




  • I 'd gladly swap places with mummy any day

    什么时候让我和妈妈 交换角色我都愿意。

  • We went to the swap meet .

    我们去了 旧货 交换会。

  • Both sides swapped their goalies in the 30th minute .

    比赛进行到第30分钟 双方都 更换了守门员。

  • I 'll swap you three of mine for one of yours .

    我以我的三个 你一个。

  • They will swap posts in a year 's time according to new party rules which rotate the leadership .

    根据轮流担任领导的新政党章程,他们在一年后会 轮换职位。

  • Now this is just a number and they need to be swapped to swap skill effect or create new .

    现在这只是一个数字,他们需要交换成 交换技能效果或创造一个新的。

  • Swap the last column with the first .

    方法来 交换第一个 显示列和最后一个 显示列。

  • Despite the heat he 'd swapped his overalls for a suit and tie

    尽管很热,他还是 脱掉工作服换上了西装和领带。

  • Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly

    下周他们将 交换座位,并且以后每周换一次。

  • Some keep a copy of the data in all applications & both memory and swap space .

    有些变体保留所有应用程序中的数据副本&同时包括内存和 交换空间中的应用程序。

  • The recent Greek bonds swap which allowed the ECB to avoid loss has confirmed this status .

    最近让欧洲央行得以避免损失的希腊债券 互换证实了这种地位。

  • Once you have a figure in mind you need to configure the swap space .

    一旦头脑中有了大体数字,您就需要配置 交换空间。

  • Will you swap with me ?

    你将会和我 交换吗?

  • What you need at the least is one primary partition which contains the root and one for swap .

    至少需要有一个包含了根的主分区和一个 交换 分区

  • I saw them swap glances then let me get away with it .

    我见他们 交换了一下眼神,然后原谅了我。

  • 2If you like my gift better I 'll swap with you .

    如果你比较喜欢我的礼物,我可以和你 交换

  • The two guys look at each other and swap lunches .

    这两个人相互看了一眼, 交换了他们的午饭。

  • I 'll swap you this for that .

    这个和你 交换那个吧。

  • He has swapped his hectic rock star 's lifestyle for that of a country gentleman

    他一 摇滚 歌星紧张忙碌的生活方式,开始过起了乡村绅士的生活。

  • I 'm not sure what I want to swap it for .

    我不确定我想要它 交换什么。

  • One disk for the operation system and the swap space .

    一个磁盘用于操作系统和 交换空间。

  • Can you swap seats with joan ? She can 't see the screen .

    你能和琼 换换座位吗?她看不到屏幕。

  • Question : With who have you had your best shirt swap ?

    你拥有的最棒的球衣是和谁 交换来的?

  • I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist

    我认识一个 雕刻家,她用自己的作品去换一位著名画家的画作。

  • Your book looks more interesting than mine : do you want to swap with me ?

    你的书好像比我的有意思,你愿意和我 交换吗?

  • They all sat together at table laughing and swapping stories .

    他们都坐在桌子旁, 有说有笑地讲述 各自的故事。

  • This tells you that you have one swap partition defined .

    这说明已经定义了一个 交换分区。

  • Involve in training activities swap duties and cross training .

    包括在培训活动中的 交易责任和交叉培训。

  • Can I swap this job for what 's behind door .

    我可以 工作到门后面吗?

  • I 'll swap you my chocolate bar for your peanuts .

    我将 巧克力和你 花生。