system check

[ˈsɪstəm tʃɛk][ˈsistəm tʃek]


  • The computer controlling technology electronic hydraulic system check and measure technology and so on have been widely used in each machine and system of hydraulic excavator in recent years .

    近年来,计算机控制技术、电子液压 系统检测技术等广泛应用于挖掘机的各个机构和系统,使液压挖掘机得到迅速发展。

  • It tells the concept characteristic of the non-profit-making accountant of economic organization mainly make up the system and check and calculate the method basically .

    它主要讲述非营利性经济组织会计的概念、特点,组成 体系及基本 核算方法。

  • The Supervision System on Check Basis Revising the wrong in students ' homework ;

    Check方式调度监督 系统 设计 实现根据学生作业中的错误编制开放题,培养学生思维的批判性;

  • Before each test the Southern Association of Wei Lin carefully check each system check each step did not miss any doubts .

    每次试车前,南渭林总会认真检查每个 系统核对每个步骤,不放过任何疑点。

  • If this is an unexpected error then please power off your system and check your cables to ensure all disks are present .

    如果此错误不在您的预期之中,请关闭 系统电源,然后 检查缆线,以确保所有磁碟均在。

  • System check shows current memory required memory space requirements and whether operating system is at supported level

    系统 检查显示当前内存、需要内存、空间需求以及操作系统是否支持

  • And the best strategy for fixing file system issues is the simplest : the file system check command ( fsck ) .

    修复文件系统问题最好的策略也是最简单的:利用文件 系统 检查命令(fsck)。

  • JFS2 file system check scalability

    JFS2文件 系统 检查灵活性

  • The other aspect of online defragmentation is the reduced time required for a file system check ( fsck ) .

    在线碎片整理还可以减少 检查文件 系统所需的时间(fsck)。

  • Then manually initiate the main drive system to check if there is any stuck or collision and if any abnormal situation is found adjustment must be immediately made .

    然后用手攀动主传动 系统检查各运动部位有无卡碰现象,若发现异常须立即调整。

  • This paper introduces a refluence protection system for check valve it can enhance the using efficency of the airflow power .

    介绍了一套通过控制阀门开度,提高高炉送风系统能源利用率的 回阀逆流保护 系统

  • Occupational health management information system to check the design and development

    职业健康 检查信息管理 系统的设计与开发

  • Using this menu item a most system check can be carried out with the ignition on .

    使用此菜单项,可以在点火开关打开时执行most 系统 检查

  • You will see the system configuration check and setup progress pages as the uninstall process is completed .

    当卸载过程完成后,您将看到“ 系统配置 检查”页和“安装进度”页。

  • File status calls ( meaning calls made to the underlying file system to check for the existence of a file ) can be quite costly in terms of performance .

    从性能来看,文件状态调用(即为 检查一个文件是否存在而对底层文件 系统进行的调用)相当昂贵。

  • Specifies whether the system should check whether the certificate has been revoked before using the certificate .

    指定 系统在使用某个证书之前,是否应 检查该证书是否已被吊销。

  • Manufacture of the system to check and control environmental temperature

    环境温度 检测与控制 系统的研制

  • The entire process all the strict implementation of the system of check and acceptance so that stable and reliable product quality .

    整个流程全部执行严格的 检查验收 制度,使产品质量稳定可靠。

  • In the System Properties dialog box click the System Restore tab and select the Turn off System Restore check box .

    在系统属性对话框,点击系统还原选项卡,选择关闭 系统还原 复选框。

  • It punishes businesses that don 't use a federal system to check a potential employee 's immigration status .

    该州法律规定对不使用联邦 系统 检查雇员潜在移民身份的企业进行处罚。

  • When the system configuration check page appears the computer is scanned for potential installation problems .

    在出现“ 系统配置 检查”页时,将扫描计算机以 检查是否存在潜在的安装问题。

  • Internet queuing system : the customers can use Internet to register in the system and check the progress which would greatly cut the waiting time .

    互联网预约排队系统:顾客可在互联网预约 排队查询排队情况,这样可大幅减少顾客的等候时间。

  • The basic characteristics of variable pressure gas exhaust system and check valve gas exhaust system are compared .

    分析比较了子母式与 阀式排烟系统的基本特点,指出了子母式排烟道在实际使用 产生烟气回流和串味的原因。

  • Fill coolant system and check for leaks .

    加注冷却 系统检查有无泄漏。

  • Have the system administrator check on the state of the domain 's public key infrastructure .

    请求 系统管理员 检查域公钥结构的状态。

  • Having a national system to check for cheaters on the mainland does not solve the problem but only made the foreign Chinese men more sought after .

    在大陆建立一个 查询出轨者的国内 系统并不会解决这个问题,只会让外国的华裔男人更受欢迎。

  • The system of check and evaluation should be perfected and the supervision and encouragement mechanism established .

    健全 考核评价 制度,建立监督激励机制。

  • In Linux the file system check tool is called fsck and you call it by passing it the device filename associated with the file system you want to check as in fsck / dev / sda1 to check / dev / sda1 .

    在Linux中,文件 系统 检查工具被称为fsck,您可以通过传递想要检查的文件系统相关的设备文件名来调用它,正如在fsck/dev/sda1中检查/dev/sda1。