

[经] 银团

  • The most important routes of technology spillovers can be achieved from labor mobility technological transformation of multinational corporation networks in industry cluster syndications or alliances and relation between parent company and subsidiary company .

    已经 识别的最重要的路径包括 劳动力迁移产生的技术溢出,跨国公司对 当地企业的技术溢出,集群网络产生的技术溢出,联盟企业之间的技术 溢出和母子公司之间的技术溢出。

  • In a recent presentation to investors it said the two sectors provided $ 200m - $ 300m of average annual revenue from loan syndications and debt and equity underwriting .

    在最近对投资者的介绍中, 富国银行表示这两个行业为 银团 贷款和证券承销的平均年收入 贡献了两、三个亿的美元。

  • The FY09 amount included $ 4.5 billion mobilized through syndications and structured finance .

    09财年的融资额包括通过 银团 贷款和结构性融资调动的45亿美元。