system engineer

[ˈsɪstəm ˌɛndʒəˈnɪr][ˈsistəm ˌendʒiˈniə]


  • In addition to operator station in the central control room is also installed the process control system engineer station safety instrumentation system engineer station and facility management station .

    中央控制室除安装有操作员站外,还设有过程控制 系统 工程师站、安全仪表系统工程师站、设备管理站。

  • As System Design Engineer you work on system level ( system management ) and are the technically responsible of a specific system .

    系统设计 工程师,你工作的系统级别(系统管理),是负责技术上的具体系统。

  • Based on the theory of the software engineer and system engineer the software was designed by using the MATLAB lan-guage .

    基于软件工程和 系统 工程的设计思想,利用可视化计算机编程语言MATLAB开发出热分析与热分析动力学检索与应用软件系统。

  • I am reliant on my mobile phone – but what if the phone network developed a fault in Hackney and the system engineer who knew how to fix it was also stuck in Helsinki ?

    我依赖手机,但假若手机网络在伦敦的哈克尼出现了故障,而知道如何修理的 系统 工程师也被困在了赫尔辛基,该怎么办?

  • But for the part of control logic design there is no efficient enough tool to build a bridge between system engineer and IC engineer .

    但是对于控制逻辑部分的设计,目前还没有比较高效的辅助工具来完成 系统 工程师和IC工程师之间的交接。

  • Secondly from the view of venture capital as a complex system engineer the characteristics functions and the process of development of venture capital the relationship of venture capital and economic growth are analyzed deeply ;

    然后,从风险投资作为一个复杂的 系统 工程的角度,对风险投资的特点、功能、发展历程、与经济增长的关系等进行了深入分析;

  • With UML modeling support in Rational Systems Developer you ( as a system engineer ) can start with very high-level design using UML .

    有了RationalSystemsDeveloper中的UML建模支持,您(作为 系统 工程师)可以开始利用UML进行高层设计。

  • Communicate with production planner purchaser system engineer production manager and QA department to get necessary information and support for operation ;

    联络生产计划员、材料采购员、 系统 工程师、生产经理和质保部门以获取需要的信息和支援来实施生产;

  • Safety evaluation is one of the most important parts of safety system engineer and is also one of the most important technical means of implementing safety management .

    安全评价是安全 系统 工程的一个重要组成部分,也是实施安全管理的一种重要的技术手段,它的最终目的是提出控制或消除危险、防止事故发生的对策。

  • As a computer system design engineer Dr. Siewert has worked in the aerospace telecommunications and storage industries since 1988 .

    作为一位计算机 系统设计 工程师,Siewert自1988年以来从事过航空航天、电信和存储等行业的工作。

  • Meanwhile he works as a system engineer and sound director for the TV stations theatres and any other authorities .

    并同时为电视台、剧院、文化宣传部、旅游局的大型演出活动担任 系统 工程师和音响总监。

  • On the base of investigating the requirement of database subsystem the paper researched how to design the concept model > logic model and physics model of CAT System Engineer Database .

    在详细进行数据库子系统需求关系调研的基础上,用系统 工程的理论研究了CAT 系统 工程数据库的概念模型、逻辑模型和物理模型的设计。

  • There are lots of problems in the construct of Information System Engineer the lack of efficient and scientific project management is one of the most serious problems .

    在信息 系统 工程建设过程中,存在不少问题,缺乏有效科学的项目管理是主要问题之一。

  • Zhao Junqi Senior System Engineer Spirent Communications .

    赵隽琪,思博伦通信,高级 系统 工程师

  • The system engineer can graph data report on cluster utilization and make decisions on future hardware acquisitions .

    系统 工程师可以绘制数据曲线图、报告集群利用情况并决定未来采购哪些硬件。

  • MIS ( Management Information System ) is important study direction in fields of System Engineer and Computer Application .

    管理信息系统(ManagementInformationSystem,MIS)是 系统 工程与计算机应用领域中的重要研究方向之一。

  • It makes use of the theory of the system engineer and informatics and in scientific way manages and synthetically analyses data with space meaning with the help of the computer software and hardware .

    它在计算机软件和硬件的支持下,应用 系统 工程和信息科学的理论,科学管理和综合分析具有空间内涵的地理数据,以提供对规划、管理、决策和研究所需信息的空间信息系统。

  • The engineering system theory supplies the theory foundation for the system engineering and supervises the system engineer .

    工程系统论为系统工程提供了理论基础,而 系统 工程则是在其指导下产生的工程技术的完整集合。

  • Combining the decomposition and composition method of system engineer with the layer theory of object-oriented form the express method and structural state of Multi-layer structure including the mobility relation of induction and deduction abstraction and concretion main and part .

    系统 工程关于分解与合成的方法与面向对象的层次结构方法相结合,形成多重层次结构的表达方法和结构状态,包含着归纳与演绎、抽象与具体、主体与部分的动态关系。

  • The Essential Complement to The Safety System At Sea & On the System Engineer of Survival at Sea Preliminary

    海上安全系统的必要补充&海上求生 系统 工程初论

  • The work about Automation System Engineer Accreditation ( ASEA ) must be vigorously developed in order to solve the problem of automation system engineer qualifications .

    为了解决自动化系统工程师任职资格问题,需要大力开展自动化 系统 工程师资格认证(ASEA)工作。

  • Even though the inconsistency can be detected there is no solution in reasoner to solve this issue just leaving it to the system engineer .

    但是本体推理机只能检测到系统的不一致,并没有提供解决办法,而是把这个问题留给了 系统 工程师和用户。

  • Application of GPS in Jiaonan Geographical Information System Engineer

    GPS在胶南市地理信息 工程中的应用

  • The System Engineer typically works with a team of engineers to define what will be designed how it will perform and how it will be determined that it is working correctly .

    系统 工程师主要与工程师团队一起确定要设计什么,怎样执行并且决定怎样正确有效的工作。

  • This stage was a big step towards improvement in many aspects : planning communication and customer ( system engineer ) collaboration .

    这一阶段向诸多方面的改进前进了一大步:计划,沟通和客户( 系统 工程师)合作。

  • But this article has only answered the monitoring question the system engineer posed .

    但是本文只回答了 系统 工程师提出的监视问题。

  • The sys-tem based on harmonious monitor principle of computers at different places is composed of system engineer station and field control station .

    该系统采用上、下位微机协调监控的控制方案,由 系统 工程师站和现场控制站组成,对全厂39个发酵罐实行全自动控制。

  • Willion Chen System Application Engineer Infineon Technologies China Ltd.

    陈杰,英飞凌科技(中国)有限公司, 系统应用 工程师

  • Automation Chinese Association of Automation ( CAA ) brings out Automation System Engineer Accreditation ( ASEA ) promotes the development of Automation Engineer and accelerates the building of Automation Sciences .

    2004年,中国自动化学会策划开展了自动化 系统 工程师资格认证(ASEA)工作,极大推动了我国自动化技术人才成长和学科发展,促进了工程师资格的国际互认。