
[计] T2服务

  • For each of rows being scanned FETCH ( 3 ) will read the status column from T2 .

    对于所扫描的每一行记录,FETCH(3)都会读取 T2的status字段。

  • All subjects were examined with sagittal T2 and axial T1-weighted spin-echo images .

    所有受试者都运用矢状 T2和轴向T1加权自旋回波图像进行测量。

  • As you can see t2 has reached the point where it has loaded class C and t1 has loaded class A.

    可以看出, t2到达的点已经装入了类C,而t1已经装入了类A。

  • STUDENT : T2 reversible should be colder .

    学生:可逆过程的 T2更冷。

  • Moreover results with both dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging and spectroscopic imaging were significantly better than that with T2-weighted imaging .

    并且,同时运用动态对比增强核磁共振显象和分光显象比用 T2 加权 核磁 共振 显象 优势很明显。

  • Two stage T1 / T2 cases and two stage T3 cases were missed using the water-enema method .

    应用水灌肠以后,处于 T1/T2阶段的患者有 2例没有诊断出来,处于T3期的有2例。

  • So this is just going to be T2 over T1 minus T2 that 's our coefficient of performance .

    这就是我们的, 制冷系数。

  • Nor does it require retaining a database connection to ensure the transactional warranty at a later time t2 .

    在后一时刻 t2中,它也不需要保持一个数据库连接来保证事务完整性。

  • In treatments T1 and T2 no cyanobacteria blooms happened as expected showing that the formation of cyanobacteria blooms was not only related to the enough nitrogen and phosphorous supply .

    T1和 T2中均没有出现期望的蓝藻水华,表明蓝藻水华的形成不只是与充足的氮磷供应有关。

  • T2 - weighted MRI further revealed the fetal body with all brain cavities outlined by segmentation .


  • Requirements were programmed output t1 t2 t3 t4 time of memory free zone status .

    要求编程序分别输出t1、 t2、t3、t4时刻内存的空闲区的状态。

  • And I compare T2 irreversible T2 They 're both less than T1 .

    我们要比较不可逆过程的,与可逆 过程 T2to,T2,reversible。, 显然它们都比T1要小。

  • It is a new method to analyze the fractal nature of pore structure and petrophysical property by using NMR T2 spectrum distribution .

    利用NMR T 2谱分布进行储层岩石分形结构研究,进而分析岩石物性,是一种分析、评价储层孔隙结构与物性的新方法。

  • Our forefathers also created a kind of word by word written language which is frightfully difficult ( T2 ) .

    我们的古人又 造出了一种难到可怕的一块一块的文字;

  • Results : T2 relaxation time of gray matter nucleus was shorten because of iron content increasing and that of white matter had not this change .

    结果:灰质核团 T2弛豫时间随 铁含量增加而缩短, 白质 T2弛豫时间无变化趋势。

  • Consider three tables T1 T2 and T3 .

    考虑3个表:T1、 T2和T3。

  • And so we have this cartoon . Again we have an open beaker and a candle and we 're putting only heat into this beaker T2 and the temperature goes from T1 to T2 .

    好的,我们要再次利用这幅图,这有一个敞开的烧杯和一根蜡烛,我们对 烧杯加热,温度从T1上升到。

  • So delta u B is Cv times T2 minus T1 right .


  • Objective To evaluate T2 mapping of the healthy knee articular cartilage in different subregions using a magnetic resonance segmentation .

    目的在磁共振分区的基础上,探讨 T2图在健康膝关节软骨不同区域的表现和运用。

  • Note : In this case tables T1 and T2 are joined without any condition so every row in T1 matches every row in T2 .

    注意:本例中,表T1和 T2的连接是不含任何条件的,因此,T1中的每一行会匹配T2中的每一行。

  • Secondary MRI outcomes including cumulative number of new T2 lesions and T1 hypointense lesions also showed benefit .

    次要的MRI结果,包括新 T2损伤和T1低信号损伤的累积数,也显示了益处。

  • The crystal structure of the mineral can be expressed by O T1 and T2 packing .

    这类矿物晶体结构可用O、T1、 T2堆积方式表征,O T 交替排列。

  • Compared with the existing T2 Terminal not only will the T1 Terminal have advanced facilities but it also sets far flight terminal and green corridors for special populations .

    与正在使用的 T2候机楼相比,改建后的T1候机楼不仅在设备方面有了进一步的提升,还将新增远机位候机厅和为特殊人群准备的绿色通道。

  • In this paper the third version of area coordinate systems for quadrilateral elements ( QAC-III ) with two coordinate components ( T1 T2 ) is systematically established .

    该文系统地建立了具有两个坐标分量(T1, T2)的四边形单元第三类面积坐标系统(QAC-III)。

  • In the above T1 is the fact table with FK-PK relationship with dimension tables T2 and T3 .

    其中,T1是与维表 T2和T3有FK-PK关系的事实表。

  • LogKp Log Kp at a new temperature T2 p And I 'm carrying this little p around everywhere .

    新温度下的,等于温度T1下的logKp, T2,,is,log,Kp,temperature,T1。,我在哪都写了这个小。

  • T2 : The time from leaving action zone to output disappearance .

    从离开动作区到输出消失 为止的时间。

  • The T2 is easier to learn to use properly than other comparable metal detectors .

    T2是比较 研究实用性的 品牌,比起其他的竞争金属探测器来说。