


  • To address team members at all locations automatic synchronization provides up-to-date access to replicated defect and change tracking information so the entire team stays in synch .

    为了满足所有位置的团队成员的需求,自动化的同步为重复的缺陷和变更跟踪信息提供最新的访问,以使整个团队保持 同步

  • Contacts are replicated with the Mail application in Lotus Notes V8 so IBM Lotus Domino Web Access users have true replication instead of agent-based synch for their mobile devices .

    在LotusNotesV8中联系人是用Mail应用程序进行复制的,因此IBMLotusDominoWebAccess用户拥有真正的副本,而不是用户移动设备的基于代理的 同步

  • Makes it easier to administer images and easier to keep nodes in synch .

    这会使映像的管理和保持节点 同步更加轻松。

  • The justifications for this approach are similar to the previous approach but there is a greater concern with keeping the implementation in synch with the model .

    对该方法的论证类似于上一个方法,但更关注于保持实现与模型的 同步

  • Do you want to synch to protected actuals ?

    是否需要 同步受保护的实际值?

  • Neither are the incentives of fund managers necessarily in synch with their investors ' best interests .

    基金管理公司的动机也不一定 符合投资者的最佳利益。

  • Service consumer and provider implementations share the same service interface definition project which ensures keeping them in synch .

    服务消费者和提供者共享一个服务接口定义工程,其保证了两者的 同步

  • Despite the claims of Apple enthusiasts however I found the onscreen virtual keyboard virtually impossible to use for text messaging mobile e-mail or entering contact details ( although you can enter these on a PC and then synch them over ) .

    然而,尽管苹果发烧友 推崇 不已,但我发现iPhone的屏幕虚拟键盘实际上不太可能用来编写短信、移动电邮或输入联系人详细信息(尽管你可以在个人电脑上输入这些信息,然后与 手机进行 同步)。

  • That might be fun day to day but in her heart she 'd probably feel that she was living a life out of synch with her values .

    这也许在日常生活中成为 乐趣,可是在她的内心,她大概会认为自己过着一个和价值观 协调 一致的生活。

  • At a distance you can 't even tell the lips don 't synch up properly .

    从远处看,你无法分辨嘴唇是否完全 同步

  • This way your files are always kept in synch and you always have the right files in your development testing staging and production environments .

    这样,您的文件始终保持 同步,而且您的开发、测试、升级和生产环境中始终具有恰当的文件。

  • Monitor V6.2 also broadens the list of supported operating systems and databases bringing it more into synch with the platforms supported by the rest of the IBM BPM suite .

    MonitorV6.2还扩大了受支持操作系统和数据库的范围,使其 可能与IBMBPM其余套件支持的平台 同步

  • Something seen at a point precisely in beat with an auditory rhythm is more likely to be perceived than if it appears out of synch with the rhythm .

    我们在正巧和听到的节奏合拍的一个点上看到的东西要比我们在和节奏 同步 时候看到的东西更容易被我们感知。

  • Jane laughed curiously out of synch with what was being said .

    珍妮笑得 莫名其妙,与正在说的事毫无 关系

  • Sony has opted for active shutter technology using electronic glasses containing tiny shutters that open and close rapidly in synch with the television image to create a 3D impression .

    索尼公司选择的是“主动快门”技术(activeshutter),即利用电子玻璃镜片中微小快门与电视图像的 同步快速开合,创造出3d效果。

  • Fixed an out of synch involving nukes .

    修订核武器的一个不 同步 问题

  • I 'm a fan of subtle synchronized movements ; even something small like a hand gesture impresses me if it 's performed by a group in perfect synch .

    我非常喜欢那些 精妙和协调统一的动作,甚至一些很小的比如一个手势这样的动作,只要在 一个 韵律里,都能给我留下很好的印象。

  • This setting can be reset by failover preferred server change unreachable cache file replication interval setback or any other time you need to synch with a new server mail file .

    在以下情况下可能重新设置此设置:故障转移、首选服务器更改、缓存文件不可访问、复制间隔错误,或者在其他任何需要与新的服务器邮件文件进行 同步时。

  • The code-behind page cannot be out of synch with the controls declared in the markup .

    代码隐藏页必然与标记中声明的控件 同步

  • The result is that the server retains its own edits and the local copy retains its own edits and neither realizes that they are out of synch .

    结果是服务器、本地副本各自保留自己的编辑,而二者都没有意识到它们已经不 同步

  • These benefit comes with some costs such as we need to rush some of our milestone cycle to be in synch with the rest of the project .

    这些益处是要付出代价的,比如我们需要调整一些里程碑周期以与其余项目 保持 同步

  • Vanessa : But if the basics are in synch you might grow together .

    凡妮莎:但是若最基本的东西 协调,你们就能共同成长。

  • By using a Recovery Protocol we can stay in synch with our overall vision values and goals during the rough times .

    通过利用恢复协议,在艰难时期,我们可以与我们整个的视界、价值和目标保持 同步

  • Oh I know it was cold and plenty of entertainers lip synch .

    我知道这很 人扫兴,但很多艺人都 假唱

  • That is fine when us and Hong Kong economic cycles are in synch .

    如果美国和香港的经济周期 保持 同步情况还算不错。

  • These visual circuits are more responsive when the image appears in synch with the auditory rhythm .

    那些 大脑视觉回路在图片出现和听觉节奏 同步时候反应更 强烈一些。