


vt.& vi.(使)同步,(使)同速进行


  • The apps will synchronise with your iPad and download the latest content automatically .

    这些程序会与你的ipad 同步,并自动下载最新的内容。

  • FIX : Synchronise database now button should be greyed out .

    修理: 同步数据库按钮,现在应该变成灰色。

  • Since the world began to synchronise with mechanical time the population has expanded at an very undesirable rate while the environment has been subjected to attacks of destruction .

    既然世界开始 校准机械的时间,人口以不受欢迎的速度膨胀,当环境开始成为破坏攻击的 题材

  • You can have copies of these folders on other computers and if you save or change a file on one of them all your computers will synchronise .

    你可以在其他电脑上建立这些文件夹的副本,如果你保存或改动了某台电脑上的文件,你所有的电脑都会 同步 更新

  • Under this menu item it is possible to synchronise the k-number after replacing the instrument cluster or pcm .

    更换组合仪表或pcm后,可以在此菜单项下 同步k编号。

  • Our new integrated services synchronise package delivery with international freight movements and customs clearance slashing warehousing needs .

    我们新的综合服务 同步包裹递送与国际货运及清关,从而大幅削减仓库贮存的需要。

  • Synchronise the score with the film action .

    配乐和电影情节进行 同步 合成

  • It can quickly synchronise the mirror data between the local and remote by reduced the transfered data .

    最大限度的减少两地数据传输量,可 使两地数据快速 同步

  • A simulated transformed web-based health portal is chosen as the interface to health information data . In order to synchronise viewing these web portals via the graphical modality with speech from the voice modality an interaction mechanism was implemented .

    基于网络的卫生模拟转换门户网站作为医疗信息的数据接口,通过图形形态 组件 同步查看上述信息,与通过语音形态组件 输入的语音构成互动机制。

  • One tries for the perfect vertical but at the same time you have to synchronise yourself perfectly with others .

    你要 做到完美的垂直,但同时还必须与其他人完美地 协调

  • Read the data with TCP / IP protocol in real time and synchronise the resource with multithreading coding method to avoid the thread locking when the tracking is ceased . 3 .

    使用TCP/IP协议 实现数据的实时读取,为了防止停止追踪时出现的线程锁 的现象,使用多线程编程方法 同步资源。

  • Mixmaster includes a trigger output derived from one of the12 input signals which can be used to synchronise the scope to a known cylinder .

    该信号混合器包括一个触发输出,来自12个输入信号中的一个,它被用于 同步示波器到一个已经知道的汽缸。