system of exploitation

[ˈsɪstəm ʌv ˌɛksplɔɪˈteʃən][ˈsistəm ɔv ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃən]

[法] 剥削制度

  • It is suggested that the system of evaluation of exploitation valuableness should be established evaluating before mining instead of compensation after pollution do not mine the coal resource if it is not of exploitation valuableness .

    建议建立煤炭资源 开采价值评估 制度,改变“先污染,后补偿”的运行机制,先评估,后开采,值采则采,不值则放。

  • The socialist transformation of the private ownership of the means of production has been completed the system of exploitation of man by man abolished and the socialist system established .

    生产资料私有制的社会主义改造已经完成,人 剥削人的 制度已经消灭,社会主义制度已经确立。

  • The system of feudal exploitation should be abolished step by step that is in a tactical way .

    消灭封建 剥削 制度应当是有步骤的,即是说,有策略的。

  • All of this has constructed a system of tourism exploitation under the experience economic background .

    这初步构建了体验经济背景下的旅游 开发 体系

  • The feudal landlord state was the organ of power protecting this system of feudal exploitation .

    护这种封建 剥削 制度的权力机关,是地主阶级的封建国家。

  • During thousands of years ' system of exploitation the idea of sovereignty plays a very important role in maintaining the governance of the exploiting class relieving the opposition of civilians and keeping the stability of the system of exploitation .

    王权思想观念,在几千年的 剥削 制度中对维护剥削阶级的统治,化解民众的反抗,保持剥削制度的稳定,起了极其重要的作用。

  • The establishment flowed in the foundation in the work the clinical diagnosis information system method of exploitation and the function request are proposed .

    提出了建立在工作流基础上的临床诊治信息 系统 开发方法和功能要求。

  • Abolish the system of exploitation of man by man

    消灭人 剥削人的 制度

  • The paper defines intensive exploitation of mineral resources and approaches to it proposes the fundamental index system of evaluating intensive exploitation of mineral resources and discusses the way to set up measure model of intensive exploitation of mineral resources .

    明确了矿产资源集约化开发利用的定义及其实现途径,提出了其集约化评价的基本指标 体系,在此基础上探讨了矿产资源集约化 开发利用测度模型的建立方法。

  • In this article based on analyses tradition software engineering idea we bring forward an application system of new exploitation means based on requirement commonness and reshipment component .

    摘要在分析传统软件工程思想的基础上,提出了一种新的基于需求共性、数据字典和重用构件的应用 系统 开发方法。

  • The reason is that the system of exploitation of man by man has been abolished and the interests of the people are fundamentally identical .

    这是因为社会主义国家消灭了人 剥削人的 制度,人民的利益在根本上是一致的。

  • An Application System of New Exploitation Means Based on Requirement Commonness Data Dictionary and Reshipment Component

    基于需求共性、数据字典和重用构件的应用 系统 开发方法

  • The purpose of our Party led the people for revolution is to overthrow the old system of exploitation granting the common people their power and maintaining their dignity .

    党领导人民闹革命,就是要推翻旧的 剥削 制度,实现人民当家作主,维护人的尊严。

  • On Support System of Exploitation of School-Based Curriculum

    论校本课程 开发的支持 系统

  • Socialist China eliminated the system of exploitation of man by man thus making it possible for the first time in history for all working people to secure the right to equal economic development .

    社会主义中国消灭了人 剥削人的 制度,从而在历史上第一次使全体劳动者获得在经济上平等发展的权利。

  • Construction of the Evaluation Index System of the Tourism Exploitation Potential of Intangible Cultural Heritage

    非物质文化遗产旅游 开发潜力评估指标 体系的构建

  • The general line in the land reform is to rely on the poor peasants unite with the middle peasants abolish the system of feudal exploitation step by step and in a discriminating way and develop agricultural production .

    土地改革的总路线,是依靠贫农,团结中农,有步骤地、有分别地消灭封建 剥削 制度,发展农业生产。

  • Discussion on the Innovation for the System of Exploitation and Extension of the Forestry Science and Technology in China

    国林业科学技术推广 体系创新之探讨

  • Assessment index system of land exploitation potential in luzhai Guangxi

    广西 鹿寨县土地 开发潜力评价 研究

  • The system phase of exploitation mainly showed the system contact surface development and the procedure code design .

    系统 开发阶段主要说明了系统的界面开发和程序编码的设计。

  • Just as our party was able to lead the people in overthrowing the system of exploitation and transforming society so it will most certainly be able to grasp the laws governing scientific and technical work and lead the people in conquering the heights of world science .

    我们党能够领导人民推翻 剥削 制度,改造社会,也一定能够掌握科学技术工作规律,领导我国人民攀登世界科学高峰。

  • Our policy is to rely on the poor peasants and unite solidly with the middle peasants to abolish the feudal and semi-feudal system of exploitation by the landlord class and by the old-type rich peasants .

    我们的方针是依靠贫农,巩固地联合中农,消灭地主阶级和旧式富农的封建的和半封建的 剥削 制度

  • To sacrifice myself to change the world for the betterment of humanity to fight w_474 against the evil system of exploitation of men by men this is my first and last dream .

    为改善人类生活、变这个世界,反对万恶的人 剥削人的 制度而牺牲自己,是我最初和最终的梦想。

  • Thoughts on Optimizing the System of Sustained Exploitation and Utilization of Natural Resources

    自然资源持续 开发利用 系统的优化构想

  • Abolish the system of feudal exploitation and put into effect the system of land to the tillers .

    除封建 剥削 制度,实行耕者有其田的制度。

  • Study on the System of Computer Aided Exploitation of Petroleum Equipment

    油料装备计算机辅助 开发 系统研究

  • Software system of the oil-field exploitation programming and decision-making

    油田 开发规划决策软件 系统

  • Stipulations in Real Law and other previous prescribed laws and administrative regulations are not perfect the research purpose of this chapter is to establish an all-round legal system of underground exploitation .

    《物权法》及先前的法律法规 地下空间 开发 利用的规定并不完善,本章的研究目的在于建立地下空间 开发 利用的全面的法律 体系