synergistic effect

[ˌsɪnɚˈdʒɪstɪk ɪˈfɛkt][ˌsɪnəˈdʒɪstɪk iˈfekt]


  • Study of synergistic effect of Cr_2O_3 on PP / MPP / PEPA IFR system

    Cr2O3对PP/MPP/PEPA膨胀阻燃体系的 协同 作用研究

  • Study on Synergistic Effect of Surface Sizing Starch and Synthesized Surface Sizing Agent

    表面施胶淀粉与合成表面施胶剂 协同 作用的研究

  • Synergistic Effect of Chemotherapy Combined with PDT on the Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Line of the Tongue

    光动力疗法与化疗药物合并 应用对人舌鳞状细胞癌细胞株 影响 实验研究

  • Conclusion : DNA vaccine targeting EGFR has a synergistic effect with gefitinib in antitumor activity and this DNA vaccine can increase the efficiency of gefitinib .

    结论:以EGFR为靶点的DNA疫苗和靶向药物吉非替尼之间具有 协同 肿瘤作用,DNA疫苗主动免疫可以提高吉非替尼的疗效。

  • Synergistic effect among zinc soap and any other metal soaps was studied by Congo Red method and Heating method .

    通过静态刚果红法、热烘法来研究锌皂与各种不同金属皂间的 协同热稳定 效果

  • Objective To study the synergistic effect on male anti fertility of a combined regimen of lowdoes gossypol with steroid hormones .

    目的探讨低剂量棉酚和甾体激素联合用药发挥抗男性生育的药物 协同 作用

  • The results showed the use of PA6 upgraded the mechanical properties and thermal stability of the composite and PA6 had obvious synergistic effect on the system .

    结果表明:PA6的加入提高了该体系的力学性能和热稳定性,并对该无卤阻燃体系具有良好的 作用

  • Conclusion : The expression of EGFR and VEGF is positively correlated with the carcinogenesis and metastasis of ovarian carcinoma and there might be a synergistic effect between the2 .

    结论:EGFR和VEGF基因高表达与卵巢癌的发生及转移有相关性,两者可能有 协同 作用

  • Synergistic effect of social economy and water resources development in Tianjin

    天津市社会经济与水资源发展 协同 预警 研究

  • Objective : Study on the synergistic effect of Xiangqi granules and Shuanghuanglian granules on anti-immunosuppressive mice infections .

    目的:研究香芪颗粒对双黄连颗粒抗免疫抑制小鼠感染的 协同 作用

  • Synergistic effect between gemini surfactant and halide ions for the corrosion inhibition of steel in phosphoric acid

    Gemini表面活性剂与卤离子对钢在磷酸介质中缓蚀 协同 效应

  • Formation Mechanism and Comprehensive Evaluation of Synergistic Effect on Knowledge in Virtual Enterprise

    虚拟企业知识 协同 效应的形成机理与综合评价

  • Evaluation on Synergistic Effect of Acidizing Corrosion Inhibitor and Surfactant

    酸化缓蚀剂与表面活性剂的 协同 效应评价

  • Objective : To screen out the principles possessing the anti-malaria synergistic effect with allylpyrocatechol from Semen Arecae .

    目的:从槟榔中筛选出能与烯丙基焦儿茶酚具有 协同 疟疾的化合物。

  • Mixtures of carotenoids were more effective than the single compounds and this synergistic effect was most pronounced when lycopene or lutein was present .

    类胡萝卜素的混合物较单种物质的效果好,并且这种 协同 效应在有番茄红素和叶黄素时被加强。

  • Synergistic Effect of Laccase and Hydrolase on OCC Pulp 's Strength and Fiber 's Surface Properties

    漆酶与水解酶 协同 改善OCC浆强度及纤维表面性能

  • Other compounds in single or mixture tested in our experiments showed no significant synergistic effect with pheromones at the dosages tested .

    此外,其他各种浓度的测试化合物或混合物对性信息素则没有统计上显著的 增效 作用

  • Influence of Synergistic Effect of Cu Particles and Striated Surface Texture on Tribological Properties

    Cu颗粒和条纹表面织构的 协同 作用对摩擦副摩擦磨损性能的影响

  • Experimental Study of Synergistic Effect of Xiangqi Granules and Chinese Medicine on Anti-immunosuppressive Infections

    香芪颗粒对中药抗免疫抑制性感染 协同 作用的实验研究

  • Synergistic Effect of TRAIL and Adriamycin on Apoptosis of Osteosarcoma Cell Line MG-63 in Vitro


  • Mechanical Stretch Activates Alveolar Macrophages to Produce Cytokines and Has Synergistic Effect with Lipopolysaccharide in Inducing MIP-2 Release

    机械牵张诱导肺泡巨噬细胞的细胞因子表达谱及其与脂多糖对MIP-2释放的 协同 效应

  • The combination of HMHEC and cationic polymers surprising results in a synergistic effect .

    HMHEC和阳离子聚合物的结合在 协同 效应方面产生了令人惊奇的效果。

  • The suede pigskin garment leather with synergistic effect of combination-tannage was investigated .

    讨论了利用结合鞣 协同 效应制造猪反绒服装革。

  • The experimental study on the synergistic effect of gemini surfactant vesicle and hydrophobic associative polymer

    双子表面活性剂囊泡与疏水缔合聚合物溶液间 协同 效应实验研究

  • However in CAPD patients a synergistic effect between CAPD and inflammation would further aggravate LV diastolic dysfunction .

    然而,在腹膜透析患者中,腹膜透析和炎症之间的 协同 效应将进一步加剧左室舒张功能障碍。

  • Utilizing the synergistic effect of ethanol and ultrasound prepared maltose seed crystal quickly under abirritant conditions .

    在较缓和的条件下,可以利用乙醇-超声波的 协同 作用快速制备麦芽糖晶种。

  • Synergistic effect existed between increase of temperature and reduction of glucose concentration .

    温度增高和葡萄糖浓度降低两因素之间 具有 协同 效应

  • Study on Ecological Synergy Patterns and Synergistic Effect of Enterprise Cluster in China

    我国企业群的生态协同模式与 协同 效应研究

  • Synergistic effect of different antioxidants on stability of peanut oil

    不同抗氧化剂 协同 效应对花生油稳定性的 影响