symbol class

[ˈsɪmbəl klæs][ˈsimbəl klɑ:s]

[计] 符号类

  • But in poorer African-American and Hispanic communities in particular increasing home ownership was a potent symbol of arrival in the middle class providing many families with the opportunity to bequeath a sizeable asset to children for the first time .

    然而,在较为贫穷的非洲裔和拉美裔族群中,拥有住房是晋身中产 阶级的一个有力 象征,它使得许多家庭首次有机会为子孙后代留下可观资产。

  • Langer 's symbol theory and the boundary of symbol meaning makes use of ' artist creates art idol character ' and her compare and restriction to class of art character explains special experience symbol that through over the procedure of kinds of art creating .

    朗格符号理论的源流及对 符号内涵的界定入手,利用艺术家创造艺术幻象特征及她对各艺术 门类特征的比较、限定,阐释贯穿于各艺术门类创造中的独特经验形象。

  • I think that could be one symbol of the rising of the middle class in China .

    我想这是中国中产 阶级正在崛起的一个 象征

  • As a representative of the bronze ritual vessels the bronze Ding even becomes the symbol of social class and the state power .

    青铜鼎,作为商周青铜礼器的代表,甚至成为社会 等级和国家政权的 象征

  • After that individual symbol that reflect objective things developed to classification which makes map symbols have metaphor essence . That is using abstract and much in common symbols to express a certain kind ( or class ) of objective things .

    进而又出现了将只能反映客观事物的个体 符号向分类、分级方向发展,使地图符号具有了隐喻的实质,即用抽象的具有共性的符号来表示某一类( )客观事物。

  • Normally the girl who is holding the flag is a symbol of the class both beautiful and brains .

    通常举旗的女生都是 班级 代表,美貌与智慧并重。

  • The MO basic symbol class and electric element class are described in detail as well as their structures .

    详细论述了图形建模设计中的MO基本 符号 、电力元件 符号类及结构;

  • After you rename or delete a symbol in your code it might continue to appear as an error node within a class view folder .

    在代码中重命名或删除 符号后,该 符号可能仍然以一个错误节点的形式出现在“ 视图”文件夹内。

  • Negation : The caret symbol ( ^ ) negates the contents of a character class .

    否定(Negation):脱 字符(^)否定字符 的内容。

  • The rectangle is the symbol for a class and is divided into three parts : class name attributes and methods .

    矩形是 表示 符号,被分成三个部分:类名、属性以及方法。