synchronous inverter

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs ɪnˈvɚtɚ][ˈsɪŋkrənəs inˈvə:tə]


  • This paper introduces an AC position control system using a permanent-magnet synchronous motor as the servo component . A 16-bit microprocessor Intel 8086 is used for the control of the inverter .

    本文介绍了一种用永磁 同步电动机作为伺服元件的交流传动定位系统,该系统采用十六位单板机 TP86A,并辅以其它硬件进行控制。

  • The synchronous controller has connected PC and through the interface RS-five 485 bus connections output voltage inverter frequency inverter control motor speed communication realizing the synchronization control .

    同步控制器通过RS-232串行接接口连接上位PC机,通过RS-485总线控制 变频器的输出电压频率,调节电动机转速,实现对系统的同步控制。

  • The communication-based detection scheme and local detection schemes for synchronous distributed generators and local detection schemes for inverter DG are expounded .

    根据孤岛检测的基本原理和分布式电源的类型进行了分类,从3个大方面(基于通信技术、 同步分布式发电机本地检测和基于 逆变器的分布式发电系统本地检测)对孤岛检测方法进行了阐述。

  • A General Simulation Model of n-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Driven by Inverter

    n相 逆变器&永磁 同步电动机系统的通用仿真模型

  • In this paper a new inverter based on a mathematical model of synchronous generator is presented and on this basis the coordination control method of inverter is designed and the Matlab simulation software is used to verify the correctness of the analysis .

    论文提出了一种基于 同步发电机数学模型的微电网逆变电源,在此基础上设计了 系统 逆变 电源 组网协调控制方法,并使用Matlab仿真软件验证理论分析的正确性。

  • Direct Torque Control of Synchronous Motor by Three Level Inverter

    基于三电平 逆变器 同步电动机直接转矩控制

  • This paper presents a method of vector control in order to adjust the speed of permanent magnet synchronous motor and gives a compensation method for dead time effect of inverter .

    本文通过矢量控制的方法,对永磁 同步电机的速度进行调节,并针对 电机运行中存在的死区效应问题给出了补偿方法。

  • Also in the article provides the results of hysteresis synchronous motor performance test derived by the voltage inverter and sine-wave supply .

    文中提供了电压 逆变器 驱动磁滞 同步电动机的性能测试结果及正弦波电源驱动磁滞同步电动机的性能测试结果。

  • Control Strategy of DC Capacitor Voltage of Static Synchronous Compensator Based on Cascaded Multilevel Voltage Source Inverter

    基于级联式电压源 逆变器的静止 同步补偿器直流电压控制策略

  • The experimental results indicate that this switching device can better achieve the synchronous switch mode control from the inverter power to power supply with the smooth current simple structure in switching device and high working reliability .

    实验结果表明:该切换器较好地实现了由 变频电源到工频电源的 同步切换,切换电流平滑,且切换器结构简单,工作可靠。

  • China 's own development and production of non-coder permanent magnet synchronous motor inverter dedicated recently passed technical appraisal in Xuzhou .

    我国自主开发生产的无编码器永磁 同步电机专用 变频器近日在苏州通过技术鉴定。

  • A controll strategy of DC capacitor voltage of static synchronous compensator ( STATCOM ) based on cascaded multilevel voltage source inverter is proposed .

    提出了一种基于级联式 逆变器的静止 同步补偿器直流电容电压控制策略。

  • Study about Static Synchronous Compensator ( STATCOM ) Based on Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter

    基于混合级联多电平 逆变 技术的静止 同步补偿器(STATCOM)的研究

  • The mathematical model and computer simulation of permanent magnet synchronous motor drive fed by current-controlled PWM inverter

    电流控制型 变频 电源 供电永磁 同步电动机调速 系统的数学模型与仿真

  • Variable frequency speed system of synchronous motor with AC-DC-AC inverter is a major area in the development of high-power AC drive system because of its high power density low harmonic pollution as well as control-performance .

    同步电机交直交 调速系统拥有功率密度大、谐波污染小、控制性能理想等方面的诸多优点。

  • Analysis on matching relationship of main synchronous generator with inverter for AC drive diesel locomotive

    交流传动内燃机车 同步主发电机与 逆变器匹配关系的分析

  • The results obtained from the simulation testing by double digital signal processing ( DSP ) system confirm that the DTC system fits for synchronous motor with screw propeller by three level inverter and the system operation performance is perfect .

    采用双DSP系统对电动机带螺旋桨负载的推进系统进行了半实物仿真,结果表明文中提出的控制策略能对三电平 逆变器 供电 同步电动机实施高性能的调速控制。

  • A new kind of motor called permanent magnet synchronous motor ( PMSM ) will become the best choice of inverter air-condition compressor motor for its higher running efficiency and no excitation current .

    而永磁 同步电动机因其运行效率高,无需励磁等优点成为下一代 变频空调压缩机电机的首选。

  • This paper mainly refers to the synchronous switching encountered in soft starting of multi equipment with an inverter .

    主要讨论使用一台 变频器 重载软起动多台 交流 异步 电动机时所遇到的 同步切换问题。

  • In this paper the advantages of asynchronous traction electric motor relevant computing parameters of AC drive system of diesel locomotive power volume of inverter the optimal matching conditions among synchronous main generator asynchronous traction motor and inverter are analyzed .

    对异步牵引电动机的优越性、内燃机车交流传动系统相应参数的计算、逆变器的容积功率、 同步主发电机和异步牵引电动机与 逆变器最佳匹配的条件进行了分析。

  • For five-phase permanent magnetism synchronous motor ( PMSM ) the variable-frequency variable-speed system is set up supplied with three-level inverter . Space vector PWM control algorithm of five-phase three-level inverter is studied .

    针对五相永磁 同步电动机,构建了三电平 逆变器 供电的变频调速系统,对五相三电平逆变器的空间矢量PWM控制算法进行了研究。

  • A static synchronous compensator ( STATCOM ) based on three-phase cascaded voltage source inverter ( TC-VSI ) is proposed .

    提出一种三相电压源 逆变器级联的静止 同步补偿器。

  • The Synchronous Switch-Mode Control between the Inverter Power and Power Supply

    变频电源与工频电源间的 同步切换控制

  • However the internal resistance and dynamic characteristics of the inverter power system are different from the synchronous generator which makes the traditional droop control have many problems in the power inverter parallel control .

    然而逆变电源的内阻及动态特性都区别于 同步发电机,这使得传统的下垂控制方式在 逆变 电源并联控制上存在很多问题,本文的分析就是基于这些问题展开。

  • In this dissertation the software is designed by assemble language the key technology of resolving phase floating in PWM rectifier control and realizing synchronous control between rectifier and inverter are proposed and testified .

    用汇编语言设计软件程序,提出了解决PWM整流控制中相位漂移和实现整流和 逆变 同步控制的两个关键技术方法。

  • The drive system is constituted of five subsystems : permanent magnet synchronous motor ( PMSM ) inverter and its drive circuit interfaces of sensors and protective signals controller communication module with CAN bus .

    驱动系统主要包括五个模块:永磁 同步电动机, 逆变器及驱动电路,传感器、保护信号及接口电路, 逆变器控制器,CAN总线通讯模块。

  • Multi Fuzzy Direct Torque Controlled Drive for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Fed by Three-Level Inverter

    电平 供电的永磁 同步电机多模糊直接转矩控制

  • Synchronous Rectification Approach for Flyback Inverter

    同步整流反激 逆变器研究

  • The paper analyzes the basic principle of Synchronous Phase-locked loop ( PLL ) for inverter discusses its mathematical modeling and analyzes the stability and steady-sate error for the technology ;

    针对 逆变 电源的并联冗余系统,本文分析了 逆变 电源 同步锁相的基本原理,并对其进行了数学建模,分析了数字锁相环的稳定性以及稳态误差;