symbol file

[ˈsɪmbəl faɪl][ˈsimbəl fail]

[计] 符号文件

  • Firstly according to the feature of the symbol name and scope in Java bytecode file an adaptive extensible symbol table is presented in this thesis .

    首先,本文针对字节 文件中 符号和作用域的特点,设计了适用于Java字节码 文件的符号表。

  • The value of the symbol is the start address of the portion of the text section corresponding to that file .

    符号的值是与该 文件对应的文本部分的起始地址。

  • DBMONEY : The currency symbol for the money column values in the external data file are in the format specified by the DBMONEY .

    DBMONEY:外部数据 文件中的货币列值的货币 符号采用由DBMONEY指定的格式。

  • During the design process VHDL language is used to achieve the displaying function GDF graphic input is used to achieve the saving and prior sorting functions . The generated symbol is used to cited in the top file .

    在抢答器设计过程中,层次化思想体现在利用VHDL语言实现显示功能,利用GDF图形输入实现保存结果和优先排序两个功能,最后将所生成的 symbol作为顶层调用,以实现整体功能。

  • The relational technologies include : encoding Symbol loading / separating hiding information on / from carrier file designing the special font library showing files in which watermark is embedded .

    这些技术包括:将 符号编码成冗余数字代码的若干方法;隐藏通信的数据加载与分离方法;特定字体文件的设计方法;若干对嵌入水印信息的载体 文件进行显示的方法。

  • Defines a preprocessing symbol for your source file .

    定义源 文件的预处理 符号

  • The | ( pipe ) symbol is used here instead of the : ( colon ) for the configuration because of Java limitations in processing the properties file .

    这里,使用(管道) 符号来代替:配置中的冒号,这是因为Java在处理属性 文件时的限制。

  • This is used in edit-and-copy scenarios to update the symbol store to match deltas to the original portable executable file .

    这在编辑并复制方案中用以更新 符号存储,以便将增量与原始可移植可执行 文件匹配。

  • With the frequent flow of talent more and more old planned economy under the person to a social man has been regarded as a symbol of citizenship of the personnel file is part of the people as not essential worldly possessions .

    随着人才的频繁流动,越来越多的以前计划经济下的人成为了社会人,曾被视为公民身份 象征的人事 档案则被部分人看作为可有可无的身外之物。

  • We have corrected the error when the last symbol of file or catalogue name is ' .

    '我们已经纠正了错误时, 文件或目录的最后 符号名称是'。'。

  • If we get this symbol after an N_SOL symbol ( file name ) it means a function is encountered for the above file name .

    如果我们从NSOL 符号文件名)后获得该符号,则意味着以上文件名遇到一个函数。

  • In this case the linker fails reporting only the symbol name and the name of the second obj file where the type was defined .

    在此情况下,链接器将失败,仅报告 符号名称和第二个obj 文件(其中定义了该类型)的名称。

  • When N_SOL is found it represents the name of the file that is included in this binary and from this symbol the file name can be stored .

    如果找到NSOL,则表示二进制文件中包含该文件的名称,并且 文件名可以存储到该 符号中。

  • Variables begin with a percent symbol ( % ) and stand in for information that can 't be known when the configuration file was written .

    在编写配置 文件时,变量都以百分比 符号(%)开始,表示未知的信息。

  • The index lists each symbol defined by a member of an archive that is a relocatable object file .

    这个索引列出了存档文件的成员(可重定位目标 文件)所定义的每个 符号

  • Nowadays the common method of addressing the entry point of main relies on symbol table . With the widely use of strip utility the binary file does not contain symbol table anymore .

    当前二进制翻译中通用的main函数定位方法依赖于 符号表,随着strip工具的普遍应用,二进制可执行 文件中往往不存在符号表。

  • Bad global symbol definition : ' % s ' In object file ' % s '

    对象 文件'%s'中错误的全局 符号定义'%s'

  • At last im accordance with the update of the component symbol of national standard and the expansion of the professional graghs we ameliorated the component library and strengthened the gragh management keeping graphics file in the database to save and copy data .

    最后,针对国家标准液压元件职能 符号的更新与图库的不断扩充,本系统定制了数据库模块,采用数据库存放图形 文件的方式保存和备份数据,加强对图库的管理。

  • To use the latest debugger with Mono you need to download it from SVN HEAD and recompile both your applications and libraries as the debugger no longer supports the older symbol file format .

    由于最新的调试器不支持旧格式的 符号 文件,如果你要在Mono上使用它,则必须从SVN下载代码并重新编译你的应用程序和类库。

  • A symbol set file is defined called Symbols . txt that doesn 't always exist .

    符号设置 文件已经定义,名为Symbols.txt,它不一定存在。