system input device

[ˈsɪstəm ˈɪnˌpʊt dɪˈvaɪs][ˈsistəm ˈinput diˈvais]

[计] 系统输入装置

  • The system includes man-machine interaction input / output data / KBM reasoning device self-learning model etc.

    系统包括人机交互、 输入/输出、数据/知识库管理、推理 、自学习等模块。

  • The control system consists of the input device the photoelectrical tape and the programming photoelectrical transforming circuit and the main circuit with its control systems .

    电气控制 部分包括: 输入 装置,光电阅读机起停线路,纸带和程序编制,光电转换电路,主电路及其控制系统。

  • The working principle of multi - depth deepsea microplankton sampler is introduced . The control system is composed of portable input device and main controller .

    介绍了多深度深海浮游微生物浓缩取样器的工作原理,确定了由便携式 输入 装置和主控制器构成的控制 系统结构。

  • The period windows controlling technique can be easily used in optical system for chaos control especially in the higher output low input system without any accessory device to get the non chaos output .

    周期窗口控制技术用于光学 系统之混沌控制简便易行,特别适合于在难于增加泵浦 光强的混沌光学系统中不须任何附加 设备即可获得高强度的非混沌周期输出。

  • System through computer vision technology to the game input device as a demonstration of the electron gun system with the game system comprising the enhanced virtual display system of the gaming world .

    系统通过计算机视觉技术将作为演示游戏 输入 设备的电子枪系统与游戏系统共同组成增强式虚拟显示系统的游戏世界。

  • The X-Y scanning controller system as a new image input mode can make the photoelectronic source in form of lattice array in a photoelectric panel display device and control the intensity of electron beams passing throngh the array .

    X-Y扫描控制 系统在光电平板 显示器中将光电子源点阵化,并能控制通过孔道电子束的强弱,是一种全新的图像 输入方式。

  • Experimental results show that the system can recognize input gestures quickly with a reliable recognition rate . The users are able to perform most of the typical interaction tasks in virtual environment by this accelerometer-based device .

    实验结果表明,利用该 算法可有效快速地识别出用户 输入的手势,用户凭借此 方法能准确无误地完成交互。

  • A method is described in detail by which the procedure of processing and analyzing the message cards to evaluate teacher 's teaching level is realized rapidly and accurately . The procedure is realized by use of VB6.0/Access database and OMR system is adopted as a sampling input device .

    详细介绍了以 OMR光电读卡机为采样 输入 设备,采用VB6.0/Access数据库为主要开发工具,实现对教师教学质量评估信息卡进行快速、准确处理分析的物理过程。

  • The modular construction used in the software of the system consists of image input output processing editing and analysing units as well as image database and graphics processing device .

    系统的软件采用层次模块结构。 包括图象 输入、图象输出、图象处理、图象编辑、图象分析、图形处理以及图象数据库。

  • The system includes microcomputer PC / 386 self-made signal input device and 24 pin printer .

    系统包括PC/386微机,自制的信号 输入 及24针打印机。

  • The system takes the IPC as the control core the tension sensor as the detection device the data collecting card with PCI-1724U high-resolution and multichannel as the input device output card with PCI-1724U isolated analogue as output device magnetic powder brake as the implementing agencies .

    系统采用工控机为控制核心,张力传感器为检测器件,PCI-1747U高分辨率多通道数据采集卡为 输入 设备,PCI-1724U隔离模拟量输出卡为输出设备。磁粉制动器为执行机构。

  • The basic organization of a computer hardware system consists of an input device an output device and Central Processing Unit .

    计算机硬件 系统的主要部件包括 输入 设备、输出设备和中央处理器。

  • First a PID controller which system input is just the deflection angle of the cavitation device is proven by MATLAB simulation that it can be easily accomplished to make the longitudinal motion stable .

    首先设计PID反馈控制器,仅以空化 的偏转角作为 系统 输入,通过MATLAB仿真,理论上可以使纵向运动稳定,且实现相对容易。

  • With this computing system can just input structure parameter of the device the computing system will output all the hydraulic property parameters .

    利用该 系统,只要 输入 设备的结构参数,就可以计算出设备的性能参数。

  • Therefore this LCD display system can be used as the input and output control device in many embedded industrial control fields .

    因此,该LCD显示 系统可作为多种嵌入式工业控制领域的 输入输出 设备

  • This system has the function including target trajectory input and display motion control planning and the device will achieve its objectives trajectory output through the implementation stepper motor and mechanical devices .

    系统具备目标轨迹 输入与显示、运动控制规划等功能,并通过执行装置步进电机及机械 装置实现目标轨迹的输出。