synergistic action

[ˌsɪnɚˈdʒɪstɪk ˈækʃən][ˌsɪnəˈdʒɪstɪk ˈækʃən]

[医] 协同作用

  • The gel property of synergistic action between xanthan gum and κ carrageenan and its application in producing cooked ham was studied .

    对黄原胶与κ-卡拉胶 复配的凝胶特性及在蒸煮火腿中的应用进行了研究。

  • Conclusions DHT and TGF β 1 have synergistic action on the proliferation and differentiation of prostatic stromal cells .

    结论DHT和TGFβ1具有 协同 促进前列腺基质细胞增殖和分化的 作用

  • Conclusions TNP-470 united 5-Fu have synergistic action which could inhibit hepatic metastasis of colon carcinoma .

    结论TNP-470与5-Fu联合应用具有 协同 作用,可抑制结肠癌肝转移灶发生。

  • There is synergistic action when the inhibitive effect of the combination is over 0.85 .

    两药联合应用抑制效应大于0.85时能够 产生 协同 作用

  • Ampelopsin exerted a synergistic action with IL-8 or MCP-1 on its chemotaxis effect to neutrophilic granulocytes and monocytes .

    蛇葡萄素与IL-8及MCP-1对中性粒细胞和单核细胞的趋化作用均 存在 协同 作用(P<0.05)。

  • The condition of synergistic action between whisker toughening and transformation toughening was also analysed .

    并分析了晶须增韧和Zr02相交增韧两种机制 协同 作用的条件。

  • Conclusion The application of TM has a synergistic action on the routine antiepileptic drugs for traumatic epilepsy .

    在常规抗癫痫药物治疗的基础上, 川芎嗪的应用可 显著提高外伤性癫痫的治疗效果。

  • IGF - 1 is synergistic action with TSH .

    TSH对IGF-1有 一定 协同 作用

  • EGFR and VEGF have synergistic action in occurrence and progress of the lesion .

    在癌变过程中EGFR和VEGF有 协同 作用

  • This suggested that low dose radiation can enhance the synergistic action between CD4 and CD57 cells .

    表明小剂量辐射可增强CD4和CD(57)细胞间的 协同 作用

  • Because of the synergistic action of these enzymes and antioxidant materials the entire plant improve drought resistance . 4 .

    由于这些抗氧化酶和非酶抗氧化物质的 协同 作用,从而提高了整株小麦的抗旱性。

  • Under the synergistic action of environmental and mechanical factors the corrosion features of aluminum alloys are evidently change .

    在腐蚀环境和外力的 协同 作用下,铝合金的某些电化学性能将发生明显变化。

  • Synergistic Action of Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Flos Carthami on Clopidogrel Bisulfate Counteracting Platelet Aggregation

    当归、红花与硫酸氢氯吡格雷抗血小板聚集的 相互 作用

  • Rule of Synergistic Action of Curvature Radius and Pier Stiffness of Curved Bridge

    曲线桥曲率半径与桥墩刚度的 协同 作用规律研究

  • There may be a cross-talk between ERK and NF - κ B signal transduction pathways which may exert synergistic action on the proliferation and malignant transformation of hepatocytes .

    ERK与NF-κB信号转导通路间可能存在cross-talk,并在肝细胞的增殖和恶性转化中发挥 协同 作用

  • Synergistic action of cyclophosphamide and 5-fluorouracil in ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma

    环磷酰胺和5-氟尿嘧啶对卵巢透明细胞腺癌的 协同 作用

  • Conclusion The combined administration of dolantin and rotundine has significant synergistic action of analgesia with reduced dose of dolantin and decreased incidence of addiction .

    结论罗 通定与阈下剂量派替啶合用可以 增强镇痛效果,从而减少派替啶的用量,降低其药物依赖的发生概率。

  • A checkerboard synergy study was carried out to determine the synergistic action of nikkomycin Z with fluconazole or terbinafine .

    以棋盘滴定法测定尼克霉素Z与氟康唑以及尼克霉素Z与特比萘芬的 协同 作用

  • Effect of acupuncture and adjustment of dietary structure against obesity : is single action or synergistic action better ?

    针刺与饮食结构调整对抗肥胖的效应单一作用与 协同 作用的比较?

  • Synergistic action of apoptosis and proliferation WATER SOLUBILITY ENHANCEMENT OF ANTHRACENE BY USING HUMIC ACID

    细胞凋亡与细胞增殖 协同 作用的研究腐殖酸对蒽的增溶作用及其影响因素

  • Recovery of Protein from Shrimp Waste by Synergistic Action of Lactic Acid Fermentation and Autolysis

    利用乳酸菌发酵 协同自溶 作用回收虾头、虾壳中的蛋白质

  • Similarly iron produces synergistic action in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver accompanying with hyperinsulinism .

    铁和高胰岛素血症在非酒精性脂肪肝的发病机制中具有 协同 作用

  • There is a synergistic action between the sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate on the dispersion of ultra-fine hematite .

    氢氧化钠和硅酸钠对微细粒赤铁矿的分散具有 协同 作用

  • Conclusions There is synergistic action between mutant p53 and c neu in the process of gastric carcinoma .

    结论:突变型p53和c-neu癌基因在胃癌发生、发展过程中具有 协同 作用

  • Some synergistic action of hormonal and sensory stimulation is necessary to induce such a Change .

    在这些变化中,激素与感觉刺激的 协同是必要的。

  • Synergistic Action of Plant Growth Regulators and Fungicides on Control Efficiency of Summer Patch in Kentucky Bluegrass

    植物生长调节剂与杀菌剂互 作对早熟 夏季斑的防治

  • Ultrasound and Fenton reagent have synergistic action on degradation of methyl orange solution .

    超声波与Fenton试剂对甲基橙溶液的脱色和COD去除有 协同 作用

  • The Synergistic effect of C. Conclusion The combinative administration of Dolantin and haloperidol has significant synergistic action of analgesia .

    本文研究了C.结论氟哌啶醇与哌替啶合用后可产生明显 协同镇痛 作用

  • The joint toxicities among Cd2 + Hg2 + Cu2 + Zn2 + and CN - ions were also studied and it was found that most of them exhibited an additive antagonistic or synergistic action .

    研究了Cd2+、Hg2+、Cu2+、Zn2+和CN-5种离子间联合毒性作用,大多数表现为相加作用,也有 协同和拮抗 作用