switching theory


  • The paper presents a method to determine equivalent DC impedance and equivalent AC impedance of HVDC converter viewed respectively from DC side and AC side based on switching function theory .

    文中提出了基于 开关函数 理论的HVDC换流器直流等值阻抗和交流等值阻抗计算方法。

  • The main work and contributions in this paper are outlined as follows : The evaluation measurements of switching technology can be categorized into theory analysis and simulation experiments .

    本课题主要包括如下几个方面的工作:■ 交换性能评价方法可分为 理论分析和仿真实验两种。

  • This paper presents the general principle and method of inputing smoothing circuit design in switching power supply which is based on the theory of dual-port network .

    介绍了基于二端口网络的 开关电源输入平波电路设计的一般原理和 方法

  • This paper analyzes code switching based on signal detection theory and manifests the internal relationships between code switching and signal detection theory .

    以信号察觉理论为切入点对语码转换进行初步分析,呈现语码 转换和信号察觉 理论的内在关系。

  • However it is a problem how to exercise those definition and properties in practice . So this paper proposes temporal relational pattern to realize switching from theory of temporal data to practical application . This paper applies theory of rough set to study temporal data mining .

    本文提出的时态关系模式在这方面作了初步研究,在时态数据 理论上的定义、性质和实际应用之间建立了一个 转换的机制,并且运用了粗糙集理论对时态数据挖掘进行了研究。

  • Interpretation of Teacher 's Code - switching From the Perspective of Adaptation Theory

    教师语码 转换的顺应 解释

  • The method of reduce the switching loss is soft switching technology . The switching losses of switching power supply can be reduced to zero In theory .

    降低开关电源的开关损耗的方法主要是软开关技术, 理论上可以将 开关电源的开关损耗降为零。

  • He introduced Boolean algebra in switching theory is the founding father of communication science and performed several experiments related to artificial intelligence .

    申农是许多科学领域的先驱:他在 开关 理论中引入了布尔代数,他是通讯 理论之父,他还做过一些人工智能方面的实验。

  • Again the paper introduces the calculation of network parameters and fuzzy control theory . On this basis switching capacitor control strategy based on fuzzy control theory and optimal thinking was proposed and described in detail .

    再次,本文介绍了电网参数的计算方法和模糊控制思想等,在此基础上提出并详细阐述了基于模糊控制 思想和最优思想的电容器 切控制策略。

  • The neodymium ;: glass laser and Q switching laser are analysed in terms of theory .

    对钕玻璃激光器(非调 Q、调Q)进行了 理论分析。

  • Based on minimal fuel principle the switching curve of ignition is confirmed by using optimization theory and a braking scheme is designed for the process of the lunar probe vertical soft landing .

    针对月球探测器垂直软着陆过程,基于耗燃最优的原则,利用最优化 理论确定了点火 切换曲线.设计出一种制动方案。

  • Besides in order to reduce the overall cost in the long run we build a switching scheme for the two modes . We prove the existence of a optimal switching bound and find the bound based on game theory .

    为了最大化降低总体成本,本文建立了两种模式的最优切换,证明了最优 切换界的存在性并利用博弈 观点求得该切换界。

  • The working mechanism of the dual Q switching is analyzed in theory according to energy levels of the Cr 4 + ∶ YAG and the feature of the compound resonator .

    后者的脉冲 宽度约为前者的三分之一。 理论上,根据Cr4+∶YAG的能级结构和复合腔特点,分析了双调 Q的工作机理;

  • Given the 863 project requirements for the research of performance and key technology of access converge router ( ACR ) this dissertation is devoted to the researches of high speed scheduling algorithm from switching architecture model viewpoint in both theory and implementation .

    本文结合国家863项目大规模接入汇聚路由器(ACR)系统性能与关键技术研究,从 交换结构模型的 角度研究了高速路由器调度算法及其实现技术。

  • To analyze the reasons of reflection crosstalk and the simultaneous switching noise in theory ;

    理论上分析了产生反射、串扰和同步 开关噪声的原因;

  • On the teaching content and teaching methods the idea of switching from theory lecturing oriented to case study oriented is suggested .

    在教学内容和教学方法上,提出应从 理论讲解为中心 转向以案例分析为中心;

  • Exact Solution to the Two-dimensional Ishibashi-Orihara Ferroelectric Switching Theory

    二维铁电 开关的Orihara-Ishibashi 理论的精确解

  • In the chapter 2 rate equation theory oscillator cavity designing theory pumping designing theory the second harmonic generation theory and Q switching theory are generalized .

    在第二章简要地概述了端面抽运固体激光器的速率方程理论、腔设计理论、抽运设计理论、二次谐波理论和调 Q 理论

  • Study Lexical Code - switching from the Perspective of Frame Theory

    从框架 理论看词汇语码 转换

  • However when we investigate the problem of switching network using the knowledge and method of graph theory the issue we have to face is the storage of graph .

    但是,利用 图论中的知识和方法来研究 开关网络的问题时,我们不得不面临的一个问题就是图的存储问题。

  • The explanation of code switching will find its phenomenon theory in the psychology field .

    对于语码 转换的解释在心理学领域可以找到它的现象 原理

  • In this paper the hysteresis switching in adaptive control is applied into the coal-fired power plant boiler drum level and a practical method of hysteresis switching in adaptive control is presented by the combination of theory and engineering .

    本文将滞后切换参数自适应控制策略应用于电站锅炉汽包水位控制, 理论 研究与工程调试相结合,给出了一种符合工程实际的滞后 切换自适应控制方案。

  • Switch system as the most typical of hybrid system Study fault detection problems of switching system will promote the development of the theory of hybrid systems .

    切换系统作为混杂系统中最为典型的一类,研究 切换系统的故障检测问题,将推动混杂系统 理论的发展。

  • To deal with the large model uncertainties of vehicle longitudinal dynamics system a multi-model hierarchical switching control algorithm based on robust control theory was proposed .

    针对汽车纵向动力学模型存在较大不确定性的问题,提出了一种基于鲁棒控制 理论的多模型分层 切换控制方法。

  • Modeling and Stability Analysis of Three-Phase Converter Based on Switching System Theory

    基于 切换系统 理论的三相变流器建模及其稳定性分析

  • Based on Lyapunov stability theory and switching system theory observer-based state feedback control law is designed . The linear matrix inequality conditions are established by Matlab Toolbox .

    依据李雅普诺夫稳定性理论和 切换系统 理论设计基于观测器的状态反馈控制律,获得利用Matlab工具箱求解的线性矩阵不等式条件。

  • With the command of the global optimization the local red-green switching system is controlled using fuzzy control theory .

    将其应用于城市交通红 绿灯智能控制系统中实现全局优化控制,并在此基础上形成调度指令,利用模糊控制的 方法 实现 交叉路口的红绿灯控制。

  • The second is literature review at home and abroad was reviewed including theme park tourism and Consumer brand switching theory .

    第二章是国内外相关文献综述,主要包括国内外主题公园旅游研究综述,消费者品牌 转换 理论研究综述。

  • This paper analyses the basic character of layer 3 switching technologies and parses the sort the theory of working and the way of configuring VLAN with it .

    分析了第三层 交换技术基本特征,解析了三层 交换技术分类、工作 原理及实现配置VLAN的方法。