synchronous propagation

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˌprɑpəˈɡeʃən][ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˌprɔpəˈgeɪʃən]

[计] 同步传送

  • Some common interaction patterns are synchronous request / reply one-way ( sometimes called event ) and publish / subscribe ( sometimes called event propagation ) .

    一些常见的交互模式包括 同步请求/应答、单向(有时称为事件)和发布/订阅(有时称为事件 传播)。

  • Both the synchronous homogeneous propagation and the asynchronous superimposition are its special cases .

    同步 均质和异步叠加方法都是本文方法的特例。

  • The synchronous oscillation and propagation and the forward problem of the nerval activities are the main contents of the dissertation .

    对可兴奋性神经元的 同步振荡及其 传导以及神经电活动正问题的研究是论文的主要内容。

  • As the threat of computer viruses increasing in recent years researchers have been utilizing synchronous cellular automata to emulate and forecast their propagation behaviors to assist anti-virus personnel in establishing prevention cure scheme .

    随着计算机病毒的危害日益加大,近年来研究者试图利用 同步元胞自动机模拟和预测计算机病毒的 传播行为,以帮助反病毒人员制订防治方案。