t network

[电] T型网络

  • But the network security t and the network trust mechanism is not fully improved are bottlenecks of the electronic job hunting .

    但是, 网络信任机制不完善、网络的安全 是电子应聘的瓶颈。

  • Construction of S & T Information Network and Resources of Region - County Level

    地市级 科技信息 网络和信息资源建设

  • The Network Structural System and Organization of the AT & T Telecommunication Network

    AT&T的网路体制与 组网模式

  • In this paper an equivalent circuit is proposed for T mutual inductance network .

    本文推导了 T 互感 网络的等效电路,使得含有 T 互感的电路可一次去耦,从而使电路的分析计算大为简化。

  • Nowadays file - downloading is an import an t function in network application .

    在如今的 网络应用中,文件的下载是 重要的功能之一。

  • The notching circuit made of this kind of twin T network can increase the attenuation slop outside the pass-band but decrease signal loss within pass-band .

    采用这种双 T 网络做成的陷波电路,可使通带外的频带衰减陡度增大,而通带内的有效信号损失减小。

  • Design of A Novel T Weighter-capacitance Network of D / A

    一种新颖的 T型D/A电容 网络的设计

  • The principle of feedback extension in T resistance network and the estimation method of measuring parameter are analyzed . The indeterminate of the instrument is discussed .

    T 电阻 网络反馈扩展微弱电流测量原理和测量参数估计方法进行了分析,阐述了该仪器的测量不确定度。

  • Internet access is rather slow while using AT & T 's 2.5G cellular network but fast when the iPhone is connected to a Wi-Fi network .

    在使用 AT&T的2.5G移动 网络时,iPhone的互联网接入速度相当缓慢,但连接到Wi-Fi网络时,其速度很快。

  • Data speeds have been sluggish ; most iPhone users know that high quality video is not something they can expect when using the AT & T mobile network as opposed to a local wireless .

    数据传输速度也十分不理想;大多数iPhone用户都知道,在 美国 电话 电报 公司的网络 环境下,高质量视频通话几乎是不可能的事,而本地无线 网络的表现却相当优秀。

  • The Media Access Protocol for a dynamic T / WDM Network

    一种动态 时分/波分复用 网络的访问控制协议

  • The construction of the Shanghai P & T public information network is the key step for the development of the Shanghai information industry .

    上海 邮电公共信息 网络的建设是上海信息业发展的关键步骤。

  • Design of a Simple T type Matching Network

    一种简易的 T型匹配 网络的设计

  • The Equivalent Circuit of T Mutual Inductance Network and Its Application to the Network Synthesis

    T 互感的去耦等效电路及其在 网络综合中的应用

  • You can access the current AT & T Global IP Network statistics for the WWW backbone with the latency metrics .

    可以访问当前 AT&TGlobalIP Network统计数据,以了解WWW骨干网络的延迟测定数据。

  • Regulation Effect of SHI-re-bi Tablet on T Lymphocyte and Cytokine Network in the Adjuvant-induced Arthritis Rats

    湿热痹片对佐剂性关节炎大鼠 T细胞及细胞因子 网络的调节作用

  • The relationship between the compensation performance and the gain is investigated based on its two-port T network model . And the steady state characteristic curve is obtained .

    基于滤波器的 T 二端口 网络模型,研究了其放大倍数与补偿性能的关系,获得了稳态工作特性曲线;

  • Added a capacitor C_4 respectively two initial twin T network s in the antialias filter of DFS-V seismic acquisition system greatly differ from symmetric twin T network in transfer characteristic .

    DFS-V数字地震仪去假频滤波器的前两级双 T 网络中,由于C4电容的存在,使得对称双T网络的传递特性发生了重大变化。

  • In this approach network nodes files transferred network and their relations are presented as a P / T network system .

    基于统计模型的搭配强度算法存在诸多不足,构建了一种基于 P/T 系统的关系词搭配算法。

  • Objective : To observe the influence of Shi-re-bi Tablet on T lymphocyte and cytokine network in the adjuvant-induced arthritis SD rats .

    结论:湿热痹片通过调节 T细胞及细胞因子 网络平衡而发挥对类风湿关节炎的治疗作用。

  • The Simple Calculation of Liner Source-free T - ⅱ network Equivalent Transformation

    线性无源 T&网络等效变换公式的简单推导

  • Evolution of AT & T Network Management

    AT&T 网络管理技术的演进

  • An Analysis on Parallel File Transfer Through P / T Network System

    P/T 系统分析 网络文件并行传输问题

  • Conclusion : The results show that the development of PPP is related to disorders of red coll immunity and T cell network and disturbance of humoral immunity which finally results in the development of autoimmune .

    结论:PPP的发生与红细胞免疫, T细胞 网络紊乱及体液免疫失调导致自身免疫的发生。

  • Even if the demand for more memory and access to AT & T 's network manages to push the average selling price to $ 650 .

    纵然升级内存和连入 AT&T 网络可以成功将销售均价推升至650美元。

  • Ever since the iPhone was introduced the AT & T network has been regarded as its albatross at least by iPhone fans .

    自iPhone问世以来,美国 电话 电报 公司 网络就一直被认为在拖后腿,至少iPhone粉丝们是这么认为的。

  • Build P & T Internal Integrated Data Network with Multimedia Multiplexer

    利用多媒体复用器建设 邮电局内数据综合

  • This paper describes the influence applied by mechanical resonance frequency of photoelectric theodolite dynamical behaviours . We supply a double T network digital filter approach to eliminate the influence of mechanical resonance frequency .

    分析了经纬仪机械谐振频率对 系统动态特性的影响,阐述了用双 T数字滤波器消除机械谐振频率影响的方法。

  • Based on the introduction of the P & T internal data network in Baoding post office this paper presents the functions and characteristics of multimedia multiplexer .

    文章在介绍保定地区 邮电局内部数据 的基础上,介绍了多媒体复用器的功能与特点。

  • Making the sinusoidal wave to be the signal Source of the home - made resistance and capacity double - T network the frequency characteristic of the network can be obtained by the measuring of peak measure circuit and phase measure circuit .

    再将这种正弦信号作为自制阻容双 T 网络的信号源,并且结合峰值检测电路和相位检测电路,即可得到所测网络的频率特性。