synchronous detector

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs dɪˈtɛktɚ][ˈsɪŋkrənəs dɪˈtektə]


  • We ensure the bit synchronous digital signal through digital phase detector and filters quantitative calculation of the local network signals and locomotives of the phase error signal to drive the local osci (?) ator signal phase adjustments .

    通过数字 、量化器和滤波器计算本地信号与机车网络信号的相位误差,驱动数控振荡器调整本地信号相位保证数字信号的位 同步

  • Improved synchronous DS / CDMA multi-user detector based on successive multi-stages interference cancellation technology

    基于逐级相消技术的 同步DS/CDMA多用户 检测器

  • This paper proposes a novel synchronous detector which use wavelet filter instead of traditional low pass filter .

    本文提出了一种新型 同步 检波器,用子带滤波器取代了传统 同步检波器中的低通滤波器。

  • The Improvement of Horizontal Pipe Mini-flame Atomization and Ionization Synchronous Detector and the Design and Evaluation of Temperature Auto-controlled Zero Dead Volume Transfer-line in Gas Chromatography / AtomicAbsorption Spectroscopy

    毛细管气相色谱/原子吸收联用技术中卧管式微火焰原子化离子化 同步 检测器性能的改进和自动控温零死体积传输线的研制

  • Application of narrow-band synchronous phase detector in electronic article surveillance system

    窄带 同步相位 检测在商品电子防窃系统中的应用

  • A Method of Synchronous CDMA Multiuser Detector Based on Filter Banks

    基于滤波器组的 同步CDMA多用户 检测方法的研究

  • It is realized that the cupola being totally closed by using the synchronous motor dual rack plugboard location detector charging device and the system of sucking gas and eliminating dust .

    采用 同步电机双齿条插板、料位 探测器、加料装置和炉气抽吸除尘系统实现冲天炉全封闭熔炼;

  • This paper proposes a novel method of power quality detection and analysis using wavelet multiresolution signal decomposition and a novel synchronous detector using wavelet filter instead of traditional low pass filter .

    针对典型的电能质量扰动信号,提出了采用小波多分辨率信号分解的电能质量检测与时频分析方法,并提出一种新型的 同步 检波器

  • The Design and Evaluation of Horizontal Pipe Mini-Flame Atomization and Ionization Synchronous Detector in GC / AAS

    色谱/原子吸收联用系统中卧管式微火焰原子化离子化 同步 检测器的研究与应用

  • The procedure of the alignment of the synchronous detector and its influence to the picture quality received is described in this paper .

    本文提出 同步 检波器的调整方法及其对接收图象质量的影响。

  • Synchronous Heterodyne Phase Sensitive Detector

    同步外差相敏 检波器