switch memory

[swɪtʃ ˈmɛməri][switʃ ˈmeməri]

[计] 开关存储器

  • The development course of molecular device is described in this paper . The research advancement of fullerene-derivative in molecular wire molecular switch and molecular memory is summarized and prospect for progress on molecular device is given too .

    介绍了富勒烯衍生物分子器件在分子导线,分子 开关和分子 储存器的研究进展,展望了分子器件发展前景。

  • Molecular bistability complexes are an ideal molecular system because they can be used as new lypes of optical switch and information memory medium .

    具有分子双稳性的化合物是实现分子集合体作为新的光 开关和信息 存储元件的理想分子体系。

  • The emphases were interface switch ActiveX controls DLL and shared memory .

    重点介绍了界面 切换、ActiveX技术、动态链接库和共享 内存技术。

  • Therefore the data acquisition system includes mainly a multiple channel switch a peak value holding circuit a high speed A / D converter a frame memory an address generator a sequence and logic control circuit .

    所以本系统主要包括多通道 开关、峰值保持、高速A/D、帧 存储器、内地址发生器和时序及逻辑控制等几部分。

  • A large number of studies demonstrated that NMDA receptor in hippocampus synapes serves as a gating switch during the spatial memory information procession .

    大量研究表明,海马神经元突触的NMDA受体在空间 记忆的信息处理过程中起着重要的分子 开关的作用。

  • The performances of ATM switches with different butter queueing model are analyzed in the third part of this paper . We discuss the performances of input queue switch shared memory switch and output queue switch respectively .

    第三部分对不同缓冲排队模型的ATM交换机的性能进行了分析,分别讨论了输入排队 交换机、共享 存储排队交换机及输出排队交换机的的性能。

  • Being able to tinker with the molecular master switch for long-term recall also raises the notion of a pill to ramp up memory capacity in the average person .

    用分子总 开关可以修补长期记忆,也提出了一种增强普通人 记忆力药物的概念。

  • But traditional communication protocols introduce the overheads of process context switch memory copies and frequent interrupts in the critical data path the above overheads make the communication software unable to sufficiently deliver the hardware performance to user processes .

    然而传统的通信协议在通信的关键路径上需要进行状态 切换 数据拷贝,而且在接收数据时将会发生频繁的中断,以至于通信软件不能充分地把网络硬件的高性能传递给用户进程。

  • Gigabit Ethernet Layer 2 switch chip is the key chip based on which Gigabit Ethernet technology can be used . The performance of Direct Memory Access ( DMA ) in chip decide the throughput of switch chip .

    千兆以太网 交换芯片是千兆以太网络中的关键芯片,芯片中的直接 内存访问(DMA)单元的性能是决定芯片的吞吐量的关键因素。

  • The company had been producing transistor-based ( rather than switch - or vacuum-tube based ) computers for a few years and had already invented disc-based random-access memory .

    当时IBM生产晶体管(而非基于 开关或真空管的)电脑已有数年时间,并发明了可随机访问的磁盘 存储器

  • Secondly the cognitive factors which might affect the focus switch costs mainly including retrieval rehearsal processing update of memory and size of memory set etc. ( 3 ) The size of C.

    影响注意焦点 转换代价的因素,包括提取、 复述、加工、更新和记忆集大小等;

  • The Data Synchronization and Switch of Main Memory Data base

    内存数据库的数据同步与 切换

  • An ATM Switch with Shared - Memory Input Buffer and Expansive Ports

    一种端口扩展、输入 缓存共享的ATM 交换 结构

  • To research supports IPv4 / v6 may expand to Terabit high performance router including the system structure the high speed connection the large capacity switch networking forword engine the memory management and the queue scheduling and so on .

    研究支持IPv4/v6、可扩展到T比特的高性能路由器,包括可扩展的系统结构、高速接口、大容量 交换网络、转发引擎、 存储管理与队列调度等。

  • When silicon contolled rectifier served as static DC switch its switching characteristic has ability of information memory .

    单向可控硅用作静态直流 开关时,其开关特性具有信息 记忆功能。

  • Switch between phone and memory card for file storage .

    之间 切换手机和 记忆卡的文件存储。

  • And this interface can handle memory switch between different kinds of memory space .

    该方案的一个特点是:提出了在不同类型 存储器 存储空间之间可以进行存储空间的 切换

  • Participants in the study who were trained to play the game showed significant cognitive benefits compared with those who were not : they were able to switch between tasks better and faster and their working memory significantly improved .

    在研究参与者中,接受打游戏培训的人比没有接受的人显示出了明显的认知益处:他们能够更好更快地进行任务 转换,而且工作 记忆有了显著提高。

  • Therefore spin crossover complexes are an ideal molecular system in which a single molecule or molecular aggregation acts as an element of thermal switch optical switch or information memory .

    因此,自旋交叉配合物是开发新型的热开关、光 开关和信息 存储元件材料的理想分子体系。

  • By using the aluminum electrode the memory window of MFM structure capacitance and MFS heterostructures increases but the switch ratio of FeFET reduced . Organic semiconductor in the inversion state is not suitable for FeFETs memory application . 3 .

    使用铝电极能使MFM结构电容和MFS异质结构的存储窗口增大,但会使FeFET的 开关比率减小;有机半导体处于反型状态时,不能作为FeFET 存储应用。

  • This paper proposed a share-memory switch structure which is adopted into GPON system and a memory management method based on packet descriptor .

    本文主要研究共享缓存 交换结构在GPON系统中的应用,并设计了一种基于数据包描述符的 缓存管理方式。

  • As a candidate logic switch for nanoscale memory circuits and similar devices the silver whisker switch has several attractive features

    作为纳米级 存储电路及相似设备的一项候选逻辑 开关,这种银触须开关具备以下几个非常有吸引力的特征

  • His thumb found the switch by memory and he shut it off .

    他的拇指发现 记忆 开关,而且他走开关上它。

  • Switch things up by learning a new language which builds memory skills in your brain .

    来学习一门新的语言 转换一下吧。这也能培养 记忆能力。

  • This paper described the selection methods of the main control chip of the system . Make a concrete introduction of the power switch module the keystroke and display module the memory module the communication module and control and protection circuit .

    本文阐述了主控芯片的选择方法,对供电电压 转换电路、按键显示、 存储器、通信模块、控制和保护电路进行了具体介绍。