system organization

[ˈsɪstəm ˌɔrɡənɪˈzeʃən][ˈsistəm ˌɔ:ɡənaiˈzeiʃən]


  • In the two-way flow logistics system market system organization system and management system aspects analysising the construction of urban and rural circulation system .

    再从双向流动物流体系、市场 体系组织体系、管理体系等方面研究城乡商贸流通体系的构建。

  • The system of teacher education is a system of organization and management based on certain principles for the purpose of teacher education .

    教师教育体制是为了实现教师教育的目标、按照一定的原则建立起来的 组织管理 制度

  • Study on the System of Organization Administration in Commercial Banks Bond Business

    商业银行债券业务 组织管理 体系研究

  • Multi-instance broker runtime file system organization

    多实例代理运行时文件 系统 组织

  • The System S architecture represents a significant advancement in the relationship between queries and data as well as in computing system organization and capability .

    SystemS体系结构是在查询和数据之间的关系以及计算 系统 组织和功能方面的一项重大进步。

  • It is under the reasonable and stable system of organization that the efforts of distinguishing harmonious team spirit and raising the ability of public servants realize its significance .

    彰显和谐的团队精神以及增强政府公务员能力的努力,也将在合理而稳定的 体制下才能充分实现其意义。

  • The basic framework or features of a system or organization .

    一种 体系或一个 组织的最基本的框架结构或特色。

  • This article introduced the reform and practice of the experimental teaching of animal pharmacy speciality in management system of organization teaching contents and measures .

    从实验教学的管理 体制、教学内容和教学方法等方面进行了动物药学专业实践教学的改革与实践的探讨。

  • The own viewpoint of safety supervising system and organization setup was put forward .

    就如何管好用好国有煤矿安全监控 系统机构设置提出了自己的观点。

  • This paper briefly describes the architectures and memory system organization of DSP system and introduces some software optimizing technologies for VLIW DSP system through examples .

    文章简要介绍了常见DSP系统的 体系结构和存储器 组织方法,并通过实例说明了对VLIWDSP系统进行软件优化的几种技术。

  • Establish customer service management system and organization promoting customer service means and channels of innovation ;

    制定客户服务管理 制度组织实施,推进客户服务方式及渠道的创新;

  • Secondly to speed up the establishment of an appropriate system of organization and management ;

    其次,应加快建立适宜的 组织管理 体系

  • Evaluations of three different types of temperature measurement system have been made . Especially a newly developing JW-11 type Infrared Coke Cake Temperature Measurement System its working principles system organization and results of practical tests are described in detail .

    对试验过的3种红外测温系统进行评价,重点叙述了JW-11焦饼红外测温系统的测温原理、 系统 组成和现场试验情况。

  • Provides a platform-specific alternate character used to separate directory levels in a path string that reflects a hierarchical file system organization .

    提供平台特定的替换字符,该替换字符用于在反映分层文件 系统 组织的路径字符串中分隔目录级别。

  • Therein and united enterprises manage support maintain the net market system and organization .

    我们的战略合作伙伴共同维护的出版物、 市场 组织

  • Research of new decision support system of organization cadre management

    新一代 组织干部管理决策支持 系统的研究

  • Vision of Military Equipment Management System Organization Reconstruction Design under the Informatization Warfare Setting

    信息化战争环境下的军事装备管理 系统 组织重构设想

  • The Client / Server system organization is successfully applied to developing the management information system ( MIS ) of Pedagogical Technology Centre . The function and realizing method is also introduced

    通过开发教育技术中心MIS管理系统,使客户/服务器 系统 结构系统中得到成功的应用并介绍了该MIS系统的功能及其实现思路

  • International System and Organization of Space Communications

    国际空间通讯 系统 组织

  • The author thinks three supportive systems of science popularization should be constructed & policy supportive system organization supportive system and technology supportive system .

    建议构建科普系统的三大支撑系统&政策支撑 系统组织支撑系统和技术支撑系统。

  • A MDT based 3D parts library management system Is introduced in the present paper . Its implementation principle system organization and key technologies are described in detail .

    这里介绍了一个基于MDT的三维零件CAD库管理系统,具体描述了其实现原理、 系统 结构和关键技术。

  • The design consideration system organization and specification method of NUUIMS which is based on the normalized target user interface model are described .

    重点叙述了该系统基于规范化目标用户接口模型的设计思想, 系统 组成及描述方法。

  • Based on the basic theory and deep survey on the220 enterprises this paper analyzes the status quo and elements of performance appraisal system of organization unit .

    在基本理论分析和对220家企业深入调查的基础上,对企业内部 组织单元绩效评价 系统的构成要素及其实施现状进行了分析。

  • Building DAI System Organization Model

    建立DAI 系统 组织模型

  • The system design organization will consist of a design team organized by subsystems .

    系统设计 单位包括由子系统组织的设计团队。

  • But each archive had its own system of organization and storage with varying degrees of success .

    但每个档案有它的 组织和存储自己的 系统,取得了不同程度的成功。

  • Create a system of organization and planning that enables you to assess your ability to complete a requested commitment .

    创建一个 组织计划 系统,让你知道自己有多少能力来完成要求的承诺。

  • We have introduced a new system of organization for processing orders .

    我们采用了一套新的处理定单的 编排 系统

  • The characteristic of this paper is the use of case study method careful analysis on and comparison on system administrative organization in three university systems .

    本论文的特点在于:运用个案研究法,对三个州立大学系统的 总校管理 体制进行了较细致的分析,并进行了比较。