
[ˈsɪŋkrɪˌtɪzəm, ˈsɪn-][ˈsɪŋkrətɪzəm]


  • Religions borrowed from each other religions were mixtures of things and cultures borrowed from each other so syncretism was very important .

    互相借鉴,互相糅合,各种文化互相借鉴,因此宗教 融合非常重要。

  • The Program Design of Diesel Engine Fault Diagnosis Based on Multi-symptom Syncretism and Nerve Net

    基于多征兆 融合与神经网络的柴油机故障诊断程序设计

  • Application Discussion on Key Technology of 5-Tunnel Syncretism Monitoring System

    五隧 监控系统关键技术的应用探讨

  • As a syncretism of the elite of Chinese traditional architecture art and external culture Chinese ancient pagoda is an outstanding representative of ancient high building .

    中国的古塔 融合了外来文化与中华传统建筑艺术的精华,是我国古代高层建筑的杰出代表。

  • The Study of Sino-foreign Joint Venture on Culture Conflict and Syncretism

    中外合资企业中文化冲突与 融合问题的研究

  • The colonies to the South were not without religious testimony . Catholicism in the Philippines under Spanish Rule : Colonial Expansion and Religious Syncretism

    南部殖民地仍 不了根据宗教立论。西班牙天主教在菲律宾:殖民扩张与宗教 调适

  • The syncretism and return of science and humanity & from the angle of logic and history

    论科学与人文的 融合回归&从逻辑与历史的角度

  • On the syncretism of the nature and man and sustaining developing tactic ; Stragetic EIA and Regional Sustainable Development

    天人 思想与坚持可持续发展战略战略性环境影响评价与区域可持续发展

  • This thesis discusses the new idea of Taigu School on studying phenomena to acquire knowledge and their syncretism with Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism .

    本文论述太谷学派以儒佛道 三教 的思想解释《 大学》格物致知,提出了自己新的观念。

  • This syncretism was possible only because they found their common theory base .


  • This paper also explores the conflicts and syncretism of the theory of Functional Currency with the theory of consolidated financial statements historical cost principle accounting postulate and book recording currency . Many opinions are new and first brought forward .

    同时本文还就功能货币理论与合并报表理论、历史成本原则、会计假设、记帐货币理论等方面的冲突和 融合的问题进行了探索,提出了我们在研究中的一些见解。

  • Toward Syncretism : A Thematic Trajectory of Sherman Alexie 's Novels

    趋于 融合:谢尔曼·阿莱克西小说主题发展轨迹

  • This is mostly about the possibility of the syncretism of body and mind .

    部分主要 形而上 角度 解决身心 的可能性问题。

  • A Study and Practice of the Syncretism between IT and Electrical Engineering Specialty Instructing

    IT 技术 融合到电气工程及 自动化专业课教学中的 教改研究与实践

  • Syncretism of Humanities and Natural Science & About Research Method of Beijing Studies

    自然科学与人文科学的 融合&关于北京学研究的方法

  • The Day of Prayer for Peace does not in any way indulge in religious syncretism .

    和平祈祷日一 也不想 制造 个宗教的 熔炉

  • The specious thought of surpassing the world resulted from syncretism of Buddhism Taoism and Confucianism embodied mens infatuation with the flesh and blood in nature .

    混同 三教的似是而非的出世,实际上体现了男性作者对欲望横流的世界的 难以割舍。

  • Culture conflict and culture syncretism are two of the most important stage of acculturation .

    文化冲突与文化 融合是文化适应过程中两个最为重要的环节。

  • My sculpture illustrates the syncretism of Chang o and Santa Barbara in the popular Afro-Cuban Santeria religion .

    我的雕塑品展现的是通俗的非洲古巴宗教中, 葛神和圣芭芭拉的 融合感。

  • Catholicism in the Philippines under Spanish Rule : Colonial Expansion and Religious Syncretism Religious Adaptation and Construction of Harmonious Society in Contemporary China & On religious viewpoints of Marxism

    西班牙天主教在菲律宾:殖民扩张与宗教 调适当代中国社会 转型 宗教调适与和谐社会建设&兼论马克思主义宗教观

  • It contains three aspects : philosophy spirit of nature human syncretism representation character of subject in accordance with impersonality and artistic character of suppositional space and time .

    李白 堪称 古典诗歌意境的典型,它 包孕天人 一”的哲学精神,具有“主客融一”的表现特征和“时空虚拟”的审美特征。

  • This has conferred the traditional culture with new meaning and has found the groundwork for the modern self-administrant team building theory consequently realizing the parallelism and syncretism of the two theories .

    使传统文化赋予了新意,并使现代自我管理型团队建设理论寻找到了根基,从而实现二种理论的对应和 融合

  • At present the there are two layout modes for these telephone systems : office-private syncretism switching and office-private separation switchings .

    当前,实现这些电话系统的规划建设有“公专分离”和“公专 两种模式。

  • In these works the relations between the sacred and the secular have developed from antinomy to syncretism in the same way as the development of the relationship between religion and the mundane world .

    在这些作品中,神圣与世俗的关系由最初的对立发展到 后来 融合,宗教和世俗世界之间的关系的发展也是如此。

  • In this syncretism spirit-person-reality influence each other and coordinate and person as dynamic role is in the center .

    在这个 体中,精神-人-现实作为同属一个整体的三元而互相影响、互动发展,而人作为能动者是其中的核心。

  • High syncretism and production value is the characteristics of Digital Home Industry .

    数字家庭产业具有高 融合 、高产值性的特点。

  • The Perfect Syncretism in Chinese Buddhist Humanism and Its Significance in Contemporary Times

    中国佛教人文精神的 圆融 特性及其当代意义

  • It is based on thequestions bearing with the characteristics of the combination of autonomy and co - operation the unification of practice and process the syncretism of openness and innovation .

    它以问题为依据,具有自主性与合作性相结合、实践性与过程性相统一、开放性与创新性 融合的显著特征。

  • He taught a sort of syncretism of religion he taught a common language Greek he set up these Greek cities all around these things will all be very important for us .

    他采用类似宗教 融合 策略,使用希腊语作为共同语,在各地建立希腊式城市,这些对后世的影响巨大。

  • Actually the syncretism of the three religions has been the mainstream in Chinese history .

    三教 融合成为历史的主流。