


  • This poem discusses the difficult life of a sweeper .

    这首诗谈论的 就是 烟囱 孩子的艰难生活。

  • The sweeper kept running long after the sounds of pursuit ceased and did not stop until he reached his home .

    身后追赶的声音消失了,但是 清洁工仍然继续 前跑了很长时间,到家以后他才停下来。

  • And the street sweeper said Thank you sir . But tell me what is your task ?


  • The sweeper team that showed up at the hospital .

    在医院出现的 清扫组员。

  • Invented the first power dust control sweeper with vacant absorption force .

    发明第一台具有真空吸力的动力控尘 扫地

  • System Sweeper can boot from a USB flash drive or a CD-ROM.

    系统 清理 可以从U盘或者光盘中启动。

  • The sweeper is cleaning the room .

    清扫 正在打扫房间。

  • When he got home the sweeper put the coins into a sock and hid it under the floorboard for safekeeping .

    当他回到家, 扫除 放硬币入袜子并且掩藏了它在安全保护的地板之下。

  • After deep sleep the weeping sweeper keeps on peeping the sheep on the steep .

    酣睡之后,哭泣的 清扫者继续窥视峭壁上的羊。

  • KME650-KMB650 Electrical driven walk-behind sweeper The KME650-KMB650 cleans and picks-up debris during forward and backward movement .

    电瓶驱动的推进式 清扫 KME650-KMB650型通过前进和后退来 清扫并吸集碎屑。

  • History Sweeper gives users a chance to cover their tracks and erase digital fingerprints .

    历史 清扫 为用户提供了一个机会来掩盖他们的踪迹和擦除的数字指纹。

  • The first sweeper car was sold abroad - ( Sweden ) railway system .

    第一 扫地车销往国外-(瑞士)铁路系统。

  • In the sweeper a developer can define an active record event such as after_save .

    在此 清理 中,开发人员可以定义一个活动记录事件,比如aftersave。

  • When that event fires the sweeper will fire and can invalidate selected pages in the cache .

    当此事件击发时, 清理 也会 击发,并可让缓存内的特定页面到期失效。

  • Study on Matching and Control Strategy of Hybrid Electric Road Sweeper Drivetrain

    混合动力 清扫 动力系统参数匹配与控制策略研究

  • In material world there is difference between a sweeper and a cook ; in the spiritual world a person who sweeps the temple and a person who worships in the temple are all the same .

    在物质世界, 清道夫和厨师是不一样的,在灵性世界,清洁庙宇之人与在庙宇中做崇拜之人是一样的。

  • Studying of Auto-control Device for Touchdown Pressure of Sweeper Brush


  • Taking his shovel the sweeper followed the sound of the church bells up into the hills .

    他拿起 铁锨,跟著钟声传来的方向上了山,来到声音发出的地方已经是上 不接下

  • Simulation and optimization of the suction system of vacuum sweeper with a front-mounting dust collection box

    前装卸式真空 清扫 吸尘系统仿真与优化

  • Said a philosopher to a street sweeper I pity you . Yours is a hard and dirty task .

    一个哲学家对一个 清道夫说:“我可怜你,你的工作又苦又脏。”

  • Waiting until daylight the sweeper went reluctantly back up into the hills to retrieve it .

    等到天大亮了, 清洁工很不情愿的返回山上想要取回铁锨。

  • The sweeper cannot vibrate in high amplitude when sweeping the stuff .

    清扫 清扫物料时不会大振幅跳动。

  • Research on Optimization of Horizontal Spiral Rolling Snow Sweeper 's Structure and Properties

    卧式螺旋滚 雪车结构与性能优化研究

  • He 's the only man in highlands licensed to operate the street sweeper .

    他是这里唯一的持证 清道 驾驶员

  • Self-cleaning : The auto sweeper fitted at the bottom implements self-cleaning .

    自清洁底部设有自动 清扫机构,自动清洁。

  • A wide broom that is pushed ahead of the sweeper .

    清扫 前推动的宽扫帚。

  • The Design and Implementation of Airport Snow Sweeper Communication Control System

    机场 扫雪 通信控制系统的设计与实现

  • Since then Yang has kissed 54 men across Paris including a street sweeper a model and a foreign tourist .

    自那以后,杨雅晴已成功在巴黎吻了54个男人,其中包括 清洁工、模特和外国游客。

  • I eventually got a job as a road sweeper .

    我最终得到了一份马路 清洁工的工作。

  • Microsoft Standalone System Sweeper .

    微软 自己 系统 清理 独立 工具