symptomatic treatment

[ˌsɪmtəˈmætɪk ˈtritmənt][ˌsɪmtəˈmætɪk ˈtri:tmənt]


  • Conclusion The domestic hospice palliative treatment symptomatic treatment and nursing enhance the quality of life of cancer patients .

    近年来癌症患者生命质量问题已 成为除单纯生理 治疗外关注的热点。

  • Conclusion We should make a definite diagnosis as soon as possible and give the patients by symptomatic treatment .

    结论对 蜘蛛咬伤的病人应尽早确诊及 对症 治疗

  • Results The symptomatic treatment we took was effective for this patient .

    结果 对症 治疗效果良好。

  • The main modern medical treatment of this disease is symptomatic treatment .

    现代医学对本病治疗主要以 对症 治疗为主。

  • Group A : routine postoperative therapy symptomatic treatment with no any other interventions .

    A组:按常规术后治疗、 对症 处理,不进行其他任何干预措施。

  • These side effects were transient and could remit spontaneously or after symptomatic treatment .

    这些毒副作用均为一过性,能自行缓解或通过 对症 处理后很快缓解。

  • One would be to treat the symptoms using a basic symptomatic treatment consisting of an analgesic drug for the pain .

    一方面是采用镇痛药物等 对症 治疗缓解患者的症状。

  • Conclusion : The present treatment methods are symptomatic treatment and can not cure the OA .

    结论:目前各种疗法大多处于 对症 治疗,不能从根本上治愈OA。

  • Scientists in Finland found that the drug galanthamine provides an effective symptomatic treatment for patients with dementia .

    芬兰科学家们发现加兰他敏药物可以对老年性痴呆患者提供有效的 对症 治疗

  • Treatment can be contractions agents anti-infective agents to stop bleeding and symptomatic treatment based on etiology acute severe bleeding is feasible with hysterectomy .

    处理上可采用宫缩剂,止血剂及抗感染,并根据病因 对症 治疗,对急性严重出血者可行子宫切除术。

  • The side effect of extrapyramidal system occurred in8 cases of the drug therapy group and6 cases of the psychotherapy group respectively and the side effect disappeared after symptomatic treatment .

    药物治疗组8例,心理治疗组6例出现锥体外系副反应, 对症 治疗后副反应消失。

  • Two groups of patients were given western medicine conventional symptomatic treatment .

    两组患者均给予西医常规 对症 治疗

  • In the Composite Hugan support and symptomatic treatment based on the observation group ( 28 cases ) the application of conventional intravenous ceftriaxone with fried Jing oral medicine ;

    在综合护肝、支持、 对症 治疗基础上,观察组(28例)应用头孢曲松常规静脉滴注,配合中药煎荆口服;

  • Western medicine relapse after withdrawal because of symptomatic treatment .

    西医 只是 对症 治疗,停药后即复发。

  • When the patients have psychogenic symptoms the prognosis of patients can be improved by some symptomatic treatment strategies directed to their different clinical manifestations .

    精神并发症出现后,针对不同病因,及时采用 积极 综合 治疗能改善患者的预后。

  • Methods To predicted the development of ARDS using SIRS score and respiratory support as well as SIRS in symptomatic treatment were given once the diagnosis was clear .

    方法利用SIRS量化评分预估ARDS发展,诊断明确后立即给予呼吸支持以及降低 全身炎性反应综合征等 治疗

  • My cancer therapy is moderate it won 't hurt healthy cell during the treatment symptomatic treatment effect is significantly and this technology is easy to grasp .

    我的癌症技术疗法温和,治疗中不会伤害健康细胞,它的 对症 治疗效果显著,技术易于掌握。

  • Both groups based in symptomatic treatment based on the implementation .

    两组均在 对症 治疗的基础上实施。

  • At present there is few specifed therapy except for anti-inflammatory and symptomatic treatment .

    目前除抗炎及 对症 治疗外还没有特效的 治疗方法。

  • Patients were given vital signs monitoring and bleeding only the acid anti-inflammatory and other symptomatic treatment .

    术后均给与生命体征监护并止血、止酸、抗炎等 对症 处理

  • The chief dealing were symptomatic treatment venous nutrition support and protection of gastric mucosa .

    其主要方法为 抗酸 治疗,保护胃粘膜,支持营养, 对症处理。

  • Patients of the two groups were both given the support conventional symptomatic treatment of neurology .

    两组病人都在神经内科常规 对症及支持 治疗的基础上同时进行康复训练。

  • The course of treatment based on two sets of cases are related to the treatment and symptomatic treatment .

    治疗过程中两组病例均采用基础治疗及相关 对症 治疗

  • Result : One case of trachyphonia due to left vocal cord paralysis was cured by symptomatic treatment .

    结果:1例术后曾出现声嘶,左侧声带麻痹, 对症 治疗后治愈。

  • Currently there is no specific therapy for encephalitis mainly in support of therapy and symptomatic treatment .

    目前对乙脑尚无特异性疗法,主要是支持疗法和 对症 治疗

  • In case of oral diseases family Customize analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs alone symptomatic treatment will not solve the fundamental problems .

    一旦发生口腔疾病,家庭自选止痛、消炎药物仅能 对症 治疗,不能解决根本问题。

  • Chinese emphasize symptomatic treatment only to follow theory can play a greater therapeutic effect .

    中医讲究 对症 治疗,只有遵循适应理论,才能更大地发挥食疗的效果。

  • The treatment of vascular dementia include prevention and symptomatic treatment .

    血管性痴呆的治疗包括预防和 对症 治疗

  • Are many factors that can cause insomnia so treatment of insomnia to ascertain the cause of symptomatic treatment .

    很多种因素可以引起失眠,所以治疗失眠要查明原因, 对症 治疗

  • 22 cases were noted to have complications which improved with symptomatic treatment .

    出现并发症22例次, 对症内科 联合 处理后好转。