swear off

[swɛr ɔf][swɛə ɔf]


  • I think I 'm gonna swear off girls for a while .

    不过我有 一阵不会 女朋友了。

  • When the taxi driver started to swear at him he walked off .

    出租车司机开始 咒骂他时,他 走开

  • Consumers are finally beginning to swear off the habit as well after running up the average creditcard balance to more that $ 1 compared with less than $ 500 in1982 .

    消费者在平均累积了1600多元信用卡欠债(1982年不到500元)以后,终于也 决心 戒绝这个习惯。

  • Once the human becomes addicted after smoking is very then difficult to swear off because in tobacco 's Nicotine widely regards as narcotics it plays the stimulation to the central nervous system .

    人一旦对吸烟上瘾后便很难 戒掉,因为烟草中的尼古丁被广泛视为毒品,它对中枢神经系统起刺激作用。

  • Many people swear by vitamin C 's ability to ward off colds .

    许多人 深信维生素C能预防 感冒

  • Men 's freedom is plenty men 's territory is big men are allowed to smoke and indulge in drinking able to swear at people and get feelings and emotions off one 's chest as they pleases .

    男人的自由多,男人的领域大;男人可以抽烟酗酒,可以 大声 骂人,可以随意 宣泄自己的感情。

  • I 've decided to swear off smoking .

    我已宣布 戒烟了。

  • He had given me a thumbs-up when he heard about our China boycott then told me he was going to swear off Wal-Mart for good this year .

    听到我要抵制中国制造的时候他很赞赏,并且告诉我今年他 沃尔玛了。