


  • Glass Formation Area and Structure Study of Dysprosium Lithium Borate System Used for in Vivo Radiation Synovectomy

    放射 切除 滑膜用镝锂硼玻璃的成 区域及结构

  • Conclusion After injecting colloidal chromic phosphate 32P in lab test dosages into articular cavities the fluctuation of lymph cell chromosome aberration rate in peripheral blood of the rabbit is within the normal range which proves that radioisotope synovectomy is a safe treatment method .

    结论关节腔注射实验剂量的32P-磷酸铬胶体,兔外周血淋巴细胞畸变率的波动在正常范围内,说明放射性 滑膜 切除 是一种安全的治疗方法。

  • Method : Twelve patients of knee joint diffuse PVS were teated by synovectomy .

    方法:12例膝关节弥漫性色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎行 滑膜 切除

  • The preliminary application of radiation synovectomy with ~ ( 32 ) p-chromic phosphate

    ~(32)P-磷酸铬胶体放射性 滑膜 切除的初步观察

  • Methods Fourty seven children with synovitis of knee were treated with arthroscopic synovectomy 21 cases were chronic non-specific synovitis 12 rheumatoid arthritis 6 tuberculosis of synovium and 8 pigmented villonodular synovitis .

    方法在 关节镜下行膝关节 滑膜 治疗滑膜炎47例,其中慢性非特异性滑膜炎21例,类风湿性滑膜炎12例,结核性滑膜炎6例,色素绒毛结节性滑膜炎8例。

  • Conclusions Treatment of the post traumatic synovitis of the knee joint with arthroscopic synovectomy not only shows great advantages but also can help find other potential internal lesions .

    结论 关节镜手术 治疗膝创伤后滑膜炎既可发现可能存在的其他病变,又有良好的效果。

  • Methods : Forty-eight knees ( male 10 female 38 with an average age of 35 years ) in 40 cases with rheumatoid arthritis were treated with arthroscopic synovectomy and drug therapy of anti-rheumatoid after operation .

    方法:对40例早中期类风湿性关节炎48个膝关节(男10个,女38个,平均年龄35岁)在关节镜下行 滑膜 切除术,并使用双极射频汽化仪对残留的滑膜进行处理。

  • The method of S.E. Radiation synovectomy

    研究了S.E.放射性 滑膜 切除

  • Power Doppler sonography in assessment of synovial pannus of rheumatoid knee after ~ ( 32 ) P radiation synovectomy

    类风湿性膝关节 放射性 滑膜 切除 治疗后血管翳变化的能量多普勒研究

  • Ten-Zone Divisional Method of the Knee Joint and Its Application to Arthroscopic Total Synovectomy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

    膝关节十分区法及其在类风湿关节炎关节镜下 滑膜切除中的应用

  • Cases with postoperative knee instability were subjected to anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction because of its deficiency 3-5 months after synovectomy .

    3例患者因前十字韧带功能不全,于 滑膜 切除 后3~5个月进行了前十字韧带重建

  • To assess the effectiveness of treatment of synovectomy and joint debridement underarthroscope to rheumatoid arthritis .

    目的探讨关节镜下 滑膜 切除关节清理术治疗类风湿性关节炎的临床疗效。

  • Synovectomy of the posterior compartments of the knees was performed in 7 cases loose body removal was in 6 cases PCI reconstruction was in 4 cases reduction and fixation of PCL avulsion fracture was in 2 cases .

    行膝关节后室 滑膜 切除 7例,游离体取出6例,PCL重建术4例,PCL撕脱骨折复位固定2例。

  • Methods w_320 24 cases of pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee were treated by arthroscopic synovectomy .

    方法采用关节镜下 滑膜 切除 治疗膝关节色素绒毛结节性滑膜炎 患者24例,其中弥漫型19例,局限型5例。

  • Effect of ~ ( 153 ) samarium-citric-hydroxyapatite in synovectomy treating osteoarthritis

    ~(153)钐-柠檬酸-羟基磷灰石滑膜 切除 治疗骨关节炎临床研究

  • Arthroscopic synovectomy for diffused pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee


  • Study of radiation synovectomy using ~ ( 188 ) Re-Sulfide in hemophilic arthritis A synovectomy was performed for 14 cases .

    血友病关节炎的~(188)Re-硫化铼放射性 滑膜 切除研究14例行滑膜切除。

  • Clinically 10 joints of 7 cases of hemophilic arthritis with 188 Re-sulfide radiation synovectomy were performed . MRI was taken before and after the synovectomy to evaluate the treatment effects .

    另对7例血友病性关节炎患者的10个关节进行了188Re硫化铼放射性 滑膜 切除 ,并在治疗前后作MR显像以判断疗效。

  • Methods The patients treated by radioactive synovectomy with ~ ( 32 ) P-chromic phosphate for rheumatoid arthritis from 1986 to 1988 were followed up . The prostecdtive efficacy recrudescence and radioactive damage were evaluated .

    方法对1986~1988年间用32P-磷酸铬胶体作放射性 滑膜 切除的类风湿性关节炎患者的远期疗效、复发、放射性损害进行随访、总结。

  • Synovectomy and Low Double-Head Screw Internal Fixation to Treat Fracture of Neck of Femur

    滑膜 切除与低位双头螺纹钉内固定治疗股骨颈骨折

  • Study of radiation synovectomy using ~ ( 188 ) Re-sulfide

    ~(188)Re-硫化铼放射性 滑膜 切除临床研究

  • Recent advances in radiation synovectomy

    放射性 关节 滑膜 切除 应用研究进展

  • Time selection for RA synovectomy

    类风湿关节 滑膜 切除 手术时机的选择

  • Conclusion : High-frequency ultrasonography can reveal the pathological alteration sensitively in rheumatoid knee after radiation synovectomy and may be a valuable imaging criteria for judging the efficacy of radiation synovectomy .

    结论:高频超声可敏感而准确地显示类风湿性膝关节 放射性 滑膜 切除 后的病理形态学变化,可作为其疗效判定的客观指标。

  • The mechanisms indications radiopharmaceuticals techniques clinical applications complications and prognosis of radiation synovectomy were summarized and reviewed in this article .

    本文重点介绍放射性 滑膜 切除 的作用原理、适应证、药物选择、操作方法、临床应用情况及并发症与预后等内容。

  • Clinical observation on curative effect of synovectomy with medicine compounded with TCM applied outside to cure rheumatoid arthritis

    药物 滑膜 切除 配合中药外敷治疗类风湿关节炎疗效观察

  • CONCLUSION : With careful nuclide and indication selection and correct operation radiation synovectomy is a clinically useful safe and cost-effective outpatient procedure in the treatment for many kinds of joint disease .

    结论:正确选择放射性药物、合理选择适应证、规范操作,放射性 滑膜 切除 类风湿性关节 血友病性关节 ,绒毛结节性 色素滑膜炎等多种关节疾病安全、低成本的有效治疗方法。

  • The surgical procedures included debridement of cartilaginous lesions synovectomy removal of loose bodies meniscectomy excision of osteophytes and fluid irrigation .

    手术操作包括关节软骨面清创、 滑膜 切除、游离体去除、半月板切除、骨赘切除以及关节灌洗术。

  • Forty-eight patients received the arthroscopic debridement of knee joint osteoarthritis without synovectomy in the Department of Orthopaedics Fushun Central Hospital from January 2001 to November 2003.Thirty among them with complete data and over 1 year 's follow-up were taken for control group .

    2001-01/2003-11抚顺市中心医院骨科行膝关节骨关节炎关节镜下清理时未行 滑膜 48例,资料完整并且随访1年以上的患者30例,为对照组。

  • Clinic analysis of synovectomy for tuberculous synovitis of the knee by arthroscopy

    关节镜下 滑膜 切除 治疗膝滑膜结核的临床分析