systems analysis


  • Planning System at the Role of ERP Systems Analysis

    计划体系在ERP 系统中的作用 分析

  • The dissertation uses three methods including the method of analysis of cases the method of comparatively research and the method of systems analysis .

    论文的主要研究方法有三种:案例分析法、比较研究法与 系统 分析法。

  • Job Responsibilities : 1.Take part in feasibility study systems analysis and design ;

    工作职责:1。参与项目的可行性分析、 系统 分析和设计;

  • Systems analysis and test data ;

    系统 分析与测试资料;

  • A Study of the Research of Chinese Bureaucracy in the Perspective of Philosophy and Political Systems Analysis ;

    哲学与政治 系统 分析视野中的《中国官僚政治研究》

  • Research Mode for Sustainable Development System Based on Systems Analysis

    基于 系统 分析的可持续发展系统研究模式

  • I agreed to a systems analysis .

    我同意的是对保安 系统分析

  • Systems analysis : in information processing a phase of systems engineering .

    系统 分析:在信息处理之中,系统工程的一个阶段。

  • In less mature environments an existing systems analysis is needed to fully understand what is already available .

    在成熟度较低的环境中,需要对现有 系统进行 分析,以完全了解已经提供哪些服务。

  • On the Teaching of Information Systems Analysis and Design

    信息 系统 分析与设计课程教学的思考

  • UML Based on Tax Collection and Online Reporting Systems Analysis and Design

    基于UML的税款征收及网上申报 系统 分析和设计

  • This article discusses conventions and techniques for applying the most effective XML processing practices in Operational Systems Analysis organized around a selection of example scenarios .

    本文将讨论关于在操作 系统 分析中应用最有效的XML处理方法的约定和技术,并选择了一组示例场景来说明。

  • Reliability Evaluation of Landslip System in Open-pit Based on Systems Analysis

    基于 系统 分析的露天矿滑坡体系可靠度评价

  • Introduced is the basic principle of production forecast with nodal systems analysis method .

    节点 分析法的角度建立了新的油气井产能预测模型。

  • Systems analysis was after all an economists'technique .

    系统 分析,毕竟是一种经济学家的拿手好戏。

  • The main content of this paper is systems analysis and optimization of the development of Hunans road network .

    本文研究的主要内容是湖南省公路网发展 系统 分析与优化研究。

  • Combining JSP with another design method such as Structured Systems Analysis and Design ( SSAD ) entailed a lot of wasted effort and opportunities for error .

    JSP和其他设计方法,如结构化 系统 分析和设计(SSAD),联合,须要为错误浪费许多成果和机会。

  • The article concentrates on the modeling of services which is done by techniques such as domain decomposition existing systems analysis and goal services modeling .

    本文主要介绍服务的建模,它是在域分解、现有 系统 分析和目标服务建模之类的技术支持下实现的。

  • I use the term model-based systems engineering in a very broad sense here basically covering the Systems Analysis and Design workflows .

    在此,我使用的术语,基于模型的系统开发是非常广义的,基本上覆盖了 系统 分析和设计工作流。

  • Customer approval is required for measurement systems analysis methods not covered in this manual . : Ah o.

    手册并不涵盖客户的认可所必需的测量 系统 分析方法。

  • Nanjing Government Rent Information Systems Analysis and Design of Network Security

    南京地税信息 系统网络安全 分析与设计

  • Software life cycle software engineering concepts systems analysis phase of life cycle .

    本课程主要介绍软件的生命周期,软件工程概念,生存周期的 系统 分析

  • Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology

    结构化 系统 分析和设计法

  • MDD might also disturb the comfort zone for technical staff responsible for systems analysis and design .

    MDD可能还扰乱了负责 系统 分析和设计的技术人员的舒适区。

  • Single Hydraulic Pillar Sealing Systems Analysis and Research

    单体液压支柱密封 系统 分析与研究

  • We will consider systems analysis and design in Chapter 9 .

    在第九章中,我们将研究 系统 分析与设计。

  • The analytical methods and acceptance criteria used shall conform to those in customer reference manuals on measurement systems analysis .

    所用的分析方法及接收准则应符合顾客有关测量 系统 分析的指南。

  • A plan for the solution of a problem ; consists of planning and coding numerical analysis systems analysis specification of printing formats and any other functions necessary to the integration of a computer in a system .

    为解决某一问题而作出的计划,包括规划和编码、数值分析、 系统 分析、打印格式规定以及把计算机结合进一个系统所必需的其它功能。

  • The discipline of Operational Systems Analysis and in particular Systems Optimization has emerged to help provide such discipline .

    操作 系统 分析(尤其是系统优化)的准则已经涌现出来,这有助于解决这一问题。