tab order

[tæb ˈɔrdɚ][tæb ˈɔ:də]

[计] TAB键控制次序

  • Property determines whether the next control in the tab order receives focus as soon as the .

    属性中填入有效数据后, tab 顺序中的下一个控件是否接受焦点。

  • The FileInput node 's FTP tab is used to configure the properties the broker needs in order to retrieve files when polling the server .

    FileInput节点的FTP 选项卡用于配置代理需要的属性, 以便在轮询服务器时检索文件。

  • You may want to add a custom tab in the Rule Team Server console in order to display information about the builds : current status start date duration links on test suite reports and so on .

    您可能想要在RuleTeamServer控制台上添加一个自定义 选项卡显示与构建有关的信息:当前状态、启动日期、持续时间、关于测试套件报告的链接,等等。

  • You can use tab managing functions to create pattern pages and properly order them as the actual tour required .

    您可利用 页面管理的功能将轮跳所需的页面以及 顺序 好。

  • Don 't forget to set the tab order in the dialog box .

    别忘记在你的对话框中设置 Tab 顺序

  • In many browsers including Internet explorer tab order includes controls that are located on the browser toolbar .

    在许多浏览器(包括internetexplorer)中, tab 顺序包括位于浏览器工具栏上的控件。

  • Editing text or changing tab order involved a cumbersome process .

    修改文本或改变 标签 顺序则需要一个复杂的过程。

  • It is important for controls without intrinsic labels such as text boxes to have the associated label immediately precede the control in the tab order .

    没有内部标签的控件(如文本框)必须按 tab 顺序紧跟在关联标签之后,这非常重要。

  • If multiple controls share the same tab index the controls will receive focus in the order they are declared on the web forms page .

    如果多个控件共享同一 选项卡索引,则这些控件将 它们在web窗体页上的声明 顺序接收焦点。

  • You can also build a tabbed interface on your Purchase Confirmation page : one tab each for cross-sell order playback and billing playback .

    还可以在PurchaseConfirmation页面上构建选项卡式界面:交叉销售、 订单重放和帐单重放各有一个 选项卡

  • When you have finished click tab order on the View menu again to leave tab order mode .

    完成后,再次单击“视图”菜单中的“ tab 顺序”,离开tab键顺序模式。

  • Set up the interface in a logical tab order

    使用合理的 选项卡 顺序设置界面