system of appeal

[ˈsɪstəm ʌv əˈpil][ˈsistəm ɔv əˈpi:l]

[法] 上诉制度

  • In civil procedure act of our country the system of incidental appeal should be established in order to fairly safeguard the parties ' interests on procedure and maintain procedure stability and judicial authority .

    我国民事诉讼中也应设立附带 上诉 制度,以便在程序上公平地保护双方当事人的利益,维护裁判的安定性和司法的权威性。

  • All the functions except the first one aim at public purposes which better suit the theories and requirements of modern system of appeal .

    其中除第一项功能强调私人目的之外,其他三项均侧重于公共目的,这样更为符合现代 上诉 制度重视公共目的 设计理念和要求。

  • The lightweight and high-mobility features of this artillery system may be of special appeal to the PLA airborne force and marine corps .

    这一种火炮 系统的轻型和高机动性特点可能适应PLA空降部队和海军陆战队的特别 要求

  • With the promulgation and implementation of the new Code of Civil Procedure 2003 the Russian system of civil appeal has quietly changed .

    检察机关的优势地位一览无余!随着2003年新民事诉讼法典的颁布实施,俄罗斯民事 抗诉 制度悄然发生变化。

  • The last is their legislation all prescribe the system of prohibiting the abuse of right of appeal .

    五是都规定了对滥用上 诉权的惩罚 制度

  • It is urgent to implement the reform of teaching contents and curriculum system due to the disadvantages of the conventional medical teaching mode which cannot appeal to the development of medical science in the 21st century .

    传统医学教学模式存在着诸多弊端,不能适应21世纪卫生事业和医学科学的发展,进行教学内容和课程 体系的改革 迫在眉睫

  • After the revolution of the system of trying rank their optional right of appeal under the system of the third try should be confirmed .

    审级 制度改革后应确保三审终审制下 被告人的 上诉选择权。

  • Babylon 's judicial system included magistrates ' and judges ' courts a court of appeal and the right of final appeal to the king .

    巴比伦的司法 体系包括地方官和法官法庭、一个 上诉法庭以及向国王申诉的最后上诉权。

  • University students ' appeal system is respect of college students to know right to appeal Adapt to higher education development request Realization of lawful management important guarantee .

    高校学生申诉 制度是尊重大学生的知情权、 申诉 ,适应高等教育发展要求,实现依法治校的重要保障。

  • However the system of appeal is chiefly set up for the basic public aim & to maintain the application of relative .

    可是国家设置 上诉 制度主要的目的在于维护法律适用上的统一这一基本的公共目的。

  • Also the universities are required in Ordinary College Student Control system to establish the student board of appeal to process the students ' appeal .

    同年,又在《普通高等学校学生管理 规定》中要求高校建立学生 申诉委员会处理学生申诉。

  • Analyzed the existing rights remedy system of civil servant in our country namely system of check appeal and accusation .

    分析了我国现有的公务员权利救济制度即复核、 申诉、控告 制度

  • The thesis is about the theory and system of the criminal extraordinary appeal .

    本文从理论和 制度两个方面对刑事 再审 程序进行 研究

  • Resolving the disputes effectively is to improve the system of the university . The paper proposes a new way of diversified resolution which including the system of educational appeal administrative review administrative litigation and arbitration .

    解决高校教育纠纷的有效途径是完善制度,并对高校教育纠纷进行分流与选择适用,最终形成教育 申诉 制度、教育行政复议 制度、教育行政诉讼制度以及教育仲裁 制度等多元化解决纠纷 制度

  • But there are a lot of problems to be solved so the system of the right to appeal for retrial need to be perfected and the system of civil public prosecution be established .

    但是我国的民事检察制度存在的问题却很多,需要进一步的改革。要完善民事 抗诉制度,建立民事公诉 制度,确立检察院的民事公诉权。

  • In the microeconomic level it need change our judicial system of final appeal trial .

    在微观层面上,要改变我国的四级 两审 终审 为四级三审终审

  • Chapter II goes on to explain the trial-level system on how to allocate the function of civil appeal and how to distinguish the de facto trial from the de jure trial by the comparison with the foreign relevant legislation .

    第二章通过比较国外的相关立法,进一步阐释审级 制度在配置 上诉审的程序功能和区分事实审、法律审方面的不同模式。

  • Second the rural laborer 's system of employment obtaining must be perfected to increase the appeal of labor to the primary industry .

    二是要完善农村劳动力就业 制度,通过利益机制增加第一产业就业 吸引力

  • In the last part of this article in our national current legal system and environment the victim should be given a limited right of appeal and a preliminary concept and specific legislative proposals and relevant supporting measures were proposed .

    最后,文章大胆提出:在我国当前法律话语 体系及环境下,应该赋予被害人有限的 上诉权。同时,文章还提出了赋予被害人有限上 诉权的初步构想和具体的立法建议以及相关配套措施。

  • Social security is a system of public rights expression and appeal mechanism .

    社会保障也是一种 制度化的公众权利表达与 诉求机制。

  • In recent years China has obtained a lot of achievements on the research of the Litigation System and the law of Evidence . Some Chinese experts and scholars also appeal to establish the law of evidence in our law systems .

    近年来,中国在诉讼法律 制度研究上取得了不少的成绩,尤其是在证据法上,不少专家、学者更是 呼吁要建立中国自已的证据法律体系。

  • The third part of the existing system of civil administration appeal screen and assess various reasons ;

    第三部分对当前存在的 取消民事行政 抗诉 制度的各种理由进行梳理和评析;

  • First of all problems such as physical environment of hidden curriculum course development lagging behind development needs of students incomprehensive spiritual and cultural construction weak construction of the school system low quality teachers few practices and lacking of appeal were brought out .

    首先指出农村小学隐性课程开发存在着物质环境不能满足学生发展需要、精神文化建设不全面、学校 制度建设薄弱、教师素养普遍不高、实践活动太少,且缺乏 吸引力等问题。

  • The appeal system is an important component of civil appeal system . After more than half century of practice the intrinsic defect of the second instance as the final in our country is increasingly obvious .

    审级 制度是民事 诉讼制度的重要组成部分,在历时半个多世纪后,我国的两审终审制存在的许多固有缺陷日益凸显。

  • In traditional administrative justice system of the UK emphasis was put on judicial review and appeal and reconsideration or the internal review of administrative decisions was almost altogether neglected .

    英国传统行政正义 体系重视司法审查与 上诉,行政复议较受忽视。

  • Therefore we must further improve the existing system of administrative appeal .

    因此,必须进一步完善现行的行政 抗诉 制度

  • Educational appeal system needs improving in the way of the appeal organization the appeal process and the relief channel after the educational appeal .

    我国教育申诉 制度所存在的诸多 缺陷,可以从教育 申诉 受理机构、教育申诉的程序规范及教育申诉后的救济渠道等方面予以完善。

  • Fourth part discusses the relation between the system of the civil parties to alter and protection of the right of appeal and the the relationship between it and the value of subjectivity of civil parties .

    第四部分,探讨了民事诉讼当事人变更 制度与当事人中心主义、 诉权保障及当事人主体性价值之间的关系。