When it comes to keeping cool in this weather please consider putting on socks shoes long trousers a vest ( to keep the sweat from soaking through ) and a shirt .
说到在这种天气里保持清凉,请考虑穿上短袜、鞋子、长裤、背心(以防 汗水 渗出)和 衬衫。
You could see the sweat stain on his white shirt .
他的白 衬衣上 汗渍斑斑。
His voice shook with anxiety and a cold sweat drenched his shirt .
他急得声音颤抖, 冷汗一下子浸透了 衬衫。
He wiped the sweat from his face and took off his sweaty shirt .
他抹去脸上的 汗水,脱掉汗湿的 衬衣。
Sweat poured down Sun 's face onto his chest and onto his white dress shirt .
孙的脸 满 是 汗水,那些 汗水一直流到了他的胸前,湿透了他白色的 球衣。
美[swɛt ʃɚt]英[swet ʃə:t]