


  • The antioxidation effect of clove leaf ( Syringa oblata ) extract at different concentration was studied in lard and refined soybean oil by hydrogen peroxides analysis .

    以猪油和精炼的一级大豆油为对象,研究了紫 丁香叶提取物在不同添加量时对油脂的抗氧化作用。

  • Study on Pharmacokinetics on Colon-specific Delivery Coated Tablet of Syringa Extract in Rabbit Body


  • In vitro germination of cut seeds of Syringa reticulata var. mandshurica

    离体条件下 丁香切开种子的萌发

  • Studying the rule of pests damage and insect-resistant mechanism are necessary prerequisite for protecting Syringa plants resources and further develop its using potential .

    研究这些害虫的危害规律,抗虫机理,是保护 丁香 植物资源和进一步挖掘 丁香 植物利用潜能的必要前提。

  • Xinhua outline of Materia Medica Indications records of Syringa leaves as acute jaundice hepatitis topical antimicrobial the outbreak of fire eyes and swollen multiple drug Sores .

    《新华本草纲要》中记载 丁香 主治急性黄疸型肝炎,外用抗菌,爆发性火眼,多种疮疡肿毒。

  • Through the window I caught the scent of syringa mixed with the smell of grass .

    从窗口,我闻到 丁香的香味搀和着青草的味道。

  • Syringa was distributed in China North Korea Japan and Southeast Europe .

    木犀 丁香 植物 主要分布在中国、朝鲜、日本以及欧洲东南部。

  • Determination of Protocatechuic Acid Protocatechuic Aldehyde and Tyrosol in Different Seasons Collections of Syringa Oblate Leaves The viability and storage time of the pollen collected from three species of Syringa were studied .

    不同采收期 丁香叶中原儿茶酸、原儿茶醛和酪醇的含量测定对紫丁香、白丁香、花叶丁香三种丁香花粉进行了生活力测定和贮藏性研究。

  • Object : study on the antioxidant activity from different extracts of the skin of Syringa Pubescens Turcz .

    目的:研究 小叶 丁香皮中不同提取部位的抗氧化活性。

  • It seems that the wide / lenghth of aperture the lenghth of colpus and the size of reticulate be the principal elements in pollen grains classification . Key words Syringa ;

    通过主分量分析,指出了花粉孔的宽/长,沟长及 网眼大小是本 花粉分类的主要成分;

  • Survey and Statistic Analysis of Blooming Characters of Syringa in Baotou

    包头地区 丁香 植物开花习性的调查统计分析

  • Especially the inhibition rate of Syringa oblate was 100 % to four kinds of Pathogens .

    其中 丁香 抑菌 活性 最强,对4种 病菌的抑制率均为100%。

  • Analysis of Multielement in Leaves of Several Syringa Plants

    几种 丁香叶的多元素分析

  • Objective : To provide a scientific basis for identification of Syringa oblata s cortex .

    目的:利用生药学研究,为紫 丁香茎皮的鉴别提供科学依据。

  • Study on the ornamental characteristics of Syringa plants and their development & exploitation in Henan

    河南 丁香 植物资源的观赏特性及开发利用研究

  • The sprouting ability of3 flowering shrub species Syringa oblate Forsythia suspense and Prunus triloba were studied .


  • Mathematic method and model were adopted to analyze the sample data and deeply explore the vegetation quantity of Syringa oblata in Harbin and a quantitative method was put forward .

    采用生态学 生理学 统计数学和模型构建等方法对 丁香样本数据进行分析,深入研究 丁香绿量的内涵,探索出了哈尔滨市 丁香绿量的量化方法。

  • The viability and storage time of the pollen collected from three species of Syringa were studied .

    丁香 丁香 丁香三种 丁香花粉进行了生活力测定和贮藏性研究。

  • Isolated culture of generic hybrid embryo of Syringa and Forsythia

    丁香和连翘属 杂种胚的离体培养

  • Study on Anatomical Characters and Landscape Application of Some Species in Syringa any of various plants of the genus Syringa having large panicles of usually fragrant flowers .

    丁香属( Syringa)一些植物形态解剖与园林应用探讨丁香花属的任何一种植物,通常带有香味的花 组成大的圆锥花序。

  • The activity level of the PPO non-harmful period can be used as index for screening cloves insect-resistant varieties . Increment of POD PPO TI and CI activities in the peak-infesting period were positively correlated with pest-resistance level of Syringa spp. .

    PPO未危害期活性的高低可作为筛选丁香抗虫品种的指标,危害盛期POD、PPO、TI和CI活性升高的幅度与 丁香抗虫性水平呈正相关。

  • Rod-shaped virus particles about 300 nm × 18 nm were isolated from Syringa oblate expressing systemic mosaic in leaves .

    从表现 症状 丁香 病株获得一病毒分离物,其在电镜下为约300nm×18nm的杆状粒子;

  • Genus Syringa of China

    中国 丁香属植物

  • Photosynthetic characteristics of main urban forest species Syringa oblata in shenyang .

    沈阳城市森林主要绿化树种& 丁香的光合特性研究。

  • Effects of essential oil and phenolic extracted from clove leaves ( Syringa portolaciniata ) on postharvest apple pathogens and quality


  • Genetic relationship among lilac ( Syringa ) cultivars were analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) with an average of 5 bands each primer .

    采用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术分析了6个丁香( Sarinaa)品种间的遗传关系。

  • While the flocculus clove and Syringa to flooding and salinity stress are highly resistant but the difference between the two is not obvious Syringa and Syringa resistance ability to need the further research .

    小叶丁香 丁香对淹水及盐胁迫均具有较强的抗性,但二者的区别不明显,暴马丁香和小叶丁香的抗性能力有待进一步的研究。

  • Any of various plants of the genus Syringa having large panicles of usually fragrant flowers .

    丁香 花属的任何一种植物,通常带有香味的花 组成大的圆锥花序。

  • Study on the Antifungal Activities of Syringa pekinensis and Sophora flavescens Mixture to Cylindrocarpon destructans Identification and Biological Characterization of Figwort Fungal Pathogens


  • Syringa leaves were usually indications of acute dysentery jaundice hepatitis and fire eyes .

    主治急性痢疾、黄疸性肝炎、 火眼等。