syntonic personality

[sɪnˈtɑnɪk ˌpɚsəˈnælɪti][sinˈtɔnik ˌpə:səˈnæliti]

[医] 和谐人格,完整人格

  • The shaping of syntonic personality of undergraduate is an important content of constructing harmonious society .

    塑造大学生 和谐 人格是构建和谐社会的重要内容。

  • And the last part excavate the contemporary significance of the thought of the new people personality so as to provide the referential experience for the construction of syntonic personality .

    第四部分主要挖掘新民人格思想的现代价值,以期对我国的 和谐 人格建设提供一定的借鉴作用。

  • Experiential Learning and Syntonic Personality Education & Practices of Teaching Reform of Moral Education in Universities

    体验式学习与 和谐 人格教育&高校德育课教学改革的实践

  • Strengthening the Construction of Dormitory Culture and the Cultivation of Syntonic Personality of Students

    加强寝室文化建设培养学生 和谐 人格