system study

[ˈsɪstəm ˈstʌdi][ˈsistəm ˈstʌdi]


  • Safe risk in accounting information system and countermeasures study

    会计信息化 系统中的安全风险及对策 研究

  • The first step in training for system is to study the system .

    这种训练 体系的第一步是 学习方法。

  • Through chromium sour oxidize propyl alcohol system ester law study in sulphuric acid acetic acid system in proply acetate and proply propanoate form mechanism and related influencing factor .

    通过铬酸氧化丙醇 酯法, 研究在硫酸-乙酸体系中,乙酸丙酯及丙酸丙酯的形成机理,及相关影响因素。

  • Image system in poem study because of involvement poem of image make the image system of the poem complicate .

    对诗歌的形象 系统 研究,由于诗歌意象的介入,使诗歌的形象系统更趋复杂化。

  • Theories and Applications Study of Metal-honeycomb Sandwich Sheet Space Structures System ; Experimental Study on Beehive Reinforced Concrete Sandwich Open-Web Plate

    金属蜂窝板片结构 体系的理论分析及应用 研究

  • Development of Monitoring System and Study on Forecasting Model for Soil Moisture

    土壤墒情监测 系统开发与预报模型 研究

  • Whole-embryo culture was used as the model system to study the Time-effect relationship of formaldehyde on mouse embryonic development .

    结果显示甲醛对小鼠胚胎的 器官形成早期具有明显的 影响,呈现明显的时间-效应关系。

  • Dynamical Vehicle-Guideway Coupling Emulation Model of Maglev Train System ; Study on Analysis and Design of Magnetic Machine Based on a Field-Circuit Integrated Way Considering Coupling Effect

    磁悬浮车辆& 线路耦合动力学仿真模型研究场路结合并考虑耦合的磁力机械分析与设计 方法 研究

  • The Simulation of HVDC System and the Study of Its Transmission Line Protection Scheme

    高压直流输电 系统 仿真及其输电线路行波保护方案

  • Using ASL504 Model eye-tracker system the study investigated accessibility of the categorical referents during discourse comprehension .

    采用眼动记录 探讨了语篇理解中类别指称对象的可提取性。

  • The Assessment System Study of Skills Training Effectiveness & Based on the Research in Shandong Electric Power Corporation

    山东电力职工技能培训效果评估 体系 研究

  • Design of Continuous Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation System and Study on the Mechanism of Its Effect on Human Sleep

    连续经颅磁刺激 系统的研制及其对睡眠作用机理的 研究

  • Then TS-IGA was applied in a dress color optimization system to study how the population size and sub-population size influence the performance of the algorithm .

    将该算法应用于服装色彩优化 系统研究了种群规模和子种群规模的选择对算法性能的影响。

  • Sediment Source and Sedimentary System Study in upper Paleozoic in Yanchang Oil Region of Ordos Basin

    鄂尔多斯盆地延长油区上古生界物源及沉积 研究

  • ' Certainly it does work to stimulate your immune system 'says study co-author Heather Zwickey an immunologist at National College of Natural Medicine in Portland Ore.

    研究报告的共同作者之一、俄勒冈州波特兰美国自然医学院(NationalCollegeofNaturalMedicine)的免疫学家 茨维奇(HeatherZwickey)说,显然黄耆确实能够刺激人的免疫 系统

  • Design and Data Acquisition of an Experiment System for Dynamic Precision Study

    动态精度 研究实验 系统的设计和数据采集

  • Shortly after she arrived India she found the differences between Indian and Chinese medical system worth further study .

    刚到印度不久,她敏锐地感觉到,中国的医疗 制度与印度存在诸多不同,其中一些问题很值得 深思

  • Information Management and Scheduling in Crisis Warning & Based on Population Security Forewarning System ; Study on Crisis Management and Crisis Early Warning Mechanism for Chinese Coal Enterprise

    危机预警中的政府信息管理与调控&基于人口安全预警 系统 研究煤炭企业危机管理与危机预警机制研究

  • The Design of Electronic Watt-hour Meter and Automatic Meter Reading System ; Study of Long-Range and Centralized Automatic Metering Reading for Water Meter Based on GPRS

    电子式电能表系列以及集中抄表 系统的设计开发基于GPRS的水表远程集中抄表系统 研究

  • Establishment of Modern Agricultural Logistics Talents í teaching System ; Study of Personnel Training Pattern of Logistics Engineering Undergraduate in Agriculture and Forestry Colleges

    努力构建现代农业物流人才教育教学 体系农林院校物流工程专业本科人才培养模式 探讨

  • An assessment of the welfare system would involve careful study of its inputs and outputs .

    对于福利 制度的评估将涉及对其投入资金和支出费用的仔细 研究

  • On-line and Real-time Monitoring and Diagnosis System Study on the Varying Working Conditions of the 1422 Hot Strip Mill

    施工企业生产管理状况诊断与改进措施1422热连轧变工况在线实时监测与诊断 系统 分析

  • I propose that we should reform the method and the system of study throughout the Party .

    我主张将我们全党的 学习方法和 学习 制度改造一下。

  • Is it include non-banking financial institution in big volume and suspicious foreign exchange funds trade report the system to to study .

    研究将非银行金融机构纳入大额和可疑外汇资金交易报告 体系

  • Construction of the Method of Estimating the Marketization of Seed Industry System and Empirical Study in China

    我国种业 体系市场化水平测度方法构建及实证 研究

  • Discussion on Tutorial System for Study Interesting Groups of Universities and Colleges

    高校推行 学习兴趣小组导师 的探讨

  • PHS In-Building Distributed System Development and Feasibility Study of the Multi-System Combination

    PHS室内分布 系统发展方向及多系统合路可行性 论证

  • Thus the thing that is the model varies with the system under study but not with anything else .

    因此,模型这种东西是随所 研究 系统而变化的,不是随着其他的而变化。

  • Because it plays an important role in reading comprehension . It is important to note the kind of system under study .

    因为在阅读理解中这类词起重要作用。注意所 研究 体系的类型是至关重要的。

  • Lead-cable automatic guidance system Study on vision-guided technology for cable channel routing inspection AGV

    (拖拉机)引导电缆式自动导向 系统电缆隧道巡检AGV视觉导引技术的 研究