


  • Once entering heroic and every time u get out of combat in heroic addon will check and equip proper tabard .

    仅在你进入英雄副本,或进入英雄副本战斗时候检查是否装备对应的 徽章

  • Urged by the host of the Tabard who accompanies them the pilgrims agree to tell tales to amuse the group and to lighten the journey .

    在随同 前往 塔巴德 客店 老板 建议 ,这群朝圣者达成一致意见, 每人轮流讲故事以供娱乐,让大家旅途愉快。

  • Options : Extra options include selecting a background in fullscreen mode and toggling the display of a character 's helm cloak or tabard .

    选项:额外的选项包括选择在全屏模式下背景以及切换人物的头盔,斗篷,或者 战袍显示。

  • I wear a helmet a nasty fluorescent tabard and high heels – but to prevent any more pairs being destroyed by the pedals I have invented a heel condom made out of an old inner tube .

    我戴头盔,穿显眼的荧光 马甲和高跟鞋,但为了防止我的更多双高跟鞋被自行车踏板毁掉,我用内胎 做了只鞋跟 保护