in tabular and graphical form .

    产出涵盖了12个月期间,并介绍了 表格和图形的形式。

  • The tabular display of documents is different from the norm in document search .

    文档的 列表显示不同于文档搜索中的标准。

  • These commands are particularly useful for dealing with tabular data .

    这些命令对于处理 表格 数据尤其有用。

  • The Tree sample included with this article demonstrates the creation of a tabular Tree .

    本文中包含的Tree示例将演示如何创建 Tree。

  • The concepts are presented to the user in a tabular format and ranked based on the co-occurrence statistics .

    这些概念以一个 表格格式提供给用户,并基于同现统计学进行排序。

  • JqGrid : Download and try this Ajax-enabled JavaScript control to represent and manipulate tabular data on the web .

    jqGrid:下载并试用这个支持Ajax的JavaScript控件,在web上表示和操作 表格数据。

  • We discussed the basic principle the modeling method of master document technology based on the Tabular Layouts of Article Characteristics and introduced its application .

    论述了基于事物特性 的主文档技术的基本原理和建模方法,以及具体的应用实例。

  • XML data configuration converts data in XML form to tabular format .

    XML数据配置将XML格式的数据转变为 表格格式。

  • There are also MIB objects that return tabular data .

    还存在返回 表型数据的MIB对象。

  • The tabular form is the default view and is likely to suffice most of the time .

    默认的视图是 图表格式,大多数时间都足够用了。

  • The name and description appear in the list of surveys . The information is shown in tabular form .

    显示在调查列表中的名称与说明。这份资料是 列表形式说明的。

  • Gnuplot converts raw tabular data into a graphic file image .

    gnuplot把原始 表格数据转换为图形文件。

  • Input-output analysis and tabular method are used to make the land use planning on village level .

    研究方法:依据投入产出分析 原理借助 作业法,完成村级土地利用规划方案的编制。

  • XML Marker is an XML editor that uses a synchronized table-tree and text display to show you a hierarchal and a tabular view of your XML data .

    XMLMarker是一个XML编辑器,它使用一个同步的表树和文本显示,来向您展示XML数据的层次视图和 视图。

  • This format presents graphic and tabular material similar to that found in science journals and texts .

    以这种形式显示的图形和 表格类似于在科学期刊和文本中所展示的一样。

  • The portal presents tabular and graphical views of vital system statistics and RSS feeds for alarms .

    这个portal呈现了重要的系统统计图表视图以及警报的RSS feeds

  • Other metrics may be tabular such as the CPU status provided in the previous examples .

    其他指标可能是 列表 ,如之前例子中提供的CPU状态。

  • Repetition is required frequently in templates to format information in a tabular or list format .

    模板中经常要使用循环格式化 表格或者列表形式的信息。

  • Drag onto a drawing to create a tabular report of spaces and boundaries .

    拖动到绘图上,创建空间和边界的 列表 报告。

  • Once opened the XML file is mapped into tabular structure .

    这个XML文件被打开后,就会被映射到 结构中。

  • Sometimes we not only display tabular data but also make it editable hence have to be saved and updated .

    有时我不们但要显示 列表数据,而且也需要编辑它们,并可以保存和更新。

  • XML is able to represent both tabular and hierarchical data .

    XML能够表示 表格数据和层次数据。

  • Two samples will be demonstrated to show how to parse XML document into tabular data .

    本文将演示两个示例,以展示如何将XML文档解析为 数据。