synchronous operation

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˌɑpəˈreʃən][ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]


  • Through management system and information platform supporting construction and synchronous operation realize decision-making layer management information with team implementation of information interaction accelerating information flow improve the overall management of enterprise performance .

    通过管理体系与信息化平台的配套建设与 同步 运转,实现决策层管理信息与班组实施信息的互动,加速信息的流转,提高企业整体管理成效。

  • After started induction motor is changed into synchronous operation not only to improve its power factor but also to supply reactive power for power supply and improve system power factor .

    异步电动机同步化指绕线式异步电动机起动后,变成 同步 运行后不仅可以提高该机的自身的功率因数,还可以向电网提供一定的无功功率,提高整个系统的功率因数。

  • Synchronous operation between hydraulic distributor and reciprocating compressor and regulation control of capacity level-pressure and exhaust temperature are initially achieveed .

    初步实现压缩机与液压分配器的 同步 运转以及排气量、级间压力、排气温度的调节控制。

  • It can serve for synchronous spinning reserve load following frequency control and synchronous condenser operation .

    抽水蓄能电站具有 运行 灵活启动迅速的特点,其在 电力 系统 动态效益主要表现在紧急事故备用、负荷跟踪、调频和 同步调相上。

  • In this paper the convergence properties of Hopfield-type associative neural network with projection learning rule under synchronous update operation have been studied .

    本文对具有投影学习算法的Hopfield型二值神经网络( HBNN)在 同步 工作方式下的收敛性能进行了比较全面的讨论。

  • The counter composed by relay-contactor units which synchronous operation and control of output signals formed signal synchronous isolation and reached same function as isolation diode is studied .

    讨论了继-接器件的有触点电路计数器,其数输出 同步 运行与控制构成数同步隔离,取得与二极管隔离元件效果相同的运行与控制功能。

  • Research on Intelligent Control System of Several Hydraulic Cylinders ' Synchronous Operation

    多油缸 同步 运行智能控制的探讨

  • Examples are provided to highlight the current practices and it indicates that the supply hub-based logistics integration mode in supply chain would enhance operation reliability and help to realize synchronous logistics operation in supply chain .

    给出的实际案例表明基于集配中心的供应链物流整合方式能有效增强供应链系统运作的稳定可靠性,有助于实现供应链物流 同步运作

  • Based on the results of the network analysis of the three-shaft HMT design examples are proposed in a systematic way which limit the circulation power and allow synchronous clutch operation .

    基于对三轴HMT的网络分析的结果,在系统方法方面提供了设计实例,它限于用循环功率和 同步离合器 操作

  • Research on Control System of Multi-motor Synchronous Operation Based on Fuzzy Control

    基于模糊控制的 电机 同步控制系统研究

  • Investigation on feasibility of γ simulator and EMP simulator synchronous operation

    γ模拟器与EMP模拟器 同步 运行可行性研究

  • Convergence Analysis of Associative Memory Neural Netowrks Based on Outer Product Equation Learning Rule Under Synchronous Operation Mode

    基于外积取等准则的联想记忆神经网络 同步 运行收敛性分析

  • By combining the hardware circuit with software program features as synchronous operation and smooth speed control of the drive system are realized ; the system can eventually drive the aircraft effectively and achieve flight attitude adjustment .

    硬件电路与软件程序结合,实现内 同步 运行和平滑调速,有效驱动飞行器,实现飞行姿态调整。

  • When you are confident that asynchronous operation is meeting your business needs you might want to try synchronous operation to improve your data protection .

    在确信异步操作符合您的业务要求之后,您可能希望尝试 同步 操作,以改善数据保护功能。

  • With its special features in the construction stepper motor is widely used in the system that without speed sensors and location sensors to achieve precise positioning of the non-feedback controlling central or synchronous operation .

    步进电机以其独特的特点可以在无速度传感器和无位置传感器系统中实现精确的开环状态定位或 同步 运行

  • This paper also presents studies on experiments of the FES system storing energy and synchronous operation with power system .

    进行了FES系统加速储能试验和与电网 同步 运行控制试验,给出了试验测试结果。

  • The strategy of fuzzy control of several cylinders ' synchronous operation is analyzed emphatically and good effects are tested by experiments .

    着重分析多油缸 同步 运行的模糊控制策略,并通过实验证明了 同步智能控制的良好效果。

  • The experimental results of proposed power quality control system in restraining harmonic voltage and of its synchronous operation with a power system are presented .

    通过电能质量控制系统与电网间 同步 运行试验和谐波电压抑制试验,实现了逆变器与电网的同步运行控制以及负载谐波抑制控制。

  • At present with the increasing of single generator capacity and scale of power system improving the stability of synchronous generator operation is the one of essential requirements for guaranteeing grid security and ensuring power system economical efficiency .

    现在电力系统中,随着发电机单机容量和电力系统规模的增大,提高 同步发电机 运行的稳定性,是保证电网安全 运行,保证电力系统经济性的基本要求之一。

  • The VC + + control software that is programmed realizes accurate synchronous operation of 3D machine tool synchronous feeder and Laser system .

    编制了并行系统控制VC软件,实现了工作台三维运动与送粉器及激光系统的精确 同步 运行

  • Stability Research of Synchronous Operation of Dual-Motor Driven Vibrating System

    双机驱动振动系统 同步 运转稳定性的研究

  • The motion law of the vibratory synchronization transmission is analyzed by computer simulation on the basis of the analysis of the self-synchronization criterion of the vibrating system and stability criterion of synchronous operation after the vibrating system implementing vibratory synchronization transmission .

    在对实现振动同步传动的同步性判据与 同步 状态的稳定性判据的理论分析的基础上进行了振动同步传动运动规律的仿真分析。

  • The aim of this paper is making two motors to achieve synchronous operation and making an excavator to work in the best operating conditions through the frequency control technology of asynchronous motor and the use of digital PID to control the two motors .

    本文的研究正是想通过交流电动机的变频调速技术,采用数字PID控制两个电动机,使两个电动机实现 同步 运转,使挖掘机在最佳的工作状态下运转。

  • The magnetic field modulation type of Doubly-Fed Brushless Machine ( DFBM ) not only features simplicity robustness and reliability but also can realize easily soft starting asynchronous or synchronous operation cascade or doubly-fed adjustable speed .

    磁场调制式无刷双馈电机既无刷可靠,又可实现异步、 同步和双馈等多种 运行方式。

  • The mathematics model of electromechanical coupling of the vibrating system driven by three motors is established and the self-synchronization and stability conditions of synchronous operation of the vibrating system are deduced by using Hamilton theory .

    研究了三电机驱动振动系统的自同步理论,建立了三电机驱动振动系统的机电耦合数学模型,运用Hamilton原理导出了振动系统的同步性条件和 同步 运转的稳定性条件。

  • Moreover synchronous rectifier operation and less circulating energy make conduction losses of the converters reduced .

    运用 同步整流器 工作方式,同时尽力削减变换器中的循环能量,降低了变换器的通态损耗。

  • Serial port can have two kinds of operation mode : synchronous operation mode and overlap operation mode ( also known as asynchronous operation mode ) .

    串口的操作可以有两种操作方式: 同步 操作方式和重叠操作方式(又称为异步操作方式)。

  • The aim of transient stability calculation is to confirm whether all generators can maintain synchronous operation in the system after serious disturbance to analyze the factors that can infect the transient stability and to research the methods that can improve transient stability of electric power system further .

    电力系统暂态稳定计算的目的是在于确定系统受到大扰动以后,系统各发电机组是否能够维持 同步 运行,分析影响电力系统暂态稳定的各种因素,并在此基础上研究提高电力系统暂态稳定性的措施。

  • In this paper the operation experimental research of synchronous operation on high current impulse discharge devices with parallel system composed of two gap switches or three gap switches is conducted on the basis of obtained wave form of trigger pulse and the actuation characteristics of gap switches .

    在实验测量取得了触发脉冲波形和间隙开关动作特性等参数的基础上,分别对由两个间隙开关及三个间隙开关组成并联系统的大电流冲击放电装置进行了 同步 运行实验。

  • Under synchronous operation a committed transaction is committed on both partners but at the cost of increased transaction latency .

    同步 操作下,已提交的事务将在伙伴双方上提交,但会延长事务滞后时间。