symbol level

[ˈsɪmbəl ˈlɛvəl][ˈsimbəl ˈlevl]

[计] 符号级

  • Biped robot technology is one of the frontier research topics in the field of robot research which is a combination of many disciplines such as electronic energy material and so on . It is an important symbol of high-tech level of a country .

    双足机器人是当今机器人研究领域最为前沿的课题之一,它集机械、电子、计算机、材料、传感器、控制技术及人工智能等多门学科于一体,是一个国家高科技 实力的重要 标志

  • Currently the development of world Automotive Industries is reviewed and researched but it still is pillar industries in national economy to many countries as a rule ; this is an important symbol to the level of national development .

    虽然目前世界汽车工业的发展在重新被考察和研究,但对于很多国家来说,汽车工业仍然是国民经济的支柱产业,也是当今世界衡量一个国家发展 水平的重要 标志之一。

  • Robot technology with the high intelligence and wide application field becomes an important symbol of high-tech level and the degree of automation of a country .

    机器人技术拥有广阔的应用领域,并且表现出高度的智能性,往往成为衡量一个国家工业自动化水平和前沿科技 水平的显著 标志

  • Community public service is the central task of community service system for community development . It is also a measure of an important symbol of the level and have a very practical significance to social harmonious development .

    社区公共服务是社区服务系统的中心任务,也是衡量社区发展 水平的一个重要 标志,对我们社会和谐发展也具有很现实的意义。

  • The facility is the most important asset of enterprises and the important symbol of productivity level and the matter embodiment of science and technology and also basic resource of society development .

    设备(设施)是企业的重要资产、生产力 水平的重要 标志、科学技术的物质体现、社会发展的基础性资源。

  • We provide the detailed modeling process which consists of knowledge level and symbol level modeling and several case studies to illustrate the modeling process .

    我们把模型化的过程分为知识层面和 符号 层面两个阶段,并且用一些实例用来阐释这些过程。

  • Discipline construction is the core work of the university . It is not only the important content of the construction and development of university but also the main symbol of academic level university displaying or the main symbol of ability university running .

    学科建设是高校工作的核心,是高校建设发展的重要内容,是展示大学学术 水平和办学能力的主要 标志

  • The development of intermediate business has become the important symbol of the level of commercial banks ' development .

    中间业务的发展水平已成为商业银行发展 水平的重要 标志

  • There are two stages for PS modeling : Knowledge level analysis and symbol level implementation .

    PS建模分两个阶段:知识级分析和 符号 实现。

  • Chapter six focuses on the analysis of the possibility of the mutual imitation and conversion between word and image and how word-image intertextuality is realized in the symbol level .

    第六章着重分析的是语言与图像两种符号之间的相互模仿和转换何以可能,语-图互文又如何在 符号 层面上得以实现。

  • Machine as one of the representation forms of technology is a symbol of the level of technology and an outcome of capitalism production mode as well .

    机器作为技术的表现形式之一,是当时技术发展 水平 标志,也是资本主义生产方式的产物。

  • As the subject of curriculum resources the textbook quality is an important symbol of education level measured in a nation or a region .

    作为校内课程资源的主体,教科书的优劣是衡量一个国家或地区教育 水平的重要 标志

  • Special Education Schools is an important symbol of the level of national education and the degree of civilization .

    特殊教育是衡量一个国家教育 水平和文明程度的重要 标志

  • Auto industry has strategic effect on the strength growth of a nation . It is the symbol of manufacturing level and scientific innovation of the nation .

    汽车产业对一个国家的实力增长具有战略作用,它是国家制造业 整体 水平和科技创新能力的 象征

  • Urbanization makes human society enter into a new and animate period of development . It is also a very important symbol for the development level of a country or a district .

    城市化使人类社会进入了崭新和充满生机的发展时期,是衡量一个国家或一个地区发展 水平的重要 标志

  • As an important symbol of modernization level services industry especially the producer services have become the fastest growing industries of the economic structure in developed western countries .

    服务业尤其是生产性服务业已经成为西方发达国家经济结构中增长最快的行业,其发展水平已成为一个国家或地区衡量现代化 水平的重要 标志

  • The technical level of ethylene is a significant symbol for the level of a country ' schemical industry .

    乙烯的技术水平是一个国家化学工业发展 水平的重要 标志

  • However be worth us more thoughtful is city is not only a symbol of material level in an area or a country but also a symbol of history and culture .

    但是,值得我们深思的是,城市不仅是一个区域和一个国家 现代化物质建设 程度 象征,更是一个区域文明、历史和文化发展程度的象征。

  • The residual packet loss rate of symbol level RS ( n k ) coding in two-state Markov wireless channel model was introduced . An analytical approach to model the decoder distortion and the optimization problem for FEC code rate was discussed .

    对二阶Markov无线信道模型中 符号 RS(n,k)编码残余分组出错率进行了分析,提出了一种估算解码失真的解析方法,并根据失真结果探讨了一种最优FEC编码速率策略。

  • The infrastructure of a city is the carrier of city integrated services . It is the important basement of the development of city economy and various social projects . It is also the important symbol of the level of the city modernization .

    城市基础设施是城市综合服务功能的物质载体,是城市经济和社会各项事业发展的重要基础,也是城市现代化 水平 高低的一个重要 标志

  • Municipal wireless city is not only a basic infrastructure of a modern and informational city but also an important symbol reflects the level of modernization the operating efficiency of the municipal administration the level of information technology and the level of competition of the city .

    无线城市是城市信息化和现代化的一项基础设施,也是衡量城市现代化 水平、市政管理运行效率、信息化程度以及竞争水平的重要 标志

  • The adaptive modulation system with symbol rate and level adjustable has the adventages of that with QAM constellation adjustable and furthermore its peroformance improves greatly with respect to the dynamic range and delay immunity .

    研究表明,星座图与 符号 联合控制的自适应调制系统,在具备单纯星座可调的自适应调制系统优点的同时,还改善了这种调制方式在动态范围和延时免疫力方面的缺陷。

  • Because the university library is the symbol of university level this paper elaborates the status and action of the university library in the university .

    从高校图书馆是高校 水平 标志这一理念出发,阐述了图书馆在高校中的作用和地位;

  • Based economy as the measure of a city an important symbol of international level in major Chinese cities have developed rapidly .

    总部经济作为衡量一个城市国际化 水平的重要 标志,在中国各大城市得到快速发展。

  • Urbanization is an important symbol the level of urbanization can reflect the level of modernization of a nation or a region in a way .

    城市化是现代化的一个重要 标志,城市化 水平 高低在一定程度上可以反映一个国家或地区的现代化水平;

  • In this paper an adaptive modulation system controlled by changing the symbol rate and modulation level is proposed .

    本文研究了通过改变 符号率及调制 电平的方法实现的自适应调制系统。

  • It is the symbol of the level of the members ' thought conception feelings and action in sequence and in whole .

    标志 全队成员在思想、观念、情感、行为方面的有序化和一体化 程度,具有 整合 凝聚作用。

  • Teaching quality is the most direct symbol of the level of running a university .

    教学质量是高等学校办学 水平最直接的 体现

  • The systemic application of CAD / CAE / CAM has become an important symbol to weigh the level of industry science and technology of a country .

    对CAD/CAE/CAM技术的研究系统应用,已成为衡量一个国家科技和工业化 水平的重要 标志 之一