system software

[ˈsɪstəm ˈsɔftˌwɛr][ˈsistəm ˈsɔftwɛə]


  • Your text gives a conceptual overview of computer software and illustrates it as either application or system software .

    你的文字给人一个概念性的概述计算机软件,并表明它作为应用程序或 系统 软件

  • System network configuration system software design system data structure and data flow are introduced .

    叙述了系统网络结构、 系统 软件设计、系统数据结构以及数据流程。

  • The authors developed a yield mapping system software for the requirement of national grain yield monitoring system .

    立足于国产谷物测产系统的需求,开发谷物产量 数据处理和产量分布图生成 系统

  • There is no neat distinction between operating system software and the software that runs on top of it .

    操作 系统 软件与在其上面运行的软件之间的区分并不是一清二楚的。

  • The design scheme about hardware system the selection of system software and application softwares realization are introduced in detail .

    文中详细描述了其硬件系统的组成、 系统 软件的选择以及应用软件的设计与实现。

  • Generally software can be divided into three types : system software application software and support software .

    通常软件被划分成三类: 系统 软件、应用软件和支撑软件。

  • Finally through the application of the system function analysis the evaluation of the system software testing was obtained .

    最后通过对系统功能模块的应用分析,提出对 系统 软件测试的测评建议。

  • We could do the operating system software .

    我们会做操作 系统

  • Development and Study on Embedded System Software on Chromatograph

    工业色谱仪嵌入式 系统 软件开发与研究

  • The controller nodes include IBM System Storage Easy Tier storage management system software .

    控制器节点包括IBMSystemStorageEasyTier存储管理 系统 软件

  • In the majority of modern enterprises IT assets ( both hardware and software ) including network devices servers system software and applications are critical to keeping the business running .

    在大部分现代企业中,IT资产(软硬件),包括网络设备、服务器、 系统 软件和应用程序,对于保持业务持续运行很关键。

  • All of the computer system software and application software with various types of data structure .

    所有的计算机 系统 软件和应用软件都要用到各种类型的数据结构。

  • The Application of Project Manage on the Online Examination System Software

    项目管理在在线考试评测 系统 软件中的应用

  • The main composition and function of the system the design and system software flowchart of APT servo system are described in detail .

    文中详细论述该系统的主要组成及功能,APT伺服系统的设计和 系统 软件流程。

  • The PikeOS system software layer allocates resources ( in terms of both space and time ) to the guests .

    PikeOS 系统 软件层向来宾分配资源(空间和时间)。

  • The system software layer is usually the easiest to communicate .

    系统 软件层通常是最容易通信的。

  • Through control of this system software audio broadcast display of time and date and setting-up Function of automatic stop announcer in public buses can be realized .

    通过本 系统 软件的控制,实现了公交车报站器的语音播报和时间、日期的显示和设置功能。

  • This papers focus on the monitoring system software of red tide and how to make .

    本文就赤潮遥感监测 系统 软件构成和构建进行了 系统的介绍。

  • The system software is the core part in the submarine combat system which provide the control of peripheral equipments and formula calculation .

    潜艇作战系统中, 系统 软件提供了外围设备控制和算题解算等 功能,是作战 系统的核心部分。

  • Macintosh users are accustomed to using Software Update in System Preferences to upgrade the operating system and system software .

    Macintosh用户习惯使用系统偏好设置中软件更新来升级操作系统和 系统 软件

  • The Research of Software Reuse in the Monitoring System Software

    监控 系统 软件中软件复用技术的应用研究

  • In this paper research on groundwater auto-monitoring system software based on Pocket PC is introduced .

    本文介绍了一种基于掌上电脑的地下水自动监测 系统 软件的研究。

  • His areas of expertise include web based system software architecture analysis design and development and he has been a frontier exploiter of emerging technologies .

    他的专业领域包括基于web的 系统 软件体系结构、分析、设计和开发,而且他已经成为新兴技术的前沿开拓者。

  • The Design and Realization of Stealth MultiColor BarCode Printing System Software

    隐形多彩色条形码打印 系统 软件的设计与实现

  • Component and system software is designed for calibration capability to expand the product line efficiently .

    组件和 系统 软件的设计具备校准能力,支持高效扩展产品线。

  • Solaris breaks down its operating system software and patch management into two main levels : versions and patch clusters .

    Solaris将操作 系统 软件和补丁管理分为两个主要级别:版本(versions)和补丁集群。

  • Is the spontaneous development of our company professional song request system software .

    是我公司自发开发的专业的点歌 系统 软件

  • Software designed to allow the computer to manage its own resources run the hardware and perform the basic operations is called system software .

    被设计用来让计算机管理自身资源,运行硬件和执行基本操作的软件称为 系统 软件

  • Numerical control system software design to VB6.0 to develop tools to complete the CNC system software interface design and intersecting line cutting groove track compilation .

    数控 系统 软件设计中以VB6.0为开发工具,完成了数控系统的软件界面设计,以及相贯线坡口切割轨迹的编制。

  • VI Design Group designed the full control system software to automate the Biorep Perifusion System .

    VI设计集团设计的全自动化控制 系统 软件的BiorepPerifusion系统。