


  • Controls did not have a difference in symptomatology on either day .

    对照组在 增加 缺失 没有明显差别。

  • The epidemiology pathology symptomatology diagnosis prevention and cure of viral infectious diseases in alpaca were outlined in the paper .

    概述了羊驼主要病毒性传染病的流行病学、 临床 症状、病理变化及诊断与防治。为羊驼病毒性传染病的研究与防治提供理论依据。

  • TCM symptomatology of chronic kidney disease in the third fourth and fifth stage

    慢性肾脏疾病 3 中医 临床研究

  • Objective To investigate from theoretical and clinical aspects the symptoms of damage of brain collateral by toxin and a tentative research thinking of symptomatology based on the present related studies .

    目的在毒损脑络现有研究的基础上,从理论和临床角度初步探讨毒损脑络的症状表现,并探讨其 症状 研究的初步思路。

  • Symptomatology study of Chinese medicine in quail with hyperuricacidemia

    鹌鹑高尿酸血症中医证候 研究

  • Symptomatology Studies of Infant Persistent Diarrhea

    小儿迁延性腹泻的 中医 研究

  • Frequency and Associated Social and Psychological Factors for Postpartum Depression Symptomatology in Mongolian Women

    蒙古族妇女 产后抑郁的社会心理因素的 对比 研究

  • Based on discussing the etiology and pathogenesis of PD in TCM the study aims to reveal the PDs symptomatology characters in TCM and optimize the scheme of Bianzheng Fenxing in TCM .

    本研究在探讨迁延性腹泻的中医病因病机特点的基础上,通过资料调研和临床观察,深入研究迁延性腹泻的中医证 特征,探讨优化中医辨证分型方案。

  • The chief mechanism responsible for the symptomatology is the consequence of a general vascular disturbance which leads to edema and spasm of arterioles .

    出现 各种 症状的主要机制是由于全身性血管功能失调,导致水肿和小动脉痉挛。

  • Relationship of antipsychotic drug treatment symptomatology and sex with plasma homovanillic acid in schizophrenia

    精神分裂症患者血浆高香草酸浓度与 临床 症状、性别和药物治疗的关系

  • It is the research thinking of symptomatology of damage of brain collateral by toxin to combine closely the outcome pathogenetic characteristics of apoplexy with Chinese medical theory and to find the symptoms in clinical practice .

    紧密结合疾病转归,结合病机特点和中医理论,在临床过程中寻找症状,是毒损脑络 症状 研究的思路。

  • Objective : To study the ear accupoint electric resistance of protracted opioid withdrawal syndrome in order to lay a foundation for the symptomatology of the traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) .

    目的:了解太原市阿片类物质依赖者稽延性戒断综合症的耳穴电阻,为下一步中医证 研究 提供一些基础性参考资料。

  • Diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis by clinical symptomatology and Doppler ultrasound after total knee arthroplasty

    临床 症状和多普勒超声对人工膝关节置换术后深静脉血栓的诊断价值

  • Resistance and Reflection : Ecological Fiction As Symptomatology of Modernity

    抵抗与反思:现代性 症候的生态小说

  • Methods : We observed the clinic symptomatology sternum and tongue of 40 SARS doubtful cases which were treated with Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine . We tested T cell cluster plasma coronavirus nucleic acid and antibody with development .

    方法:对40例SARS疑似患者进行临床 、胸片、舌象观察,并进行中西医结合治疗,对 20例患者同时进行动态T细胞亚群、血浆冠状病毒核酸及抗体测定。

  • We emphasized that the main foundation of diagnosis of schizophrenia was symptomatology . A comprehensive and multiaxial diagnostic skill may be valueable .

    并强调应以 症状 为诊断主要依据,采用综合性或多轴性诊断思维方法。

  • Objective To explore the modern research methods for TCM symptomatology .

    目的探索中医 的现代研究方法。

  • Results : Postpartum depressive symptomatology was determined by concurrent life events lack of social support marital dissatisfaction past deliberate self-harm and antepartum depressed mood .

    结果:决定 产后抑郁症 因素有:目前的生活事件,缺乏社会支持,婚姻不满意,既往有故意自伤史,以及产前存在抑郁情绪。

  • Objective : To explore the symptomatology of cluster-B personality disorders from perspective of the Five-Factor Model ( FFM ) .

    目的:了解B群人格障碍的 人格五因素特征。

  • Researching on mental factors in the etiology of chronic pain symptomatology and treatment is the urgent tasks of pain Branch medical psychology psychiatry and other disciplines .

    研究精神因素在慢性疼痛病因学、 症状 及治疗中的作用是疼痛科、医学心理学、精神病学等学科共同面临的紧迫任务。

  • By symptomatology of rats the model group score higher than the control and intervention group .

    组大鼠的 症状 分析模型组评分高于对照组和干预组。

  • Symptomatology of patients with senile dementia in rural China

    农村老年期痴呆 临床 症状调查

  • Research thinking of symptomatology in theory of damage of brain collateral by toxin

    毒损脑络学说的 症状 研究思路探讨

  • Rubber Tree Bark Necrosis : advances in symptomatology etiology epidemiology and causal factors of a physiological trunk disease

    橡胶树树皮坏死: 症状 、病原学、流行病学方面的发展和树干生理病症的发因

  • A preliminary study on the symptomatology of obsessive & compulsive disorder

    强迫症 症状 的初步研究

  • Slow transit constipation ( STC ) in colon is the typical type in functional constipations but the knowledge on its accession mechanism pathogenic factor in traditional Chinese medicine symptomatology characteristics and standard diagnosis & therapy is still insufficient .

    结肠慢传输型便秘(slowtransitconstipationSTC)是功能性便秘中最常见的类型,但对其发病机制、中医病机 特点、规范化治疗均缺乏足够的认识。