system library

[ˈsɪstəm ˈlaɪˌbrɛri][ˈsistəm ˈlaibrəri]


  • Design and Realization of Server Remote Management System of Library

    图书馆服务器远程管理 系统的设计与实现

  • This paper expounds the principles of palm vein technology and probes into how to use palm vein technology to establish the new personal identification system in library .

    阐述了手掌静脉技术的原理,探讨了如何利用手掌静脉技术建立 图书馆新的个人身份认证 系统

  • The model library files have been added to the system library of PSPICE by means of programming . Then a set of simulating circuits are provided to test the model .

    采用程序设计的方法,将该 模型加入到PSPICE的模型 中,并由相关测试电路对此模型进行仿真测试。

  • Research and Practice of the Internal Monitoring System of Library Work Quality

    图书馆工作质量内部监控 体系研究与实践

  • The security architecture is made of a security gateway and an operating system library which tags data as it is being used by the web application .

    整个安全架构由一个安全网关和一个操作 系统 组成,Web应用可使用该操作系统 标记数据。

  • Knowledge Service Model of Small and Medium-Size Scientific Research System Library

    中小型科研 系统 图书馆知识服务模式初探

  • The research on the application of RFID system in library management

    略述RFID 系统图书馆管理中的应用

  • Another is the system library functions precomposed by C language which can be directly used by programmer .

    研究了使自定义函数也成为 系统 函数的方法,以提高使用C语言进行编程的效率。

  • Research of the Common Card System and Library Management System

    校园 一卡通 图书馆管理信息系统的集成研究

  • Application of the Ubuntu System in Library

    开源 系统图书馆的应用&Ubuntu系统

  • Survey and Thought for Regulation and System of Library

    图书馆规章 制度研究的调查与思考

  • Otherwise specify & with-pcre = auto to link with the newer of either the system library or Squirrel Shell 's copy .

    另一种方法是指定&with-pcre=auto以链接到更新的 系统 或SquirrelShell的副本。

  • Libraries have a well-developed hardware facilities which can use the Wiki system in library affairs .

    图书馆具有把维客 系统应用于 图书馆工作的实力。

  • Since SWT needs to operate outside the default sandbox to load a system library all JAR files deployed with Java Web Start must be digitally signed .

    由于SWT需要在缺省的沙箱之外运行来装入 系统 ,因此用JavaWebStart部署的所有JAR文件必须经过数字签名。

  • Cfruby : Download the system administration library for Ruby .

    Cfruby:下载Ruby的 系统管理

  • The glibc portal leads to the documentation and download location of the GNU / Linux and GNU / Hurd system library .

    glibcportal提供了GNU/Linux和GNU/Hurd 系统 的文档和下载位置。

  • Design and implementation of integrated medical cartoon system and library management system in hospitals

    医院医卡通 系统 图书馆管理系统的集成设计与实现

  • Seat Management System of Library Based on PHP & LAN

    基于PHP的局域网 图书馆座位管理 系统

  • Design and Implementation of Donation Management and Service System in Library of Tsinghua University

    清华大学 图书馆捐赠管理及服务 系统的设计与实现

  • To compile LFS you need to prepare a partition and a file system and you also need to compile a compiler and system library .

    要编译LFS,您需要准备一个分区和一个文件系统,还需要编译一个编译器和 系统

  • The Design and Implementation of Host Performance Management Framework Based on System Call Library

    基于 系统调用 的主机性能管理框架的设计与实现

  • Note that the accuracy and exception handling might not be identical in MASS functions and system library functions .

    注意精确性与例外情况的处理在MASS函数与 系统 函数中可能是不一样的。

  • On the Digital Copyright Compensation System of Library

    图书馆建立数字版权补偿金 制度问题研究

  • Note : The . / configure command can fail especially if a prerequisite a system library or critical system utility say cannot be found .

    注意:./configure命令可能会失败,特别是在无法找到一个先决条件的情况下(比如一个 系统 或者关键的系统实用工具)。

  • Because an SWT application is required to load a system library upon execution it needs to have full access to the user 's workstation .

    因为SWT应用程序在执行时需要装入 系统 ,所以它需要能够完全访问用户的工作站。

  • The unique inputting expert system library is used in software programming it not only provides a reference for inputting system but also provides the correction function in the welding process .

    在软件编程中融入了独特的输入专家 系统 ,该 不仅可为输入系统提供参考,也能在焊接过程中提供校正功能。