symptom complex

[ˈsɪmtəm kəmˈplɛks][ˈsimptəm ˈkɔmpleks]


  • Technical analysis initial research of gene expression of syndrome or symptom complex in SLE with gene chip

    基因芯片技术分析SLE证 基因表达的初步研究

  • Studies on the Relationship Between Chinese Traditional Medicinal Differential Symptom - complex ( Zheng ) Types and Pituitary - Adrenal Axis Hormone Levels in NIDDM Patients

    Ⅱ型糖尿病患者中医 辨证分型与垂体&肾上腺轴激素的关系研究

  • The preliminary experiments show that text mining would assist and support the molecular level study of Symptom Complex .

    初步实验表明,文本挖掘技术有望 为证 的分子水平研究提供辅助和支撑手段。

  • Results : The clinical effects of the two groups were the same but the effects of symptom complex in the treatmemt group were superior to that in the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果:两组疗效相当,但治疗组中医证 疗效明显优于对照组(P<005)。

  • Most of excess syndrome of stroke with appearance of viscera collateral symptom complex were due to wind fire causing mental confusion complicated by phlegm heat and fu organ constipation .

    中风病中脏腑者, 临床以阳闭者居多,病机 风火上扰清窍,且多兼夹痰热腑实。

  • Study on TCM Characteristics of Symptom Complex Law of 178 Sufferers in Convalescence Period of SARS

    178例SARS恢复期患者中医证 观察

  • Epilepsy is a heterogeneous symptom complex which is a chronic disorder characterized by recurrent seizures .

    癫痫是一种 症状的慢性疾病,表现为反复痫性发作。

  • The symptom of this problem is that a complex data object that is sent as a parameter or returned as a response may be missing certain elements .

    此问题的 征兆就是:一个作为参数发送或作为响应返回的 复杂数据对象丢失了某些元素。

  • Conclusion : TQM has significant effect in treating vascular dementia and it is feasible to type according to the symptom complex related to pathogenic factors .

    结论:填髓祛邪合剂治疗血管性痴呆效果显著,依邪气相关的 分型是可行的。

  • Differentiation of Symptom Complex of Breast Cancer by Integrated Medicine

    乳腺癌中西医结合 辨证分型研究

  • On Comparison Between Diseases and Zhengs ( TCM Symptom - complex ) And Their Cognitive Methods


  • Some executives argue that tax avoidance is a mere symptom the real disease being the high corporate tax rates and complex rules imposed by rich countries .

    有些企业高层认为,避税只是种 症状,真正的病因是富国过高的公司所得税和 繁杂的税务手续。

  • DATA SYNTHESIS : Learning disorder was a symptom complex embodied lag disorder or late development of individual in one or many processes which involved speaking language reading writing arthmetics or other sciences .

    资料综合:学习障碍是一种 综合 ,表现为个体在一种或多种过程中 表现出的落后、障碍或延迟发展,这些过程涉及说话、语言、阅读、书写、算术或其他学科。

  • My Opinion about Duplicating Animal Model of TCM Symptom - complex

    中医证 动物模型复制管见

  • Changes of nephrin expression in glomeruli during diabetic nephropathy Differentiation of Symptom Complex for Disease of Kidney Zang

    糖尿病肾病肾小球 nephrin表达的变化

  • Methods : 3469 senior high school students from Guangxi were administered a series of scales including a symptom complex list of90 items ( SCL-90 ) and a Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ) .

    方法:采用 症状自评量表(SCL-90)等问卷对 3469名中学生进行测试。结果:广西壮族自治区高中生各因子分基本上高于以往常模,同时存在性别、年级和民族 差异

  • Analysis of Present Situation of Research on Blood Stagnation Symptom - complex & Activating Blood and Resolving Stagnation

    对血瘀 活血化瘀法研究现状的剖析

  • The symptom complex diagnose can be treated as a Bayesian training and a Bayesian classification on large clinical database cases .

    中医 症候诊断可以看成是在大量临床案例库上的贝叶斯训练器和分类器;

  • Objective The study is to provide basic information for exploring the pathogenesis of elbow tube symptom complex and to look for the best treatment .

    目的为探讨尺神经卡压 的发病机制,寻找本病的最佳治疗手段,提供基础资料。

  • The Origin of Treating Blood Symptom Complex with Wind drug

    风药治疗 血证源流

  • Nucleotides of erythrocytes were determined by HPLC chromatogram in two symptom complex groups ( Liver YANG rising LYR ; YIN deficiency and YANG excess YDYE ;)

    用高效液相色谱法测定肝阳上 、阴虚阳亢二 型病人及健康人的红细胞内核苷酸水平。

  • The study of the essence of the symptom complex at the level of organ-cell-molecule ;

    从整体-细胞-分子水平研究阐明 本质;

  • The Mental Health Investigation of Metabolism Symptom Complex Cases

    代谢 综合 患者的心理健康状况调查研究

  • Lumbocrural pain is a common symptom or symptom complex manifested in a variety of diseases with miscellaneous causal factors and curative effect of conservative therapy is not satisfying .

    腰腿痛是多种疾病共有的症状或 症候 ,病因繁杂,保守治疗效果一般。

  • Through clinical investigate we analyse small intestine of Traditional Chinese Medicine symptom complex rule and main syndromes discuss it 's pathogens characteristic in order to treat and prescription selection provide gist .

    通过临床调查,归纳出中医小肠病证 分布规律,分析小肠病常见证候及其分布规律,探讨小肠病发病特点,为 临床治疗、选方用药提供依据。

  • Insomnia usually appears together with heart palpitates in clinical syndrome or symptom complex .

    失眠和心悸在临床证 中常常共同出现。

  • Study on the Correlation between Platelet Function Proteins and Symptom Complex in Coronary Heart Disease

    冠心病血小板功能蛋白与 相关性研究

  • Background : Acute abdomen is a clinical symptom complex in surgery which is characterized by sudden occurrence rapid change many complications and high mortality .

    背景: 急腹症是外科临床一大 常见 疾病,具有发病急、变化快、并发症多、死亡率高的特点。

  • Objective Inquiry into the characteristics of symptom complex law of the sufferers in convalescence period of SARS to guide the clinic dialectical .

    目的探讨SARS恢复期患者 中医 特点以指导临床辨证。