synchronous mode

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs mod][ˈsɪŋkrənəs məud]

[计] 同步式,同步方式

  • Most Web pages and applications work in synchronous mode .

    大多数Web页面和应用程序都在 同步 模式下工作。

  • An appropriate switching frequency is essential to ensure the smooth transition of synchronous machine from low speed operation to high speed operation which means that there should be an adequate frequency overlap between the upper limit of pulse mode and the lower limit of synchronous mode .

    要保证同步电机由低转速运行平稳过渡到高转速运行,必须使脉冲方式下的频率上限与 同步 方式下的频率下限之间重叠部分有足够的裕度,即选择合适的切换频率。

  • The image data from all cameras are transmitted to PC through USB2.0 bus in synchronous transmission mode for storing .

    来自所有摄像机的图像数据通过USB2.0总线 采用 同步传输 模式传送到PC进行存储。

  • Finally link establishment transaction management and point-to-point low-rate data transmission under synchronous mode are implemented by debugging together with Data Link Layer .

    最后,通过与数据链路层联合调试,实现了 同步 模式下的自动链路建立、业务管理和点对点低速数据传输。

  • Serial port can have two kinds of operation mode : synchronous operation mode and overlap operation mode ( also known as asynchronous operation mode ) .

    串口的操作可以有两种操作方式: 同步操作 方式和重叠操作方式(又称为异步操作方式)。

  • The mirror phenomenon of two-dimensional steady river water quality model was studied with the computer simulation of river pollution straps . Presents a model to mirror large files on Internet it can run both in synchronous mode and asynchronous mode and adapt to the various network conditions .

    基于二维稳态河流水质模型的河岸镜像问题,采用计算机模拟河流污染带的方法,对一侧镜像模型和两侧 镜像 模型进行了分析讨论。提出了一种基于Internet的大型文件镜像模型。

  • Presents a model to mirror large files on Internet it can run both in synchronous mode and asynchronous mode and adapt to the various network conditions .

    提出了一 基于Internet的大型文件 镜像模型。

  • The technology of the frequency testing in multicycle synchronous mode and the measuring errors are studied in a deep-going way .

    介绍了测频的基本方法,讨论了石英晶体的应用,并对多周期 同步测量 技术及其测频误差进行了细致的分析。

  • In synchronous mode transactions on the primary server will not commit until it receives an acknowledgement from the HDR secondary server .

    同步 模式下,只有接收到来自HDR备用服务器的确认,主服务器才会提交事务。

  • Because of the dynamics characteristics of the spin stabilized satellites the synchronous control mode is used to control this kind of satellites .

    自旋稳定卫星的动力学特征决定了对其控制时必须采用 同步控制 方式

  • Asynchronous mode is less safe because a window exists for a failure to occur before data is replicated but it is faster than fully synchronous mode which is the safest mode for data protection .

    异步模式相对来说不太安全,因为在复制数据之前,有一个窗口显示可能发生的故障,但是它比完全 同步 模式更快,后者是数据保护最安全的模式。

  • The memory ( or semi - ) synchronous mode is a variation of both synchronous and asynchronous .

    内存 异步 模式(或半异步 模式)是介于 同步 模式和异步 模式之间的一个变体。

  • We propose to replace screen copy and T. 120 conference with web-based synchronous browsing mode in SCL .

    协同学习中基于IP组播的数据子系统:在协同学习体系中,提出了以基于Web的 同步浏览 方式,取代传统的基于屏幕拷贝的课件同步方式和T.120数据会议。

  • If high speed and high efficiency are wanted or the communication between PC and periphery interface circuit is synchronous mode asynchronous protocol is unfeasible .

    如果PC之间要求传输速率、效率较高,或者外围接口只能采用 同步 方式与PC通信,异步协议显然不可行的。

  • The OSC provides the system clock signal it can works under three modes : fixed frequency mode external clock synchronous mode and idle mode .

    振荡器模块提供系统时钟信号,并能实现三种工作模式:固定频率模式、外部时钟 同步 模式和突发模式。

  • Investigated the structure principle of high-voltage line microcomputer reclosing device involving the start-up mode reclosing mode synchronous mode and the relationship between reclosing and relay protection .

    主要研究内容包括:1、论文研究了高压线路微机重合闸结构原理。着重阐述了重合闸的启动方式、重合方式、 同期 方式以及重合闸与继电保护的关系。

  • In this paper the dynamic behavior of asymmetric discrete hopfield neural network in synchronous mode is mainly studied by using the state transition equation and defining energy function .

    主要利用网络的状态转移方程和定义能量函数的方法对非对称离散Hopfield神经网络在 并行 演化 方式的动力学行为进行了研究。

  • In fully synchronous mode Write operations must be safely on both nodes'storage before the Write transaction is acknowledged to the writer .

    在完全 同步 模式下,在写事务被认可之前两个节点存储中的写操作必须是安全的。

  • Introduction of Dynamic Synchronous Transmission Mode

    动态 同步传输 模式介绍

  • Then in the synchronous mode applies the Dwell-Groups and the Multi-Slot techniques to the 3G-ALE protocol and simulates contrastively and analyzes the contributions of the two techniques to the 3G-ALE system performance .

    然后在 同步工作 模式下,将Dwell-Groups技术、Multi-Slot技术应用在协议当中进行了对比仿真,并分析了Dwell-Groups技术、Multi-Slot技术对3G-ALE系统性能的影响。

  • The navigation research includes the design of rehabilitation training method obstacle-avoidance algorithm combined with T-S type fuzzy neural network synchronous control mode for robot and virtual environment and the design of gait and obstacle detection system .

    导航研究包括:康复训练方式的设计、结合T-S型模糊神经网络的避障算法设计、机器人与虚拟环境 同步控制 方式的设计、步态检测系统与障碍物检测系统的设计。

  • Using dual port RAM as shared data buffer to implement synchronous exchange of real-time data this supervisory control system operates in synchronous parallel mode so real-time performance of this system can be ensured .

    该监控系统利用双口RAM作为共享的数据缓冲区,实现实时数据的同步交换。系统以 同步并行 方式工作,确保了监控的实时性。

  • Through simulating Turing machine it is proved that these systems are Turing universal in synchronous working mode .

    通过模拟注册机,证明了在 同步 模式下,该系统可实现计算通用性。

  • On the other hand if the system instantly verifies and approves your credit information it 's in synchronous mode .

    另一方面,如果系统不断地验证和批准您的信用信息,则其处于 同步 模式

  • The article starts with SASI principle from synchronous mode and asynchronous mode and proposes design requirements according to DSP system environment .

    先从 同步 模式和异步模式等方面对SASI串口的工作原理进行研究,并根据其所处的DSP系统环境,提出SASI串口的设计需求。

  • Messaging Design Pattern ( synchronous mode )

    消息传送设计模式( 同步 模式

  • These results present a new method for analysis of static performance of AC excited generator in synchronous mode .

    这些为分析交流励磁发电机在 同步工作 方式下的运行特性提供了新的理论方法。

  • A single neuron can thus not implement the temporal codes of the neuron spike trains . However the neuronal colony can give the common synapse electric current by the synchronous mode .

    单个神经元不能完成对连续峰放电的时间序列进行编码,而神经元集群能以 同步 方式反映出共同的突触电流。

  • The working features and frequency restrictions of SFC starting under two operation modes are analyzed which are pulse switching mode with low speed and synchronous mode with high speed .

    分析了SFC启动同步 电机低转速运行(脉冲切换 方式)和高转速运行( 同步方式)的工作特点、频率限制。

  • Then there 's a technology proposed by several Swedish companies called Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode ( DTM ) .

    其次,有一项几家瑞典公司提出的技术,叫动态 同步传输 模式(DTM)。