synchronous computation

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˌkɑmpjʊˈteʃən][ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˌkɔmpjʊˈteɪʃən]

[计] 同步计算

  • Synchronous Data flow Graph ( SDF ) is a model of computation that has been widely used in block diagram Digit Signal Processing ( DSP ) programming environment .

    同步数据流图( SynchronousDataflowGraph,SDF)是一个在嵌入式系统设计中应用很广泛的模型。

  • FPGA and a general-purpose processor . Refined from the Bulk Synchronous Parallel model ( BSP ) by Valiant ( 1990 ) an STAP computation model is brought forward .

    借鉴 Valiant(1990)提出的BSP模型,采用多重流水线,提出一个空时自适应处理(STAP) 计算模型。

  • Thinking is an inherently parallel process billions of neurons firing simultaneously to create synchronous waves of cortical computation .

    思考是一种人类固有的并行过程,数以亿计的神经元同时放电以创造出大脑皮层用于 计算 同步脑电波。

  • A synchronous master-slave model parallel mind evolutionary computation algorithm has been implemented on cluster computer in this paper .

    基于计算机集群的高性能 并行 计算,已成为广大工程与科学计算的有效手段。

  • The comparison of calculated damper temperature rises with tested results on a2200KW synchronous motor shows that the presented computation method has a good engineering accuracy .

    对一台 2200KW实际 同步电动机阻尼绕组起动温升的计算值同实测结果进行了比较,表明文中提出的方法切实可行,具有较好的工程精确度。

  • Synchronous iterative method for computation of vortex flows at high angles-of-attack

    大迎角涡流的 同步迭代 算法

  • Considering the alveolus discontinuous distribution of stator and rotor in salient pole synchronous motor applied to electromagnetic suspension ( EMS ) maglev train a novel analytical computation method of thrust force and levitation force was put forward .

    针对电磁悬浮(EMS)型磁浮列车用凸极 直线 同步电机定子和转子齿槽不连续分布的特点,提出一种基于解析的驱动力和悬浮力 计算新方法。

  • An AC / AC frequency conversion system with computerized vector control used on synchronous motors to regulate their power supply is developed with a computer-on-chip ( 16 bit-8097 ) as its key part for the computation of vector and the relevant regulation .

    本文介绍一种以交-交变频器供电,并以一台16位单片机8097为控制工具来完成矢量及各调节器的 计算 同步机矢量控制系统,最后给出了实验结果。

  • According to peculiarity of rare earth permanent magnet synchronous generator with radial exciting structure the thesis analyzes and researches its computation method of magnetic circuit and armature reaction . It designs and calculates characteristic of the machine by use of vector diagram .

    从径向激磁结构的稀土永磁 同步发电机的特点出发,分析研究了其磁路和电枢反应 计算方法,并运用矢量图进行设计求解。