systems auditing

[经] 制度(系统)审计

  • At the present stage most of the application systems have their respective information data which is responsible for the management of the account authentication authorization and auditing .

    大多数的应用 系统一般都有各自独立的用户信息数据,用于 系统的账号管理、认证、授权以及 审计

  • Secondly it illustrates the M & A experience of developed countries on regulations market access systems and auditing systems and some cases will be given to explain further .

    其次,主要从法律法规、市场准入 制度 审查制度三方面研究发达国家外资并购规制经验,并结合具体案例进行分析。

  • But on contrary complex business intelligent systems like auditing fraud detections including criminal detections do require much attention on clustering accuracy rather than the model .

    但是对于复杂商业智能 系统,确实需要更多关注聚类 精确度,而不是聚类建模。

  • We will focus on tightening oversight over leading cadres and especially principal ones over the management and use of human financial and material resources and over key positions . We will improve the systems of inquiries accountability economic responsibility auditing resignation and recall .

    重点加强对领导干部特别是主要领导干部、人财物管理使用、关键岗位的监督,健全质询、问责、经济责任 审计、引咎辞职、罢免等 制度

  • Beginning with the analysis of the computer security and security auditing problems in brief this paper integrates them with the network systems and attempts to make a thorough study on the security and security auditing technique of the computer network ;

    通过对计算机安全和安全审计问题的简要分析,并结合网络 系统的特点,力图较系统深入地探讨计算机网络安全及其 审计技术;

  • There are three systems for that namely the grand jury in the USA the auditing system for procuratorial work in Japan and the mass participation in procuratorial work in China .

    目前有三种典型的民众参与检察的 模式,美国通过大陪审团体现民众参与检察,日本检察 审查会制度也是一种典型模式,我国推出的人民监督员制度是另一种典型模式。

  • This paper first discusses the disadvantages of existing network information auditing systems with single host architecture . Then gives out a new auditing system architecture which has a shared port for the total information and processes two-level information flow .

    指出常见基于单一主机结构的网络信息审计 系统的不足,提出了一种具有全局信息共享接口的两级信息流处理的 审计系统结构;

  • Documentation per the requirement of TS16949 and participation in internal and external quality systems auditing .

    根据TS16949的要求进行相关文件及记录的编写并参与质量 体系的内、外部 审核

  • The technology of agent & multi-agent systems that have a broad application future are used to construct auditing information system which is complicated abundant in information and powerful .

    Agen与多Agent 系统技术主要用于构造结构复杂、信息丰富且功能强大的 审计信息系统,在 审计领域有着广阔的发展应用前景。

  • The Management Information Systems ' Auditing ( G ) normal control ;

    管理信息 系统 审计G,正常对照;

  • The article talks about the quality information and quality information systems furthermore it probes into evaluating the effectiveness of systems by auditing .

    本文对质量信息及质量信息系统作了介绍,并就应用 审核手段来评估 系统的有效性进行了探讨。

  • Nowadays a lot of secure operating systems have auditing function and there 're many individual auditing systems .

    目前,许多安全操作 系统中都包含 审计部分,也有专门的审计系统。

  • The financial auditing is an important part of the government auditing which help maintain the security and stability of national financial systems by auditing the financial systemic risk .

    金融审计是政府审计的重要组成部分,其中对金融的系统性风险的 审计有助于维护国家金融 系统的安全稳定。

  • In view of the specialities of the railway construction enterprises the paper describes the main contents and scopes of the inner control systems and their auditing comprehensive evaluations .

    本文针对铁路施工企业特点,论述了内控 制度 审计综合评价包括的主要内容和范围。

  • The Developing Process of Guidelines for Information Security Management Systems Auditing and its Progress of International Standard Proposal

    信息安全管理 体系 审核指南国际标准提案进展

  • Among some systems that bank use such as auditing systems users need to make statistics and analyses on transaction data in a very short time .

    在银行的一些 系统中,如 审计系统,用户需要在很短的时间内对交易数据进行统计和分析。

  • Based on the current financial systems in institutions this paper presents the influence on defining the condition of assets in an institution the sheet of financial balance and the financial responsibility by means of the auditing in financial responsibility .

    根据现行的事业单位相关财务 制度给经济责任审计披露被 审计单位资产状况、财务收支情况和经济责任界定带来的影响。

  • The setting of national auditing system has been influenced by traditional systems . The China ancient supervisory system has laid the ideology foundation for setting administrative type of national auditing mode .

    国家审计制度的建立有来自旧 制度的影响,中国古代实行监察制度的传统为建立行政型国家 审计模式打下了思想基础。

  • Implementation of enterprise electric-accounting information system has impact on internal control systems for accounting audit trail audit methodology auditing content auditors and audit guidelines .

    会计电算化对会计 系统的内部控制、审计线索、审计方法、 审计内容以及对审计人员的要求和审计准则等均产生了影响。

  • Lastly personnel management security systems auditing system security management and other aspects of e-commerce .

    最后从人员管理、保密 制度审计制度等方面论述了电子商务的安全管理。