


  • It is possible to eat vegetarian food everywhere from street stalls where spicy rice cakes and red-bean filled bread snacks are ubiquitous to swanky restaurants and mountain-top temples .

    素食食品随处可见,从无处不在、可品尝到辣米糕和红豆面包的街边小摊,到 豪华餐馆和山顶的寺庙都可找到。

  • The parties have been hosted at swanky New York cocktail bars where the ' daddies ' discuss fees for future dates with the women who take their fancy – and its organisers are now seeking London venues .

    派对曾在纽约 时髦的鸡尾酒吧举办,“糖果老爹”在那里和他们喜欢的美女讲价。目前,活动组织者把目光投向了伦敦市场。

  • Advertise your by hanging out at all the expected places & fancy wine bars swanky hotels and luxury spas .

    不如 光顾时尚酒吧、 奢华饭店和豪华温泉中心这样的场所。

  • Tabitha : Wow what a swanky wedding ! Who are the happy couple ?

    塔比瑟:哇,多麽 豪华的婚礼!那对快乐的新人是谁?

  • In Fuling scores of crumbling tenements and grey dank houses are slowly being demolished and replaced with swanky new apartment blocks .

    在涪陵,大量破败的出租房与潮湿灰暗的住宅正逐渐被拆除,取而代之的是 豪华的新公寓大楼。

  • It is the 10-foot windows lining the walls that make bathroom users at the Boom Boom Room club at the swanky Standard Hotel in Manhattan are entirely visible to people on the street the Daily Mail reported .

    据英国《每日邮报》报道,透过这面10英尺高的玻璃墙,在 时髦 碰碰屋俱乐部如厕的人的一举一动,被街上行人一览无余。

  • Instead of just printing the web page you 're going to give our valued customers a swanky PDF version they can print at their leisure .

    并不只是打印网页,您将为我们尊贵的客户提供一个 时髦的PDF版本,这会使他们在轻松的 状态完成打印。

  • She goes to a swanky private school .

    她上的是一 昂贵的私立学校。

  • The swanky bar had no record of his booking and he was barely able to contain his rage . He fumed and fidgeted and jabbed angrily at his BlackBerry trying vainly to raise his PA. Five minutes passed slowly .


  • And go to swanky parties like you do .

    然后像你这样参加 奢华的聚会。

  • He bought the property next to Tiffany 's on New York 's swanky Fifth Avenue .

    他买下 高尚 富丽的纽约第五大街上 邻近 第凡内的一 房产。

  • A little gaggle of hedge fund stars in a corner were doing this particularly effectively looking swanky and causing much resentment among the comparative paupers who had not jumped ship .

    角落里的一小群对冲基金明星把这点做得尤其淋漓尽致。他们看上去非常 时髦,令那些没有跳槽的叫花子同辈愤愤不平。

  • They are opening swanky offices in cities favoured by the wealthy and recruiting armies of bankers who can lure new clients .

    他们纷纷在富人青睐的城市 设立 豪华办公室,招募大批能够吸引新客户的银行家。

  • At Taylor of Old Bond Street a swanky London barber and boutique sales to other British retailers were up by72 % last year .

    在泰勒的旧债券街,一家 时髦的伦敦美容精品店,销售给其他零售店的销售额,在去年增长了72%。

  • My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman

    我母亲和别人串通,把他杜撰成一个 阔气的商人。

  • This is a rather swanky restaurant that serves up fine Chinese food at a price .

    这是 高档餐厅,中国菜做得相当不错,价钱也不

  • We stayed in a swanky hotel .

    我们住在一家 豪华酒店。

  • Keep Rent Low When you move to a new place don 't immediately go for the swanky new apartment .

    保持低房租当你迁移到一个新环境时,不要立刻去住 奢华的新公寓。

  • They have infested college dormitories hospital wings homeless shelters and swanky hotels from New York City to Chicago to Washington .

    它们大量滋 生于从纽约到芝加哥再到华盛顿的大学宿舍、医院病房、流浪 人员 住地和 时尚酒店内。

  • He is head of a rural department Corr è ze which is to Mr Sarkozy 's fief in Neuilly a swanky Paris suburb rather as Arkansas is to New York 's Upper East Side .

    他在利穆赞的乡下有一所小公寓,而萨科齐先生的居所位于巴黎 豪华的郊区讷伊,这就像一个 住在阿肯色州,一个 住在纽约的上东区。

  • They now golfed and lolled around in swanky saunas .

    他们现在打高尔夫,懒洋洋地享受 时髦的桑拿。