


  • Inspired by the thought of synapsis intensifying in biological neural systems aiming at the problems in graph theory this paper presented an elastic adjusting method for connecting right value formed an elastic TSP model and also analyzed its features and significance .

    受生物神经系统中 突触 联结 强度 外部激励 自适应调节 机制的启发,针对图论问题,提出一种权值自适应弹性调节方法,构建了一个弹性TSP模型,分析了该模型的特征及意义。

  • Morphologic Study on Forign Somatic Nerve Reinnervation and Synapsis in the Pelvic Ganglia of the Artificial Somatic-autonomic Reflex Pathway ~ 2

    人工体神经&内脏神经反射弧异类神经元及盆神经节内 突触再生的形态学研究

  • Changes in the number and function of synapsis can cause changes in synaptic plasticity thereby can affect learning and memory .

    突触的数量和功能 发生改变可引起突触可塑性的改变,进而影响学习记忆能力。

  • Rate of chromosomal disjunction in haploid cells were mostly 2:5 or 3:4 and chromatid disjunction was observed in metaphase I. Every different synapsis happened in tetraploid cells .

    而单倍体和四倍体不能正常完成,单倍体染色体分离以 2:5或3:4为主,并在中后期Ⅰ看到染色单体分离现象,四倍体细胞染色体有多种 形式

  • After synapsis unwound chromatin fibers in the form of loops are in association with the lateral elements .

    联合 发生后,染色质纤维 解聚成环状 附着在侧带上。

  • In meiosis the association of four homologous chromatids seen during the pachytene stage of prophase . ( genetics ) used of homologous chromosomes associated in pairs in synapsis .

    减数分裂前期的粗线期中,四个同源的染色单体向联系 形成 结构。(遗传学) 属于在成熟分裂时联在 一起的一对同源染色体。

  • The rehabilitation training could enhance the expression of multiple neuroprotective factors after cerebral infarction which induced tissue repair up-regulation of marked factors expression of nerve cells and its regenerated synapsis .

    康复训练促进脑梗死后多种神经保护性因子的表达,使组织修复、神经细胞及其 突触再生的标志性因子表达上调。

  • The blocking action of thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate on nerve synapsis transmission in Periplaneta fuliginosa

    杀虫环对黑胸大蠊神经 突触传递的阻遏作用

  • The Effect of Ph Gene on Chromosome Synapsis in Meiosis of Wheat X Rye Hybrid

    Ph基因对小麦与黑麦杂种减数分裂染色体 的影响

  • Synapsis ( pairing ) The association of homologous chromosomes during the prophase stage of meiosis that leads to the production of a haploid number of bivalents .


  • Hybrids produced anomalous synapsis of AD chromosomes and multivalents as well as normal synapsis of AA and DD chromosomes .

    杂种除正常的染色体组AA和DD 外,还 发生AD 及出现 多价体。

  • When synapsis is complete the paired chromosomes are referred to as bivalents .


  • Conclusion : ( 1 ) In the process when growth cones differentiated to the anterior part of synapsis the immunoactivity of pp 60c-src ( + ) transiently decreased or disappeared which had the time-space specificity .

    结论:(1)在生长端向突触前部分化的过程中, pp60cSrc(+)免疫活性 发生一过性的减低或消失,它具有时空特异性;

  • Several Problems Concerning Synapsis and Exchange in Genetics Course

    遗传学教学中 遇到 关联 和交换的几个问题

  • In order to further understand the principles of synapsis we constructed two simple models and numerically simulated the connection of chemical synapsis .

    为了进一步认识 突触 功能,构造了两个简单的 突触连接模型,并对化学突触传递进行模拟,数值研究化学突触的传递功能。

  • ( genetics ) used of a chromosome that is not paired or united with its homologous chromosome during synapsis .

    (遗传学)属于一种染色体的,在 染色体 结合过程中不与它的对等染色体配对或结合的。

  • The model group AchR-ab amount was higher than the adjuvant group and control group p < 0.05 . Observing by electron microscope we found that synapsis circa-membrane of the model group neuromuscular junction had changed .

    模型组 AchR-ab高于佐剂组与正常组值,P<0.05。电镜观察模型组神经肌肉接头处(NMJ)突触前后膜有改变。

  • Ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes of F1 hybrid females were examined to observe any synapsis in different zones of chromosomes .

    制作杂种F1卵巢营养细胞多线 染色体标本,观察染色体各区域的 情况。

  • In fact no significant change occurred in the structure of synapsis .


  • Synapsis before meiosis is restricted by PH genes .

    PH基因制约减数分裂前 染色体的联

  • To ensure accurate segregation homologous chromosomes form stable bivalents through a complex processes which include homologous pairing synapsis and recombination .

    为保证同源染色体的准确分离,同源染色体在减数分裂前期I通过一系列复杂的过程 结合一起形成稳定的二价体。这些复杂的前期I 事件包括同源配对、 和重组。

  • The structure is closely related with homologous chromosomes synapsis recombination and segregation .

    它与同源染色体 、遗传交换、染色体分离密切相关。

  • The Effect of Different Surrounding Gingival Porcelain on the Color of Metal Ceramic Prosthesises after Repeated Firings ; ( genetics ) used of a chromosome that is not paired or united with its homologous chromosome during synapsis .

    不同烧结次数牙龈周边色对金属烧瓷修复体颜色的影响(遗传学)属于一种染色体的,在 染色体 结合过程中不与它的对等染色体配对或结合的。

  • Effect of microwave radiation on synapsis structure and the contents of neurotransmitters in cerebral cortex of Wistar rats

    微波辐射对大鼠大脑皮质 突触结构和神经递质含量的影响