


  • Europe has imposed embargoes this year on Libya and Syria to press the regimes .

    欧洲今年曾对利比亚和 叙利亚实施了禁运,以推动 两国政权倒台。

  • In time he reached Damascus Syria .

    他及时到达了 叙利亚的大马士革。

  • The most severe censors are China Iran Vietnam Syria Burma and Tunisia .

    审查最严厉的国家是中国、伊朗、越南、 叙利亚、缅甸和突尼斯。

  • Israel captured the Golan from Syria during the Six Day War in1967 and annexed it in1981 .

    以色列在1967年的六日战争中从 叙利亚手中夺取戈兰高地,之后在1981年吞并了这个地区。

  • In the June 5 War in 1967 Israel occupied Golan Heights of Syria .

    1967年六?五战争中,以色列占领了 叙利亚的戈兰高地。

  • Iran and Syria were the last to sign .

    伊朗和 叙利亚是最后签署的国家。

  • ALBA has also signed up Syria and Iran as observers .

    ALBA还与 叙利亚和伊朗签署了作为观察组成员国的协议。

  • Talks with Russia and China over Syria would be a good place to begin .

    与俄罗斯和中国就 叙利亚问题展开对话将是一个良好的开始。

  • The community 's links with Syria date back to biblical times .

    这个团体与 叙利亚的关系可以追溯到《圣经》时代。

  • I would expect Iran and Syria to be part of the solution .

    我希望伊朗和 叙利亚能协助解决危机。

  • Russia and China vetoed earlier and more binding resolutions on Syria at the Council .

    俄罗斯和中国投票否决了之前对 叙利亚在理事会更有约束力的决议。

  • A peace deal between Israel and Lebanon would have weakened syria 's influence in the region .

    如果以色列和黎巴嫩先前达成和平协议,可能会削弱 叙利亚在这一地区的影响。

  • We are gravely concerned at the continued threat of terrorism and extremism in Syria .

    我们严重关切 叙利亚持续存在的恐怖主义和极端主义威胁。

  • The Seljuk dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094 .


  • It was an ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and Egypt .

    这是个 叙利亚和埃及的古代世界性组织。

  • So do countries like Syria and North korea .

    就像 叙利亚和朝鲜那样的国家。

  • He said this has been achieved with Egypt and Jordan and Israel hopes for similar agreements with both the Palestinians and Syria .

    他说,以色列已经与埃及和约旦达成了协议,并且希望能与巴勒斯坦和 叙利亚达成类似的协议。

  • Here the examples given are Burma North Korea Iran and Syria .

    这里他们以缅甸、朝鲜、伊朗和 叙利亚为例进行说明。

  • We could use pressure to make sure that Syria doesn 't play the role of spoiler in the region .

    我们可以施加压力来确保 叙利亚不在该地区扮演破坏分子的角色。

  • The group has already started to work with Cambodia Sierra Leone and Syria .

    这个组织已经开始与柬埔寨、塞拉利昂和 叙利亚合作。

  • We are now resuming relations with Syria with immediate effect

    我们即刻起与 叙利亚恢复关系。

  • And Mister Obama strongly condemned Syria 's president Bashar al-Assad .

    同时奥巴马强烈谴责了 叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)。

  • Lebanon and Syria were assigned to France Jordan and Iraq to Britain and Palestine was to be internationalized .


  • Since last year Syrian allies Russia and China have vetoed three Security Council resolutions on Syria .

    去年以来,叙利亚盟友俄罗斯和中国在 叙利亚问题上已经否决了三次安理会决议。

  • So I answer in no particular order : Ethiopia Colombia and Syria – and Jerusalem .

    于是我回答:埃塞俄比亚、哥伦比亚和 叙利亚,还有耶路撒冷(排序不分先后)。

  • It is obvious that Syria will suffer most from this change of heart .

    很明显,这一态度的转变对 叙利亚的影响最大。

  • And like many countries we support a period of political transition in Syria .

    我们和许多国家都支持在 叙利亚出现一个政治过渡的时期。

  • Jordan Lebanon and Turkey have all taken hundreds of thousands of refugees from the war in Syria .

    约旦、黎巴嫩和土耳其均接受了从 叙利亚战争逃离的数十万难民。

  • There were reports from southern Syria on Friday that security forces killed fifteen or more protesters .

    周五有从南 叙利亚的报道说,安全部队打死了15个或更多的抗议者。